05-01-2010, 07:22 PM
ark Wrote:Hi,
I'm absolutely astonished by your script and I will definitely use it in my project. Great Work!
But I have a queston.
Is there a way to create a skill class (CMD) called 'passive skills' which are only visible in the menu?
Oh and an idea for a next release: Team skills!
You can check out this thread.
Drowna Wrote:Holaaa Charlie!! Soy yo he vuelto a la carga!! hata hace poc seguia usando una de tus antiguas versiones, y al usar la nueva me ha dado un extraño error, he buscado un poco por el thread pero no he sabido encontrarlo. Quizas puedas ayudarme a entender que es lo que ocurre, quizas me he saltado algun paso o algo al trasladarlo el proyecto aunque no estoy segura :S!!! Te adjunto una imagen para que veas lo que quiero decir.
AAhh por cierto!! FElicidades por el script te esta quedando fantastico^^ Besitos!!^^
Traduciria esto ahora al ingles pero tengo pereza -.- en cuanto tenga algo de tiempo lo pondre en ingles para el que tenga una duda semejante
P.d.2: Probe a usar el juego directamente solo pasando los archivos a uno nuevo y me da el mismo error, no es solo siguiendo las pautas de instalacion que hay en el pdf sino en el propio juego -.- que lio!!
Hello Charlie! I'm back to load! until recently was still using one of your older versions, and using the new has given me a strange error, I searched a bit for the thread but I have not managed to find it. Maybe you can help me to understand what happens, maybe I skipped some steps or something to move the project but I'm not sure! 'm Enclosing a picture so you see what I mean.
Aahh indeed! Congratulations for the fantastic script is running you ^ ^ Besitos! ^ ^
Translate it into English but I have now -.- lazy when I have time I'll put something in English to have such a doubt
P.d: I used google to translate u.u
Pd2: try using only directly from the game files to a new and gives me the same error, not just following the guidelines of installation that is in the pdf but the game itself -.- that mess!
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Do you have any other script where a new definition of the Sprite_Battler class is present? Look for "class Sprite_Battler" with CTRL+SHIFT+F and tell me what you find.