I've been so busy its been hard for me to even find time to post!
The other day while going over concept notes, I started writing myself script requests for what I'll be needing for the game, so I'll be working on Kain's requests while Kain is busy... doing whatever that slacker does lol
While Kain was busy, I got down to handling the advanced timer he's been wanting! I told him "No dude, I really want to finish that
Limited Carry w/ Inventory Cache concept before I take on a stupid timer script," and he was like "Well you're out of practice, do something simple first," and so I listened to myself... I mean, my 'boss', and did what he asked.
The advanced timer script I actually took from an earlier test bed I made, 2007-ish, but my job was to make it the best damn timer script ever; reverse and forward time calculation, optional millisecond display, colors for 'normal' and "holy shit you're almost out of time" time, option to run and display outside of battle and map, option to where, if you run out of time, the battle
doesn't end, aaaand... oh yeah, the bastard wanted me to add an optional background bitmap to it too, as well as an irritatingly cool feature to where you can set it on whatever corner/edge of the map quickly according to numpad (7 is upper left, 8 is top, 9 is upper right, etc.)
So I worked on that for a little while and things are going good, but upon adding all these ridiculous features now I've got a mis-timing bug to fix. Yeah, it'll get done, the boss makes sure I'm well fed (sometimes) so as long as he don't beat me that's all that I can ask for... and I'm thankful :D
Meanwhile he asked the art department to whip him up a couple neat elemental transitions, which I've got done! Well, half of them anyways, and a couple he didn't explicitly ask for but is happy with! So far I've done fire burning down the screen, a lightning strike, one called "Snowblind" in tribute to Black Sabbath which basically is like snow blowing off of the screen in a radial pattern, um... blood trickling down the screen, blood down the screen + bats, rippling radial water, shattered glass and an earthquake one that splits the screen.
With half of these transitions set up, the boss went ahead and tested around with them, now he's doing a 2 color scheme (like orange and red for fire) for the transitions. I thought he would leave me alone for a little bit, but he turned around and barked the order to "make me a script that does this crap all automatic-like, I'm going to use them for custom boss transitions!" I looked at him with eyes of an orphan child and he responded like "AND FORGET LUNCH!" I thought he was going to throw a potted plant at me but he didn't... and I got back to work ;D
Speaking of which, I work my
other job today, the one that actually pays me in money. I'm going to sneak away from the boss's unpaid overtime on the timer script and catch some ZzZ's, be back tomorrow!