Home Made Meals
Home Made Meals

Not all of us go to a restaurant daily and we have to rely on ourselves of a family member or a friend to cook us a wonderful meal. Home-cooked meals give off a homey feeling that is irreplacable. Don't you remember that smell of grandma's pie, or the taste of mom's meatloaf. Regarding home-cooked meals:

Some ideas
  • What is the best/worst home-cooked thing you have had?
  • What is the best/worst home-cooked meal you have cooked?
  • What is the most exotic food you have cooked?
  • Do you have any fond memories of your family cooking?
  • Does your family have any secret recipes?
  • What kind of food do you/family cook?
  • Do you have any odd/funny stories involving a home-made meal?

This thread foils with the resturaunt thread. If you have any other question/stories to add, please feel free to do so as my list isnt the greatest. Post some pictures as well. It could be something you have cooked or baked.
1: the best thing i have ever had was meatloaf muffins made by my mom and me , and the worst was when i tryed to cook eggs for the first time .
2:The best home cooked meal was meatloaf muffins, om the worst was probably the eggs i made too .
3: om turkey
4: om i remeber they thanksgiving of 2008 because i spilled the potatos onto the green beans .
5: no secret recipies (that i know of)
6: we cook a little bit of everything
7: non that i want to tell :)
best thing i have had which was home made, its burnt eggs!!!
yep my specialty!
My aunt's asparagus casserole. I don't know what it is. I wouldn't eat asparagus otherwise, but when it's in that casserole, it is something else. She has to make like, 3 pans full of it because at thanksgiving everyone devours it too quickly. The younger ones don't tend to like it so it's become a bit of a "rite of passage" to start eating the coveted casserole!
What is the best/worst home-cooked thing you have had?
Oh god. Worst thing ever cooked for me, ever:
Natto Meatloaf

What is the best/worst home-cooked meal you have cooked?
Um. Probably some cupcakes that came from a box.

What is the most exotic food you have cooked?
I don't cook a lot (at all), but I remember making this:
[Image: gravlaxstepnine.jpg]

It's pretty delicious, actually.

Do you have any fond memories of your family cooking?
Ah, yes. My mother's experimental dishes that tasted like heaven on Earth half the time. The other half? It was like sucking the devil's teat in the ninth circle of hell. So bad that I have to resort to similes to demonstrate the sheer, putrid, disgusting nature of the, in title only, 'foodstuffs.'

Does your family have any secret recipes?
Not at all, but my mom makes the best apple/cranberry pie evar. (Because it's the only one I've ever eaten)

What kind of food do you/family cook?

Asian food, Italian food, all sorts of food.

Do you have any odd/funny stories involving a home-made meal
Yeah, I think I mentioned it above. Natto. Meatloaf.
what is that called, the one in the picture?
computerwizoo7 Wrote:what is that called, the one in the picture?

Gravlax, "a Scandinavian dish consisting of raw salmon, cured in salt, sugar, and dill." I'm getting pretty hungry, thinking about it...

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