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  The Weekly Gazette 09-10-2023
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 09-11-2023, 05:00 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

[Image: Gazette.png]

(September 4 to September 10, 2023)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette! Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area
New to the forum and new to the community at large is LegionBreaker. He figures he will be more the quiet type, but may wish to join in a conversation if it peaks his interest. Greeted he was this week by DerVVulfman who pointed out a few skills of which he may have talent.

General Chat
It appears the it is a season for games to be on sale, and they again appear to be What's on the mind of kyonides. And finding games on GOG may appeal to some as he did remind that you need not be on Steam, or tracked by Steam, to play these classic games. But now he has some new games, including some sandbox games, to entertain him for some weeks if not months.

The things one may find if you ask the right person the question of "What are YouTubing?" may garner a real laugh. For this week, DerVVulfman found that someone recreated a classic Tom & Jerry cartoon with characters from a popular action Gatcha game.

This week, the News of the World was saddened by the thousands that died and were injured in the disastrous Morocco Earthquake. The war between Ukraine and Russia continues as Putin establishes deals with Turkey as he blows up Ukraine's ports. But Russia ousted by Cuba, finding that Russia was promoting fake construction jobs and coercing Cubans to fight in their armies. The phrase Islamic Extremism is frowned upon, but a Mosque in Birmingham was found to preach the stoning of women and waging Jihad, a group linked to ISIS was busted in Austria, and Pakistan was attacked by Afghani terrorists with the weapons the Biden Administration left behind in the disastrous 2021 evacuation. Within the U.S, Illegal Immigration is a hotbed as NYC's mayor says the city will be destroyed by it while funding a housing project for those that have illegally entered. But little is being done to stop the flow, the Biden administration launching a hiring initiative for illegal aliens and attempting to slip amnesty for all illegals into legistlation. Chinese Nationals busted over 100 times entering sensitive U.S. sites, Biden's recent gaffs in Vietnam over the Robin Williams movie, over 1600 scientists including Nobel Lauriets criticizing and challenging climate change rhetoric, an Appeals Court ruling the Biden Administration did violate free speech, and much more hit this week's news.

Tech Talk
This week's News of the Cyber World found that the contact-less payment system for New York subways is susceptible to creditcard abuse. And both the Gemini North and South Telescopes used by NOIRLab and smaller telescopes in Cerro Tolodo Chile were shut down by cyber-attacks. Criticism over Tesla's proposed Cybertruck and a bank in the U.K. refusing business over political beliefs also hit this week's cybernews.

Games Development
Development Discussion
If you were curious What's up with the forum's RMers, DerVVulfman has been working upon the windows-like control system, fixing issues he has with his icon-based list system. He returned later stating he fixed most of the issues, and provided a list of commands that can manipulate the list's appearance. Meanwhile, Remi-chan presents early stages of the next game she has planned while waiting for some resources for her current work. With two youtube videos, you can see that flight is highly stressed in the game and uses both keyboard movement and mouse targeting in another bullet-hell system.

Material Development
Scripts Database
Early this week, DerVVulfman created the Aleworks Input Mouse Sprite Add-On, a script that allows one to use a custom sprite cursor for Alework's AIM system. By creating its own sprite, it solves an issue with the mouse cursor vanishing when entering fullscreen mode. However, DerVVulfman returned to the script at the end of the week to deal with a visual issue, removing the sprite's visibility if the mouse cursor is no longer over the game screen.

To fulfull another request, kyonides revisited Falkoner to offer users the ability to use the same key command to activated and deactivate your scouting avian.

Resource Requests
Earlier this week, kyonides was in search of a Balloon Sprite for RPGMaker XP, one that had the same basic dimensions as a traditional RTP sprite. It wasn't long before he reported he was directed to two other sites that contained RPGMaker XP resources; PandaMaru's Website and HungryMouse's Resources.

Creativity Section
Music and Audio
Even more low-fidelity versions of Eric Matyas's Original Music is Shared this week. A revised edition of "The Island of Dr. Sinister", slow and sinister the melody while the wood percussion block taps hectically. And the lo-fi edition of "More Freaky Things This Way Come" may make one thing they're at a Pink Floyd concert gone horribly wrong.

Art and Design
If you need some more wood textures, look no further than the Massive Library of Free Images by Eric Matyas. This week he added two more artistic wood textures, the first being a set of yellowish wood planks that have some vertical scarring while the second being a pale wood crosscut with dark grains and reddish mottling.

Well, that's it for this week.

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette. The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked). Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like.

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

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  Aleworks Input Mouse Sprite Add-On
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 09-04-2023, 10:35 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (2)

<For use with Aleworks Input Mouse 2.03>
Version: 1.2


This script is an add-on to vgvgf's AleWorks Input Module (or AIM for short).

While the AIM system was relatively complete and let one use their system's mouse, entering full-screen mode with RPGMaker XP would eliminate the mouse sprite. Essentially, you would only have the default system sprite while in a windowed mode.

This system does not allow you to use the system mouse while in full-screen mode. Rather, it erases/hides the system mouse sprite upon execution, and replaces the sprite with one within a new Graphics\Mouse folder which can be cached. Said sprite will be visible in both full-screen and windowed modes.

  • Hides the old mouse cursor
  • Creates a new Sprite_Mouse class which generates a new mouse cursor
  • The new mouse will be visible in both full-screen and windowed modes
  • Tracks the mouse within the Input module for simple menu use


A screenshot? It would show just a mouse cursor IN the game window.




Generally, place this below vgvgf's Aleworks collection of scripts and above Main for this to work.

REQUIRES: You include a .png file within a new Graphics\Mouse folder, and have its name match that within the script's configuration.


This is stripped down from other works that I have, and quite similar to the MKXP mouse script from last week. However, it uses Win32API calls that MKXP cannot support.


For use specifically with the Aleworks Input package, and not the AWorks system which requires an accompanying .dll.

Credits and Thanks

To Aleworks/vgvgf who made the initial system, but had not introduced a separate mouse sprite generating system.

Terms and Conditions

Free for use.... PERIOD!

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  The Weekly Gazette 09-03-2023
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 09-04-2023, 05:01 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - No Replies

[Image: Gazette.png]

(August 28 to September 3, 2023)

Welcome dear readers to the latest issue of the Weekly Gazette! Here in the Gazette, we give you the news in brief of what occurred in the past week as well as provide any news happening in Save-Point itself

Official Area
Announcements and Updates
To promote healthy interaction between those needing help and those that come to their aid, the support boards now each have a Creating and Answering Requests thread stickied to each. It brings up some basics such as how long to wait before bumping a request, naming one's request, and more.

General Chat
Old games and things of the past was on the mind of kyonides this week. He decided to view clips from older games and dusted off the footage of old SimCity game from 1999. To his shock, the simulated world-building game simulated the September 11, 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers.

This week's News of the World covered illegal immigrants in New York, Staten Island residents demanding to secede from New York City while President Biden creates plans to send immigrants to outlying areas in New York. The southern U.S. border hit this week's news as well, finding migrants from Uzbekistan had support from ISIS, and gunfire erupted as a Texas Guardsman protected immigrants from cartel gunman. Calling China's actions contentious may be an understatement, claiming large portions of India as theirs, defending the Uyghur genocide, and using the military to protect their illegal fishing practices. The loss of Margaritaville's Jimmy Buffet, Chicago actively suing automakers for the rise in car theft in its city (that is NOT a typo), the Nobel Foundation banning Iranian, Russian and Belarus ambassadors, Italy possibly blowing off China's Belt and Road initiative, Russia threatening the use of nuclear weapons if Ukraine takes back its land (again), and more hit this week's news.

Tech Talk
This week's News of the Cyber World began when it was revealed that U.S. President Biden had roughly 5000 eMail aliases to conduct family business, such bringing even more calls for an impeachment inquiry. It wasn't the best week for Musk and electric cars as the latest Tesla self-driving car ran a red light during a test, and authorities put out a warning that electric vehicles can burst into flames when exposed to salt water. AI is still appearing to be a problem, creating political messages despite rules changes, and may result in possible AI content takeover by 2026. One set of computer hackers actually taking down another group's malicious spyware, telephone scam centers using the enslaved rather than employees, and much more hit this week's cybernews.

Games Development
Development Discussion
DerVVulfman is doing more coding, if you wondered What's up with RMers like him. He only just discovered some neglected code within RPGMaker XP's initial script library. After that, he showed off his work on windows-like listboxes and dropdown scrolling lists with a short and low quality .mp4 video attached to his post.

Complete Projects
It was Rave Heart's 3rd Anniversary. And commemorating the event, Starmage presented some adorable artwork by Berry B and a severely discounted price on Steam that lasted to the end of the week.

Upcoming Projects
Indeed, BlueSkies 3 is still being worked on. And this week, Starmage released a video which presents the hero fighting for their lives with the game's battle system.

Material Development
There was some buzz around the HiddenChest RGSS Player Executable by kyonides as DerVVulfman discovered that an earlier version of the Windows port did not suffer graphic issues experienced by the current edition. Howver, he noted that the current edition did have a bug-free mouse system which the earlier edition had not. There was also some back and forth regarding newer font handling options, added to cover RPGMaker VX and VXA functionality. But don't expect any upgrade or graphic repaired version for Windows any time soon as kyonides has become pretty busy,

Scripts Database
While the script garners the RPGMaker XP Script tag, the MKXP Compatible Mouse Add-on by DerVVulfman is a system that lets users of the MKXP take advantage of its built-in mouse support. MKXP is a replacement for RPGMaker's engine, open source but without support for Win32API handling.

Designed for RPGMaker VXAce, kyonides crafted TextColorTags to let users single out key words in messages to have their own specified color. The original version would only test a message for the first occurrence of a specified word. However, kyonides returned to corect that issue and his system will ensure that key words are always re-colored no matter how many there are within a message.

Resources Database
The artwork is not new. In fact, the content is downright old. However, DerVVulfman managed to find links to two resource dumps that were somehow lost. The lost RMVXP Gallery Files is a collection of all the material that was saved before the forum had lost the file upload system. Said content even predates our rebranding as Save-Point. Menawhile, the Pack of RMXP Phylomoritis.com resources are older still. It was this site that had a large number of early-era RPGMaker XP scripts that returned a number of lost features. But now, you can obtain all the characters, battlers and whatnot you need.

Creativity Section
Music and Audio
As he had done last week, Eric Matyas released another set of low-fidelity renders of the Shared Original Music he has been working so dilligently to provide. The new free tracks cover "Shattered Reality", "Shattered Mind", and a few other works that would fit in well with any thriller or horror game.

Art and Design
Inescapable allure amidst inescapable annihilation, this a description that one may find apt for the subject presented within Remi-chan's Neato Arty thread thing! Known originally as the Queen of Shadows, Remi-chan presents her in her final form, the Terminus Void herself. This celestial being is presented with an accompanying speed-draw.

Well, that's it for this week.

"As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two." - Sir Norman Wisdom


If you are the creator of a thread in Save-Point, you have the option of sending/writing your own entry into the Gazette. The Gazette accepts write-in announcements (which will be doublechecked). Likewise, the Gazette would welcome other content such as a comic-strip series, ongoing story arc, or the like.

Just PM DerVVulfman with the submissions. Submissions must be in by 10pm EST.

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Posted by: kyonides - 09-01-2023, 08:43 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (4)


by Kyonides


Since some forumer was having issues with some text color changing script of sorts, I decided to craft my own script so any window could change the color of certain texts only without using the color tags we all know after using the RM engines for years. Winking

# These are the formats the Text Color Tags should follow:

# TAGS["YourTag1"] = [ColorIndex]
# TAGS["YourTag2"] = [ColorIndex1, ColorIndex2]
# TAGS["d+ YourTag3"] = [ColorIndex]
# TAGS["d+ YourTag4"] = [ColorIndex1, ColorIndex2]

# Examples:
TAGS["Sample1"] = [2, 6]
TAGS["d+ Sample2"] = [3]
TAGS["Sample3"] = [4]

# If you only define 1 color, DEFAULT_COLOR will fill in the gap left there.


The respective Game Switch should be ON so the script can process the text tags.

d+ stands for any given number.

How would they look like in a real life scenario?
Let's take a look at this unusual screenshots then. Grinning

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1956]
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1957]

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any game.
Due credit is mandatory.
Just keep in mind that nobody is forced to use any of my scripts or other people's.
If it doesn't suit your needs, don't use it.
That's it!

Attached Files
.jpg   textcolortags_ace01.jpg (Size: 95.56 KB / Downloads: 27)
.jpg   textcolortags_ace02.jpg (Size: 93.44 KB / Downloads: 27)
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  MKXP Compatible Mouse Add-on
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 08-30-2023, 07:19 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (1)

<not an RPGMaker XP script but close>
Version: 1.0


MKXP, a replacement engine for RPGMaker XP, has built-in content to support mouse input. But it does not attach mouse input to the input class, generate a mouse cursor, nor deal with highlighting of menu options by way of the mouse.   This script is a skeleton for users of MKXP or latter additions of HiddenChest (at least tested with 64bit Windows).

  • Allows a new Graphics\Mouse folder for cashing the cursor
  • Creates a new Sprite_Mouse class for generating the mouse cursor
  • Tracks the mouse within the Window_Selectable class for simple menu use
  • Adds Left-Click for Input::C (Decision)
  • Adds Right-Click for Input::B (Cancel)
  • Adds Middle-Click for Input::A (um... up to you)
  • Shows simple means to add mouse control to any Scene_ code instances


A screenshot?  It would show just a mouse cursor IN the game window.




Generally, place this below Scene_Debug and above Main for this to work if you are using a generic RPGMaker XP set of scripts. 

REQUIRES:  You include a .png file named "Arrow" within a new Graphics\Mouse folder


This is stripped down from other work that I have, made primarily to test different MKXP-based engines.


Not for RPGMaker XP, but compatible MKXP based engines.  Earlier HiddenChest engines such as HiddenChest Hires has issues.

Credits and Thanks

Ancurio for MKXP, Kyonides for HiddenChest, and Melana for retaining HiddenChest Hires edition.

Terms and Conditions

Free for use.... PERIOD!

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  Pack of RMXP Phylomoritis.com resources
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 08-29-2023, 04:58 AM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

This are resources from Phylomoritis.com (before it shut down) which have been converted for use in rpg maker xp.

I would estimate 95% is perfectly fine and usable, you may have to check some (with the tilesets to see if they need editing since no convertor is perfect). The pack contains:

  • Panoramas (214)
  • Tilesets (500+)
  • Battle Backgrounds (542)
  • Characters (384)


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  The lost RMVXP Gallery Files
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 08-29-2023, 04:56 AM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

500+ gallery files from the old rmvxp were recovered by a forum member some time ago, but no longer part of the community.

We as yet do not have a replacement gallery mod, so they will currently be made available as a single 170MB package.

[Image: 14bfdaa3ea4a51bfa2fef57616165c25.png]


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  Sharina's Screen-Saves
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 08-18-2023, 08:48 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (5)

Sharina's Screen-Saves
Version: 1.4


This system allows you to alter the save-game window to include a screen-shot of the field map where the player and party are is traversing. Along with that, there are items which may optionally be shown within the save game files.

The system also allows one to take advantage of two classic RPGMaker savegame scripts by RPG Advocate: the Unlimited Saves script which allows the game developer set how many save files may be recorded, and the Save Override script that brings up a prompt warning the player that an older save game would be erased in favor of the new.

  • Save screen-shots of your current map into the save game files
  • Go beyond the 4 save-file limit
  • Either 2 or 3-save window layout (no 4-save window layout)
  • Alter the layout of your savegame windows to your specifications (in reason)
  • (INCLUDES) an XP port of 'snap_to_bitmap'
  • (INCLUDES) A PNG file generating script


[Image: OWll4pG.png]

[Image: EWUiDJW.png]


CLICK HERE -- Box.Com link (Note the Download button at the top of the Box.Com window)


Plenty... in the script.


Does a fair amount of rewrites to scripts that handle game saves, primarily as the window and scene scripts were based on Phylomortis rewrites. So, will likely not play well with other save-game altering scripts.


It uses a PNG file creation script not dissimilar to that within the Zlib system, but comparatively smaller and faster. It is used to actively make temporary files within the project's root directory, though they are deleted almost immediately. If the game's root folder is somehow protected from recording data, you would need to redirect the location where these temp .png files are recorded.

Credits and Thanks

Thanks to zeus81 for the snap-to-bitmap for RPGMaker XP script. And to RPG Advocate for the basis of the Unlimited Saves and Overwrite Prompt save scripts. Also thanks to Carlos_Davilla for noting how cloud-based services like DropBox may have issues with the generated .png files.

Terms and Conditions

Free for use in games, even commercial works. Only due credit for myself, RPG Advocate, zeus81 and Carlos_Davilla are required.

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Posted by: kyonides - 08-15-2023, 09:27 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (1)


by Kyonides


For Both Kiwi & Mango Releases

It simply lets you define whether or not you can use items during battles by turning a Game Switch ON.

For Mango Version

XP Exclusive!

You can also disable the access to some BLOCKABLE_ITEMS if the Game Switch set to the BLOCK_SOME_SWITCH_ID Constant is turned ON.

VX & ACE Exclusive!

A specific Item Note blocks the access to a given item. Requires a particular Game Switch to be turned ON.
n stands for any Number.

<battle block switch n>

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any game...
Non free for commercial games you piss me off. Tongue sticking out
Due credit is mandatory.
Do not repost it anywhere! Angry
That's it! Tongue sticking out

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Posted by: kyonides - 08-11-2023, 08:01 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (2)


For Patrollers and Friendly NPC's

by Kyonides


The present script allows you to restrain the movements of any given event to a very specific region on the map.

If there are multiple areas on the map with the same Region ID, that Event will simply stay in its respective area.

If a given Event's Region ID has never been defined, that Event will move randomly and there is no way to know where it may go next.

Please take a look at the following screenshots because they have been setup in a very specific way.

Map Setup

Script Calls

Set a given Event's Region ID - 3 Options:
this_event.fixed_region_id = Number
$game_map.events[EventID].fixed_region_id = Number
set_events_region_id(RegionID, EventID10, etc.)

Set a given Event's Custom Route and add a Script Call there:

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any game! Gamer
Due credit is mandatory.
Do not repost it anywhere!
That's it! Tongue sticking out

Attached Files
.jpg   eventregionboxace01.jpg (Size: 163.84 KB / Downloads: 8)
.jpg   eventregionboxace02.jpg (Size: 54.61 KB / Downloads: 8)
.jpg   eventregionboxace03.jpg (Size: 64.46 KB / Downloads: 8)
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