05-29-2014, 03:34 AM
to Version 8.9
to Version 8.9
Okay.... how often can I make these updates? Mwahahaha!!!!
First, I have to apologize as an error cropped up within the 'update_enemy_respawn' method in the 2nd page of the ABS Engine. I accidentally made events reappear on coordinates X/X rather than X/Y. Um... my bad? I fixed by using respawn_coord[0]&[1] rather than [0]&[0]. Granted, it could confuse players a lot when it comes to where they respawn, but that wasn't the intent. And another error cropped up within the 'update_enemy_respawn_enemy_delay' method. Dang missing question marks! So a very simple fix to turn a nil into a nil? was performed.
You can do these fixes on lines 267 and 277 respectively within the 3b page, or just replace the whole 3b page. Hey, that's all there is with the ABS engine being fixed.
Now for my latest endeavors in breaking the Sprite Code page into smaller and more manageable pieces.
Methods rewritten... ugh.... I forgot that I had to replace the 'update' method within the Sprite_Character class, but what could I do? The whole method was one long sucker and what I needed to insert was in the middle. Well, if anyone needs to add something new to the method, I have just broken it down into very tiny chunks, and I mean total slice and dice.
Interesting enough, I didn't have to pass variables between these new methods, so the designers of the default system must have been slipping. I made methods that checked for character refresh, separate methods that drew tiles or sprites, drew the proper animation frame, set the character's appearance and etc... all as individual modules. As of now, this should make it easier to add new code.
I didn't even TOUCH the Sprite_Duplicate class, though I could. I mean it was partially based on the Sprite_Character class, so it wouldn't take much (if any) effort.
But I did perform a very modest bit of cleanup on the Sprite_Battler class.
The Sprite_Mouse methods I added to my own 'Mousie' system was fun. I branched off individual methods that deal with the drawing/replaceing of the mouse cursor if the mouse is over any event, and I extracted some code that hendled the autobattle feature, making the mouse_pressed method appear more clean.
Then I went and targeted the Spriteset_Map, taking out small chunks from the initialize and update methods I previously aliased.
And I went after my Spriteset_Minimap addition that lets it use MiniMap DVV. Besides shortening the 'create_mmap_lycan_additions' method, I divided the 'create_events_list' method into smaller components that handle companion display.
* * *
Oh, and since I went after the Sprite_Character class, I decided to look at both Frank's MultiPose Charactersets and The Lycan ABS Paperdoll System, and guess what? These two systems that rewrote the update method in the Sprite_Character class had quite a bit cut out!
For Frank, I merely rewrote the 'update_sprite_character' and 'update_character_frame' methods from my new Sprite_Character class code while keeping the new update_direction_8 method. And for the paperdoll system, I used a new 'update_refresh_character' method and a totally different 'update_sprite_character' method with the script's collection of equipment changing code.
This shortened both add-ons quite a bit.