The Weekly Gazette 09-22-2024
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(September 16 to September 22, 2024)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette! Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area
Announcements and Updates
Early this week, DerVVulfman announced that the forum experienced some Minor Changes and There Were More to Come, initially showing off a couple new forum BBCodes that people could use. And then announced the then-pending removal of the star-rating system which no one ever seems to use. And after that, annoucned that the work on the RPG Maker Central archive was still ongoing, boasting over 330 scripts. This while the separation of the Ruby-based script threads for their individual engines boards continues.

General Chat
It appears the assassination attempts on Trump is still on the mind of some people, Remi-chan thinking the idea of killing any candidate during an election is moronic, and suggests dictatorial rule thereafter. She does have a preference between the current U.S. candidates running, not that she has much faith between the two, Is this giving her some new story ideas for her characters?

Early this week, the News of the World still talked about the would-be assassin of Former President Trump, that he was known by FBI, Interpol, worried Ukraine officials, and others, politicians worldwide appalled that it was attempted, and NPR (National Public Radio) worried such attempts may cause distrust with the mainstream media. Since then, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to boost protection to any Presidential candidates. But what hit the news was the surprise Pager attack in Lebanon against Hezbollah with 8 killed and nearly 3000 injured. It turned out the cell phones were all made in China, revealing a literal vulnerability in the supply chain. Whilst Hezbollah rockets responded by firing rockets into Capernaum, Israel responded with missile strikes hitting the launchers themselves. Iran's influence in the area continues to grow as Saudi Arabia's diplomat condemns both Iran and the Houthis and admonishes the Biden administration. This as Iran moves both Hamas and Houthis forces into Iraq The war between Ukraine and Russia continues as Putin demanded nearly 200,000 more troops added to his army. And while Zelensky works to get more munitions in the US while Ukraine continues the Kursk offensive and blows up another Russian Arm Depot, Russia strikes another civilian apartment complex. But Russia won't be satisfied, activating its nuclear submarine fleet, skirting U.S. airspace around Alaska, sending military planes to encircle Japan, and making the EU nervous about any upcoming offensive by Putin against allies. Human trafficking is still a worldwide issue, the EU expected to face 1 Million asylum applications, the UK hit with 10,000 illegal migrants crossing the channel since the Labour Party took control, Panama finding an uptake in Chinese migrant crossings, and a witness went before the U.S. Congress and blasted the Biden/Harris administration for intentional violating the Constitution and Federal Immigration Laws. Some countries are working to stem that as the Netherlands demands to opt out of EU's Mass Migration policies, followed by Hungary. And UK's Prime Minister is looking at Italy as a model, Italy leveling penalties on illegal trafficking and creating tougher asylum guidelines. Venezuelan's Tren de Aragua Gang labeled a Foreign Terrorist group by Texas Governor Abbott, A serial rapist out for 'good behavior thanks to Kamala Harris's Proposition 57 (not 47), a $100 Million bounty on Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro, Mexico's President blaming the Biden Administration of igniting the Sinaloa Cartel Turf War, a Sword from Pharaoh Ramses II’s Army uncovered, the recovery of a stolen Winston Churchill painting in Italy, the family of the Blackfoot Nation's Chief (the face the Washington Redskins for 46 years) demanding it restored, and over forty other articles hit this week's news.
Reduced from 37.2K words to 443

Tech Talk
This week's News of the Cyber World was focused on censorship, the so-titled EU Censorship Czar known for threatening Musk to censor the Musk/Trump live interview has now quit over how the EU is being governed. And was a man in Cuba was just sentenced to 30 months in prison for sharing anti-regime memes among his family. Vehicle issues hit the news, G.M. recalling nearly half a million cars manufactured in 2023 for faulty brake fluid indicators, and California firefighters found it needed 50,000 gallons (189,000 liters) of water and overhead fire retardant to put out a Tesla EV Big Rig Semi that was driving (ironically) to Sparks, Nevada. More headaches hit Google during its trial as internal documents showed hwo they made exclusivity deals to maintain their monopoly whilst charging 27% more than any other service. Facebook banning RT (Russia Today) and other sites known to peddle disinformation, the FTC commissioner warning the Biden-Harris Administration may target Conservative tech platforms, Lionsgate Pictures going AI despite the recent wave of anti-AI Hollywood strikes, the notorious Three-Mile-Island nuclear plant reopening, and more hit this week's news.

There has been a large amount of activity among Chinese Hackers, hackers breaking into engineering firms that work with energy, utility, private and aerospace. And then there are hackers formerly charged by the U.S government for espionage against NASA and the military services. And others charged alongside Russian entities for wire-fraud, conspiracy, identity theft and computer intrusion. And the U.S's FBI disrupted China's Flax Typhoon hacking group's attempt to create a bot net, the infection of multiple devices to create a hidden network for their use to target corporations and critical infrastructures nationwide.

Games Development
Development Discussion
Things slowed down for Remi-chan as she's been visiting the world of Azeroth, grinding her characters in World of Warcraft. But to ask her What's up in RMing, she is still working, updating and making concise the lines of dialogue within her game as two screenshots revealed.

Complete Projects
It is the time of the renaissance of magic within the mystical fairy kingdom, but a threat to beauty and nature had surfaced, threatening to cover all the lands. Now it is time for Princess Claire to gather her courage in her attempt at Restoring Falmay. Starmage's entry into the MorteEternal's RPGMaker RTP Fantasy Jam with the challenge to use only the official RTP, she creates an imaginitve world of light that her heroine and friends must save everything from everlasting shadow.

Material Development
Scripts Database
Of special note, the number of script threats connected to multiple engines has been reduced to less than 100.

Creativity Section
Music and Audio
For those working upn a cyberpunk game, Eric Matyas released a new track within his Original Music and Sound FX thread. This week, "Cyberpunk Stories" makes an appearance. A highly energetic and kinetic work, Eric suggests it for title screens, though it may work for fairly active cutscenes. And do recall that Eric has higher-quality Ogg Music packs, he having recently released his Music Mega Pack containing over 1100 tracks of his video game music.

Remi-chan has other games under her belt, and others still being worked upon. And of those still being produced, she chose to release the Official Junked OST. Composed by TriaDev, or Triatic, Remi-chan released seven tracks from the game score, the first few of these revolving around her central characters, children who find themselves in a world so alien, only to discover the inescapable truth.

Art and Design
Decisions, decisions, decisions. Looking upon [Thread=8230]Remi-chan's Neato Arty thread thing, and you will find Remi somewhat indecisive. Two quickly drafted ideas for her next illustrative work are now visible, but she is unsure if to chose the full frontal that struck her fancy or the ambitious sideview angled pose.

Literature Section
This week, blast into Remi-chan's Writing Snippets~ as she reveals a portion of gaming universe is facing armageddon. Surely messing with arcane forces would not have drawbacks, or so someone thought. However, hand gestures and messing with the cosmic weave disrupted the orbits of Terra's moons, and it is up to the three heroic sisters of Fantasia to set things right.

Well, that's it for this week.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock." - Will Rogers


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette. The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked). Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like.

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

Regularly posted 12am (EST) (between Sunday & Monday) based on U.S. Daylight Savings,
4am Monday (UTC), 10pm Sunday(CST/MDT), 6pm Sunday (HST), 6am Monday (CEST), 2pm Monday (AEST) observing daylight savings
5am Monday (UTC), 11pm Sunday(CST), 6pm Sunday (HST), 7am Monday (CET), 3pm Monday (AEST) Not observing daylight savings
Up is down, left is right and sideways is straight ahead. - Cord "Circle of Iron", 1978 (written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn... really...)

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