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Posted by: kyonides - 10-01-2021, 07:15 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (3)

Version 1.0.1

by Kyonides


Had you ever needed to let a new hero inherit an old hero's equipment?
Did you ever want to let a newcomer learn some of a former party member's skills?
Well, now this scriptlet will let you do those things with a few simple script calls!

Please read the comments embedded in the script to learn how to use the script calls.


This script does NOT load or read any saved games at any given time!


# Explanation: :level stands for same level while :equip means same equipment.

# * Script Calls * #

# Let another Party Member inherit the old Party member's equipment
# Optionally he or she can learn some of his or her skills as well.
# succeed_member(OldActorID, NewActorID)
# succeed_member(OldActorID, NewActorID, SkillID1, etc.)

# Replace an Active Party Member (with Actor ID) with a stranger
# change_member(OldActorID, NewActorID)

# Replace an Active Party Member (with n Actor ID) with a stranger with
# additional Options: :level or :equip or both of them
# change_member(OldActorID, NewActorID, Options)

# Optional: Set or Change Language of Error Messages
# @language = :eng (Found in Error module)
# KChange::Error.language = :eng or :esp or :deu or :fra

module KChange
  module Member
    LEVEL_SYMBOLS = [:level, :nivel, :niveau]
    EQUIPMENT_SYMBOLS = [:equip, :equipo, :ausruestung]


succeed_member(1, 2)
succeed_member(1, 3, 1, 5)
change_member(1, 2, :level, :equip)

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non commercial games. Contact me if you are going commercial. Winking
Mention me in your game credits! Grinning
Do not repost it anywhere else! Angry

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Smile New Raccoon anthro improved [With Outfits]
Posted by: rzrcoon - 02-24-2021, 06:29 PM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

Hello friends, a few years ago I shared some chara set raccoon anthro for RPGMXP, well this is still for XP... hahaha They are improved and with costumes as the title says

[Image: OsdoZ0f.png]

Civil casual
[Image: YpZxLrK.png]

[Image: CZafrMv.png]

Unarmed and armed military
[Image: xDI8ocV.png][Image: ybSnWQq.png][Image: dwK1lt9.png][Image: f9qsHVO.png]

[Image: skxU9x7.png]

Raccoon Mutated
[Image: iWh453J.png][Image: JYuiZfK.png]

Extra image Just because Very happy + Tongue sticking out
[Image: NhyZbcx.jpg]

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Star [Sburb]- Tileset Suburban Modern 2020
Posted by: rzrcoon - 08-18-2020, 04:34 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (2)

Greetings Very happy + Tongue sticking out, I would like to use this topic to share several things (created by me and/or formed), especially the one you will see below, mainly because I had it pending Sweat. I should have come out of this a long time ago but out of laziness and fear I didn't Confused. Some time ago I made a post of a tileset I was developing, about making a classic suburb, it was looks good, and now it looks much better I assure you

[Image: KCSBhbE.png]

You can create interesting maps as you will see below
  • I've added things to create a porch and a high school Grinning
  • I could update it later to add Church and business

BUMP! I have updated the Tileset a little bit with more outdoor furniture, some roof ventilation and with some suggestions in addons made by my friend DerVVulfman

BUMP!I've arranged the ceilings, added more addons and autotiles and corrected some minor errors when mapping

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and now..
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I want to mention some other things that I hope they'll read... Sarcasm + Confused And that is that the tileset is a little complicated when it comes to using it in the RPG Maker. You have to make the right attribute settings for it to work well in your games, and if I see that there are complaints about that, I guess I'll upload the one I created plus some little tutorials on how to create houses if required.

  • Creating amazing maps
  • It is incomplete, will be updated from time to time..

Other things that I will gradually add in this post, but they are "incomplete"  
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  KEquipSkills XP + VX
Posted by: kyonides - 08-12-2020, 08:38 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (11)

XP 1.3.1 + Add-On
VX 1.2.1 + Add-On

by Kyonides Arkanthes


It's a scriptlet that allows you to equip skills aka temporarily learn a skill if a piece of equipment like a weapon or an accessory is currently equipped.

There was another scriptlet out there but it sucked Laughing + Tongue sticking out for it used an iterator when I noticed it gotta be simpler. And yes, I was right about that! Take a look for yourselves!

Instructions for XP
# * KEquipSkills XP
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.2.1 - 2023-06-13

# - Use Items, Weapons or Armors to learn Skills! - #

# In order to add new skills whenever you equip a new Weapon or Armor or Item,
# You need to configure a couple of CONSTANTS.

# EQUIP_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# ITEM_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# The rest of the Actors will use the :direct method, learning a single skill
# from the Weapon or Armor or Item.

# - If any BEHAVIOR for a given Actor is set to :direct

# DIRECT_WEAPONS[WeaponID] = [SkillID1, etc.]
# DIRECT_ARMORS[ArmorID] = [SkillID1, etc.]
# DIRECT_ITEMS[ItemID] = [SkillID1, etc.]

# The default value is [], an empty Array.

# - If any BEHAVIOR for a given Actor is set to :checks

# CHECK_WEAPONS[WeaponID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }
# CHECK_ARMORS[ArmorID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }
# CHECK_ITEMS[ArmorID] = { :skill => [SkillID1, etc.],
#   :class => [ClassID1, etc.], :actor => [ActorID1, etc.] }

# 0 as an ID allows any class or actor to equip the skill!

# * Script Calls * #

# - Change a given Actor's Item or Equip Check Type
#   Available Types: :direct or :checks
# game_actors[ActorID].item_check_type = Type
# game_actors[ActorID].equip_check_type = Type

module KEquipSkills
# * Beginning of Customization * #
  DIRECT_ARMORS[43] = [162]
  CHECK_ARMORS[43] = { :skill => [162], :class => [], :actor => [7,8] }
  CHECK_ITEMS[33] = { :skill => [10], :class => [1,2] }

Instructions for VX
# * KEquippedSkills VX - Full Version * #
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   v1.2.1 - 2023-06-13

# - Use Items, Weapons or Armors to learn Skills! - #

# In order to add new skills whenever you equip a new Weapon or Armor or Item,
# You need to configure a couple of CONSTANTS.

# EQUIP_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# ITEM_CHECKS_LEARNING lists Actors that will begin with the :checks method.
# The rest of the Actors will use the :direct method, learning a single skill
# from the Weapon or Armor or Item.

# - Teach a Skill Immediately using Weapon or Armor or Item
#   Leave a note tag like the following note:
# <equip skills 12 14 16>

# - Or Check if the Class ID or the Actor ID's list against your Notetag's
#   Leave a note tag like the following note:
# <equip skills 2 5 classes 1 2>
# <equip skills 4 8 9 actors 3 6 9>

# 0 as an Class ID or Actor ID allows any class or actor to equip the skill!

# * Script Calls * #

# - Change a given Actor's Item or Equip Check Type
#   Available Types: :direct or :checks
# game_actors[ActorID].item_check_type = Type
# game_actors[ActorID].equip_check_type = Type

module KEquipSkills

About the Add-Ons

Both ports include a Menu Scene that will allow you to open a new menu after picking an item and its target. This menu will list all the skills you included either in the Constant or the Note Tag. There might be a skill requirement to be able to learn just ONE of those skills. For more details, please read the rest of my posts here.

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in any game.
Include my nickname in your game credits.
Mention this forum as well.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

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  Solar Mass Original Soundtrack
Posted by: jreagan406 - 06-17-2020, 05:04 PM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (2)

Greetings, everyone!

Here are 38 music pieces you all can use for your games*

*Keep in mind this is all copyrighted material. ABSOLUTELY NO COMMERCIAL GAMES.*
YOU MAY NOT ALTER THESE PIECES IN ANY WAY. That means no modding. (Changing the speed/pitch in the
game system is allowed.)


(If you plan to use these on a commercial game,
email me @ jreagan406@gmail.com
to acquire the rights.)

NON-COMMERCIAL GAMES are free to use as long as credit is given to:

Mala Ciencia Studios 2019

Lots of music here for any kind of project. Specially SciFi/futuristic games.

Hope you all enjoy!



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Posted by: DerVVulfman - 03-25-2020, 03:33 AM - Forum: Resources Database - Replies (49)


[Image: Anims.gif]

Table of Contents
Options may be mouse-clicked for faster access
OF THE HKCP: Resources and a Warning
Backup of the Original Template
Custom Development Tools
Folder and Pose Names Defined
Standard Color Palettes
Development Logs
RESOURCES - Body Templates
RESOURCES - Face or Head Options
RESOURCES - Eye Selections
RESOURCES - Ear Variations
RESOURCES - Facial Hair
RESOURCES - Eyebrow Options
RESOURCES - Hair Styles
RESOURCES - Hair Extensions
RESOURCES - Custom Tails
RESOURCES - Clothing: One Piece
RESOURCES - Clothing: Tops
RESOURCES - Clothing: Pants and Skirts
RESOURCES - Armor: Full Suit
RESOURCES - Armor: Shirt, Hauberk or Breastplate
RESOURCES - Armor: Paldrons or Bracers
RESOURCES - Armor: Battle-Skirt, Greaves or Leggings
RESOURCES - Armor: Coat of Arms or Tapard
RESOURCES - Belts and Sashes
RESOURCES - Footwear: Shoes or Boots
RESOURCES - Handwear: Gloves or Gauntlets
RESOURCES - Headwear: Hats or Helms
RESOURCES - Clothing: Coats or Cloaks
RESOURCES - Weapons: Primary
RESOURCES - Weapons: Off-Handed
RESOURCES - Accessories
Not all resource pages have content, but merely placeholders for resources should a spriter endeavor to submit his/her work.

Use the the Back To Index button at the far right shown below
to return to the first post in the thread, aka the main post.
[Image: BackToTop.png]

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  KEndure Family XP + VX + ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 01-07-2020, 06:11 AM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (8)

KEndure Family

KEndurePassive + KEndureStates + KEndure


by Kyonides Arkanthes


I introduce you to... Happy with a sweat Nope, it's not Aluxes, it's a new script indeed! Shocked It was inspired by a fellow member's request by the way... It's just some sort of endurance or sturdy + anti-sturdy set of states! Confused 

This means you might let a hero get the ability to resist hits and keep either 1 HP or some specific percent instead! Shocked 
Sadly, its counterpart also exists... Sad It should let your hero with 1 HP (or any other value you've picked) meaning not even healing spells and items can cure him. Feeling sick

The idea is that the chosen heroes or monsters will only benefit from this state or passive skill once per battle.

KEndurePassive is the classic sturdy state that gets activated automatically as a passive skill.
KEndureStates is the original implementation that works as pure states only.
KEndure ACE is different from any other version for it uses notetags.

It now includes more features!

Download the Demo

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in non commercial projects. Contact me if you need it for commercial games. Don't worry, I know it's a scriptlet. Laughing
Include my nickname or real name or both and the URL where you found this scripts.
Give me a free copy of your completed game if you include at least 2 of my scripts! Laughing + Tongue sticking out

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  General Methods XP VX & ACE
Posted by: kyonides - 10-23-2019, 11:23 PM - Forum: Scripts Database - Replies (12)

General Methods

Methods for XP


I am posting here a bunch of methods that I thought they have appeared a several times in my scripts or they are methods that seemed to be useful under certain circumstances, but are not good enough to become part of a specific script.


This group of methods might not be useful for the average game developer that lacks any scripting skills.

Script Calls

Returns a random number that is included in the given range. A Range object is a number range with an initial value (the lowest) and a final value (the highest). It's something like using an entire array full of consecutive numbers.
I named the second script call random because I shouldn't overwrite rand. (The script call actually needs rand!)
Using the second option might be your best choice because it doesn't create a global method which would use more memory. Confused

Returns the current party's leader (Aluxes!?)

Returns the current party's subleader (Basil!?)

Returns the actors sorted by the chosen stat (Descending Order)

Returns if the player's sprite is not transparent

Returns if the event's sprite is not transparent

Returns the chosen event's name

You can also check if a battler is hero or an enemy in a new way by calling its brand new kind method that will return either an :actor or :enemy symbol if called. This could be useful in any Game_Battler or Game_Actor or Game_Enemy or Scene_Battle script.


# * General Methods XP
def rand_range(range)
 rand(4) % 2 == 0 ? -rand(range.first) : rand(range.last)

class Range
 def random() rand(4) % 2 == 0 ? -rand(self.first) : rand(self.last) end

class Game_Actor
  def kind() :actor end

class Game_Enemy
  def kind() :enemy end

class Game_Party
 def leader() @actors[0] end
 def subleader() @actors[1] end
 def actors_by_hp() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.hp <=> a.hp } end
 def actors_by_sp() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.sp <=> a.sp } end
 def actors_by_pdef() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.pdef <=> a.pdef } end
 def actors_by_mdef() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.mdef <=> a.mdef } end
 def actors_by_eva() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.eva <=> a.eva } end
 def actors_by_agi() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.agi <=> a.agi } end
 def actors_by_dex() @actors.sort{|a,b| b.dex <=> a.dex } end
 def actors_by_strength
   @actors.sort{|a,b| b.atk + b.str <=> a.atk + a.str }

 def actors_by_mana
   @actors.sort{|a,b| b.atk + b.int <=> a.atk + a.int }

class Game_Character
 def visible?() !@transparent end

class Game_Event
 def name() @event.name end

Terms & Conditions

Free for use in commercial and non commercial projects.
You are free to post any methods here you consider that can be useful for scripting power users and actual scripters.

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Exclamation PSA: Game Theft by EnmxDev!
Posted by: DerVVulfman - 09-23-2019, 03:39 AM - Forum: Announcements and Updates - Replies (1)

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!
Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!
Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

ORIGINAL THREAD HERE: EnmxDev is stealing some games - Check if your game is one of them!

Revealed by TheoAllen over at RPGMakerWeb.com, EnmxDev has been stealing some games and posting them where they will.  Such sites include:

Such was found by Ksi of RPGMakerWeb in an RM portal discord.  And as TWings of RPGMakerWeb pointed out "Once Upon the Woods" was made by StarMage for a One-Map challenge contest.

If you read the original post, an RPGMakerWeb member named Unity noted that reviews for the illegally uploaded game apps didn't function properly, making him feel that these stolen works were laced with malware.

* TheoAllen and StarMage are members of both Save-Point and RPGMakerWeb.

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  House of Brandenburg's Few Free Resources
Posted by: kyonides - 08-06-2019, 06:07 AM - Forum: Resources Database - No Replies

House of Brandenburg

If you visit lyonnc's blog you might find a couple of interesting busts and VX like character sprites, all of them inspired by the Middle Ages! Shocked

They belong to a game that seems to be on a large hiatus... He states there that you can use those resources in non commercial games. Happy with a sweat

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