Samven's Assorted Doodlewriting stuffz
I can wholeheartedly promise you all that no lager was consumed in the creation of these writings.

The first one's about something very specific and if you guess what it is then you get a pretzel. The second is what happens when my class professor asks me to write deep and meaningful poetry.

Enjoy. :3

Anonymous Emotion

That face should mean she’s happy,
But she’s got that twinge-y smirk on that says I’ve done something.
Now, I play the voice in my head a few times and she sounds close to laughter,
But a few notes sounded a bit irritated.
Then again, she didn’t stress them, so maybe she’s just making a bit of fun…
Hrm. I don’t know. The body language seems a bit tense.
That said, she’s not clenching her fists, so it can’t be that bad.
Can’t see her feet, though. Some people clench those. Or, I do at least.
Okay, she’s tapping a foot and a sarcastic eyebrow’s been raised…
Is she expecting something?
Can’t be, I checked the calendars. All six of them. Including the one on my hand.
Just noticed, her head’s tilted a bit. I don’t do that, so what does that mean?

Oh, forget it; “What have I done now?”


Bagels are like the apocalypse.
Just like there's a hole in the cosmos,
They're a meal with a hole.
If the world is a meal
What is devouring it?
They said it was giants, which I could believe as a child if I wasn't one myself.
I say it's apathy.
"The world's gone down the pan,"
"My money's gone down the plughole,"
"All these immigrants are stealing our jobs,"
"Things aren't what they used to be,"
No, things aren't what they used to be.
If things were what they used to be, we'd still be living in the Stone Age
And we'd never have gotten around to thinking up the Ragnarok,
Let alone pound coins or excuses that foreigners are stealing our jobs
When the truth is you're just too bone idle to pick work that's "beneath you".
Some of us would mud-wrestle a frost giant for a job in retail right about now!

Wait a minute - I didn't butter this thing.
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

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Awesome. XD
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I'll enclose the links to my personal site as the stories themselves are way, way too big to post up here. XD

The Iron Gods

Here’s an action-heavy short story that I wrote about two years ago, written as the beginning of a complete steampunk tale. I wanted to be really experimental with this one and try my hand at a deconstruction by portraying an evil empire as morally grey and the badass action heroine as a self-righteous adrenaline junkie.

Also, there’s a scene where our brave heroine punches a robotic god in the face. No, I’m not capable of writing anything boring. Where’s the fun in that?

Uncle Jack

Originally written as a piece of my university coursework, Uncle Jack is a series of short, alternate history chapters from an intended book about King Arthur coming back to life to fight Nazi’s and sword-fight Hitler on a motorbike. What more do you need to know?
3DS Friend Code: 3411-1039-9335
(Add me for teh pokeymanz and barvely deefalt!)

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