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Save-Point - Awesome unique Sideview-Battle-System!


Full Version: Awesome unique Sideview-Battle-System!
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Hello everyone,

I`ve been working with RMXP for a few years now
and in all the games I`ve played yet, none of the battle-systems blew my
mind. Therefore I developed the concept for a new Sideview-BS. As I`m
unable of scripting (but working on it...), it would be great if someone
helped me to create this script.

I`ll give you a brief impression of what the BS is about:

The BS is based on Minkoff`s-Animated-Battlers-Script, enhanced by "Der Wulfman", which can be found here: Minkoff.
Instead of using the actor`s shield as part of the equipment, the
shields now have their own HP and will protect the actor as long as
their HP is higher than zero. Same goes for enemies. Together with some
special skills, the fights will become much more tactical than in other

This is just a brief description of the script. I don`t want
to post everything here by now, but the script will be accessible for
anyone once it is build into my game. If you feel like you are able to
script this, pleas PM me and I`ll send you the full description and
pseudo-code. I know that this is not easy to do, but it`s worth it,
believe me. Thanks in advance!
Not really a Battle system script now is it. I mean adding hp to shields really isnt much of a Battle system all on its own. more like a feature.

-Im not a scripter; but I thought that was worth mentioning.
I guess the definition of it as a feature ore an own Battle-System depends on how you make use of the script. Together with some skills like "Bodyguard" (and more), it really adds complexity to the fights.

Well, I guess I should`ve called it a feature, sounds like less effort ;)
So a shield (or virtually any other piece of armor could) have a durability value. This value would need to be carried over after battle, whether the player un-equips that shield... gives it to another person to use... re-equips it.... etc. The problem inherit with your request is that there is no system in the RPGMaker line that creates individual instances of any weapon or armor piece. No HP stat or durability value, though a number of scripters have tried to create breakable weapons and armor systems.

Within a game such as Morrowwind, Oblivion and Skyrim (the Elder Scrolls Line by Bethesda Softworks), you can establish durability to these objects as each time you buy one, it is an individual unit and is tracked. There is no tracking of a shield or sword in RPGMaker. That is, you cannot have a singular Bronze shield that is different from another in the database unless you create two different Bronze shields (ie 0001: Bronze, 0002: Bronze). That being the case, you could use up all 999 Armor units in the database very quickly. There is that, and you could have an item and equipment list filled with repetitive shields ( Shield 4HP, Shield 140HP, Shield 200HP, Shield 200HP, .... ) I understand you could combine like shields in a menu such as the 200HP units I described, but you can see the problem.

As you may tell, I too have put in requests of a similar nature. However, I had not found a system I deemed stable enough for my standards.
I see your point, would it be possible to store the shield`s HP in one variable for each shield, with the adjustment that no shield exists twice at the same time? If there is only one shield of each type at a time, there wouldn`t be a need for tracking it.

What I mean by that is: Actor is equipped with Bronze Shield. When the actor talks to a salesman, he says something like "You already have a shield. I can`t sell another Bronze Shield to you". When the shield is broken and removed from the equipment, you are able to buy it again and reset the HP-variable to max. By re-equipping the shield, you don`t change the HP-variable of it, so that should work (I guess). The moment you use shield-healing-items you have to change the HP of course.

Just a few thoughts, please let me know what you think about it.
I worked on a 'unique item' script entitled Skyla's Unique Items back in 2007. Never posted it because it was a request. But... HAHA... that was how long ago? But it didn't afford you eliminating or breaking the item (POSSIBLE TO CREATE). AND... I think it would be a pain in its current state to use. Still... you need an HP/Durability script. And a BUTTLOAD of patience adding in each.
Could you send me the 'unique items ' script (if Skyla allowed other people to use it)? It propably won't work out for me, but having a look at it might help me learn scripting.
No Prob. Expect a PM. Just remember, it is old. But I started inserting plenty o' instructions even back then.