Things that you will NEVER include in your game, or hope to never see in another's.
Rusty Wrote:Male main character who under 18 year is big no no for me. Especially when they said " Justice always win"
Arrrgh i don't want to see it in any game.

Note: I don't mind Random Encounter as long you have choice to increase or reduce the encounter, like potion in tales series.

I completely agree. I think that ages 18 and 16 are too typical in an RPG game.
Random Enconters are fine when you do it right. High encounter rates no. If you going to do that make an accessory that allows high encounter rates if you want to grind like that.
I can think of one SNES Games that did ithis right.

Eternal Filena did this right. There was an accessory that had an effect that increased the encounter drasticly but only if you equipped it.

However i agree with Useless Status Effects The Final Fantasy Series is notorius with having quite a lot of useless status effects especially 6.

Though there is one thing that should not be allowed. Joke Characters Seriously don't unless either their storyline is part of a sidequest which improves their power or part of the plot.
I will never force the player to go through a long dungeon with no save in sight with a boss at the end *coughFFIIIDScough* because one little thing can cause them to die, and then they'll have to play that WHOLE thing again, only to DIE again. That's why I haven't finished that game yet.

That's all I can think of right now.....
Any time I'm playing a game and I feel like my personal skill level doesn't really matter, that pretty much ruins it for me right there. I like challenging games, but not when it becomes a matter of trial and error. This happens in a lot of games when you select a high difficulty setting. I like playing on hard mode, or very hard mode, or even holy-shit-this-is-hard mode as long as it doesn't feel "cheap." . Like in the MGS series, there's an enormous difference between easy and hard. But it's not just how much HP the enemies have, or the abundence of health items and ammo that changes, it also makes the AI "smarter." I don't mind dying a few times if I can say "oh okay, you got me fair n square" I just hate when I die a few times and I feel like I got screwed over. I recently played Bioshock for the first time, and I selected hard mode from the begninning because I kick ass at FPS games. I played for like 45 mins or an hour and I thought "This game sucks, I quit." But then I tried it on normal mode, and then I actually had ammo and stuff and I thought "Well this games okay, I guess"
So I guess that's one of my major peeves. I expect hard mode to be hard, sure.. But if it's just artificially difficult they should call it frustrating mode.
thenix Wrote:Any time I'm playing a game and I feel like my personal skill level doesn't really matter, that pretty much ruins it for me right there. I like challenging games, but not when it becomes a matter of trial and error. This happens in a lot of games when you select a high difficulty setting. I like playing on hard mode, or very hard mode, or even holy-shit-this-is-hard mode as long as it doesn't feel "cheap." . Like in the MGS series, there's an enormous difference between easy and hard. But it's not just how much HP the enemies have, or the abundence of health items and ammo that changes, it also makes the AI "smarter." I don't mind dying a few times if I can say "oh okay, you got me fair n square" I just hate when I die a few times and I feel like I got screwed over. I recently played Bioshock for the first time, and I selected hard mode from the begninning because I kick ass at FPS games. I played for like 45 mins or an hour and I thought "This game sucks, I quit." But then I tried it on normal mode, and then I actually had ammo and stuff and I thought "Well this games okay, I guess"
So I guess that's one of my major peeves. I expect hard mode to be hard, sure.. But if it's just artificially difficult they should call it frustrating mode.

Or survivor mode, cause you get less of everything and more of enemies.
Well if the point of a survivor mode is to see how long you make it before dying or whatever I guess that's okay, but when there's a mode that asks you to do the same thing as the normal mode but w/ a million enemies and no ammo that sucks so bad. I also hate when a game has one or two parts that seem overly difficult compared to the rest even on the same difficulty setting. Like near the end of MGS4 when you're infiltrating Outer Haven right before you fight Laughing Octopus, you have to sneak so hard or else you're screwed cuz the alert never goes away on that level and there's a million billion soldiers and GEKKOs and crap. I almost never retry more than 3 times in a row, even on games I really love, so when I get to a part like that it frustrates me so bad cuz I wanna get past it to the parts I actually like. And of course any time you have to retry and you didn't get a checkpoint or whatever for a long time, so you have to alllll the way back to the beginning of the level, that's enough to make me quit right there sometimes. The difficulty has to be balanced. I like feeling like "Aha! Gotcha bitch!" once I beat a challenging segment of a game, not like "Thank god, finally!"
Random Encounters - I don't mind random encounters under two conditions. First, I will not play a game for long if I'm fighting enemies every few steps. That is just plain frustrating, especially for people like me who check every corner of a map before leaving. Secondly, there should be some variation in enemies. Random encounters aren't horrible as long as you're not fighting the same thing over and over and over. Overall, I prefer systems where you can see your enemies, but I don't mind random encounters either. :)

Main character death = game over - Actually, that's a very interesting twist in my opinion. It makes the player use more strategy. Not only do you have defeat enemies, but you also have to keep a certain character alive. I'm sure it can be frustrating at times, but I would personally like to see it more.

Unskippable Cutscenes - Annoying, but they can act as a punishment, so I'm kind of neutral on this. :P

Useless Status Effects - I agree that this is horrible. But what bothers me more is when you have multiple useless status effects that do the exact same thing. XD

Corny Dialogue - This makes me want to slam my head into a wall. If I hear a character say "We have to save the world!" I feel like punching whoever decided that was a good line. Seriously, I understand the appeal of being a little cliché at times but I will not tolerate it with dialogue. If I play a game with corny dialogue you will hear about it when I'm doing a critique. :|
Well first I will approach the things others have already mentioned.

Random encounters: I don't mind this but as many other people have stated it is a pain in the neck when it is every two steps.

Main character death = game over: This is another one that needs to be done correctly. SMT: LC gave me the shlips when my main character died all the time because he would effectively be the first that all enemies charge at. Also if this is included in the game then no insta death moves please! Insta gameover sucks

Useless Status Effects: Ah yes like FFX-2. Seriously hit x over and over again was the best strategy in that game in most fights, even bosses. Also the status effect pointless. Really why include this. It's nothing but annoying. Especially if you run out of Holy waters.

Un-skippable Cut-scenes: I'm with guardian on this. It's the price you have to pay.

Corny Dialogue: Ah yes nearing the end of rough galaxy. Seriously though I liked that game till I got up to Eden. What horrid plot and dialogue did that throw at you outside every cliche in the book to a major corny degree.

Difficulty leaps: If it's an optional side quest fair enough but sudden leaps in difficulty for the storyline are a pain. reminds me of Assassins creed.

Long time, no save[/b: I despised this over anything especially with the above and the end of the dungeon has a sudden leap in difficulty. Sure dungeon crawlers you sometimes expect an entire dungeon without a save but not when the dungeon takes a good hour to work through.

[b]Joke Characters
: Honestly this is another thing that can be done either good or bad. For instance Destroy All Humans 1 and 2 used this quite effectively. The third one was utter crap. I wish I knew Pandemic ad no part in the third installment before purchasing. As just like the movie Coraline where it didn't involve Tim Burton DAH3 was a major disappointment. Spoof games are a very large no no.

The young hero: I have no complaint with the 16 to 18 year old male hero as it helps the target audience (usually that age and gender) relate to the main character. What I hate is that never do the characters escape with trauma, the fact that when they've never wielded a sword before in their life they can suddenly swing it like a master swordsman or the fact that they never seem to have any self doubt what so ever. Seriously I'm 20 and I still sit in my chair for an hour thinking that there's a good chance I will never get anywhere in life. Some people hate Tidus as a main character in FFX because of his likelihood to fret of minor things and cry at the concept of Yuna dying. Honestly he was the most believable main character I've played in a long time.

Ultimate super dooper total annihilation special skills or spells: I hate these if there is no way to protect against them.When using them they are also irritating because you usually can use said move multiple times.

Mega death at the start of a fight: I hate battles that require you to have a guide to pass the first time. For instance Yunalesca in FFX. Kill it's second form and it's third form will instantly cast Mega death. There was nothing to tell me it would do this. How the hell am I supposed to survive that? I hate starting a battle all over because there are no clues of the enemies sudden desire to whip you out when you've been beating it with total ease.

The thing I hate most of all though is:

Leet Speek: No video game should ever include LOL, ROFL, LMAO, OMG or BYO. (Ok I put the last one in there for no real reason) Seriously I hate these enough in text messages. (me and me mates use LLOL, Literally laughing out loud, because people who put lol usually aren't actually laughing.")

That's all folks.

ps High everyone, nice to meet yahs.
Hi there! Welcome to the forums. :3

Ultimaodin Wrote:Some people hate Tidus as a main character in FFX because of his likelihood to fret of minor things and cry at the concept of Yuna dying. Honestly he was the most believable main character I've played in a long time.
I'll try not to go into a tangent here, but I wanted to thank you for saying this. While I realize that the whining can get annoying, people should realize that these are traumatic things happening. This kid just got pulled out of his world after watching it get attacked and crumble to the ground and you expect him to be all right with that? The fact that the makers of FFX actually took the time to show his distress (and the problems of the other characters) is one of the reasons I adore FFX over all the other Final Fantasies.
great thread, people can learn a thing or two from here. :o)

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