You want a new battlesystem rather than the default? Come on over.
Battle Systems: A-Z
ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System
by Atoa (March 11, 2009)
This is the ACBS, an 100% animated battle system that allows you to create battles of different styles having a very high level of customization. With this system you can make side view, front view or isometric battles. And all of it without changing one line in the core script.
Active Timer CBS
by Trickster ()
This script transforms the Group Turns Based Battle System (aka DBS) into a ATB Active Timer System.
Ar Tonelico Custom Battle System
by Kread-EX (April 16, 2010)
This is a complete battle system, close to the one used in the commercial Playstation 2 game Ar Tonelico ~Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo~. It provides a strong differentiation between regular fighters and magicians (Reyvateils) who basically charge their magic (Songs) then release it for great damage. Though this system is not a perfect clone, it follows the same logic.
Basic ATB
DoubleX (June 10, 2015)
Aids other scripters to learn how a basic atb system script can be written. A little RGSS3 scripting proficiency is needed to fully utilize this script.
Battle Engine Lotus
SoulPour777 (January 22, 2016)
Plugins that creates a new Battle System.
Charlie Fleed's CTB - Final Fantasy X like
by Charlie Fleed (September 20, 2007)
This is my custom FFX-like battle system. It comes along with my Skills Learning System and some graphics stuff, but you can easily get rid of the SLS by removing the corresponding script.
Conditional Turns CBS
by Trickster ()
This script transforms the Group Turns Based Battle System (aka DBS) into a CTB Condition Turns/Timer System.
CTB - Count Time Battle
by Cogwheel (December 8, 2004)
Uses the same custom scripts for the RTAB system designed by Cogwheel and includes the built In camera-zoom feature.
DoubleX RMMV Superlative ATB
by DoubleX (September 1, 2020)
This plugin aims to be the most flexible, performant and powerful ATB system with the greatest amount of freedom for users to fulfill as many functional needs as they want in as many ways as they want. You may want to treat this as a nano ATB framework as part of the system's written by you via parameters/configurations/notetags/calls.
Fighting for a New World Sideview ATB
TsunamiJurai (May 2, 2020)
A few people has asked about my Ren'Py codes and since there really isn't anything out in the Wild about Battle-systems, I will share mine. I will continue to upgrade this once new add-ons are available.
Golden Sun Camera Battle System
Shockwave (May 4, 2009)
This is Rotimikid's/ShockWave's Camera Battle System. This system plays out pretty much like the Golden Sun games in the way the battle screen rotates. Can also be combined with the golden sun battle system for compatibility.
GTBS - GubiD's Tactical Battle System
by GubiD (November 21, 2007)
- SDK Compatible
- Both Active Time and Team Based Battle Modes
- Can process Battle Events, Map Events, and Common Events during battle!
- Skills that require casting time (with miss animation)
- and more...
GTBS v2 for RPGMaker VXAce
GubID (July 9, 2013)
The Gubid Tactical Battlesystem has been in development for years, and now this tactical system has been ported over for RPGMaker VXAce. It features an intelligent enemy AI system, Animated Battlers, Summons features, 3-D Isometric support and configurable Skill and Item ranges.
Individual Turns Battle System
by Trickster ()
This script transforms the DBS (Group Turns System) Into an Individual Turns Battle System. This Battle System lets actions be selected individually and they are performed immediately.
by kyonides (June 5, 2023)
This is an Animated Front View Battle System!
After reading a couple of threads where people complained about fellow scripter's battle system, I decided that I could give it a chance. The GUI is almost done based on my first impression of those scripts' interface.
Linear Faceset Battle System
by GLaDOS (February 17th, 2009)
I wanted a battle system to use my linear facesets in. I really wanted them to be on top but I didn't know how to move battlers. I'm new at this thing you see.
The Lycan ABS
DerVVulfman (October 23, 2012)
Rather large, it is my intent to replace the MrMo ABS and add my own add-ons along with additional enhancements all built in.
Mr.Mo's ABS
by Mr.Mo (September 15th, 2006)
I wasn't happy with all the other ABSs, so I made this ABS with many features and customizable as possible.
MrMo's ABS Ultimate
DerVVulfman (July 18, 2011)
Utilizing MrMo's ABS version 4.5 as a model, this ABS includes the 20+ addons by DerVVulfman as well as additional enhancements and fixes.
Multi-View CBS
This CBS supports front and side view positions (possibly more if you work with the script), included with the CBS is my Animated Battlers script, and my Battle Formation System. This is still in a beta state, but almost all of the features I planned for the first version are done and the script is in a "presentable" state.
One (1) Person DBS
by Raziel
A quick request I made. Shows the enemy's name and a small health bar and supports 640x480 battlebacks.
The Oldest Japanese Sideview CBS
by an anonymous Japanese Scripter
Posted by DerVVulfman (February 4, 2010)
This has to be the oldest sideview system I have ever seen. Utilizing charactersets and sporting built in HP/SP bars drawn over the battlers, this sideview system supports up to 8 actor battlers at the same time.
One Soul Battle System
Soulpour777 (August 21, 2014)
One Soul Battle System is a short script system that is intended to making a battle system that uses only one actor. Though you can only have one actor, some features were added to ensure that the battle system would be quite interesting for people to use. If no one ever uses this crappy battle system, that's okay. This is for those people who just wants to have this kind of stuff.
ParaDog's ATB
by ParaDog (June 5, 2005)
Translated from the original Japanese code, Paradog's Front-View Battlesystem simulates an Active Timer Battle system so closely that this CTB (Conditional Timer Battle) system deserves ATB in it's name.
Complete with CT gauges that show who's going to be next to attack, a redesigned Battlestatus window system that lists the enemies you're facing and an altered 'Fight/Escape' system so action stays fast and furious, this system is one of the better battlesystems available.
Popularized ATB Core(Test Ver)
DoubleX (November 22, 2015)
Designed to be an easy, simple and user-friendly, yet powerful atb system. Serves as the core plugin implementing all atb system essentials.
Real Time Active Battle (RTAB)
by Cogwheel (December 8, 2004)
With this battlesystem, enemies and heroes can attack simultaneously and the system can be used as a conditional system! It also comes with a built in Camera-Zoom feature
Romancing SaGa Battle System
Orochii Zouveleki (May 9, 2013)
A visual combat system that utilizes Minkoff's Animated Battlers and includes screenshots of how the system will appear in-game.
SBABS: Squad Based Action Battle System
by Near Fantastica (July 2, 2005)
An action battle system that permits not only the hero, but the additional party members to be visible and controlled.
Shoot em up
posted by mageone
by Corbaque
This is a set of scripts that rewrites the classes of RMXP to make your game look like a shoot em up.
Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP
Posted by Atoa (July 23rd, 2009)
Original version by Enu / Translated by Kylock and Mr.Bubble / RMXP Conversion by Cairn
Finally! The SBS Tankentai XP is fully translated (thank cairn). For the ones that don't know this script, this is an highly customizable side view battle system. The most importante feature of this script, is that you can use normal chasets instead of Special Battlers.(you can configure it to use Special Battlers, but it's up to you.
Sozai Sideview Battle System
by Sozai / Posted/Translated by Kylock
The enemy status bar addon is now included in the demo.
My ranged weapons addon is now included in the demo. It adds 2 custom animation and an animation sprite. We now have animated projectiles.
Speed Based Turns CBS
by Trickster ()
This script transforms the DBS (Group Turns Battle System) into an Speed Based CBS.
Suikoden Duel System
by Modern Algebra (June 2, 2007)
Posted by mageone (November 21, 2009)
Seriously.. this is a duel system based on a "rock, paper, cisor"-kind system. In very short let's say that you can choose between 3 commands as "Attack", "Wild attack" or "Defend" where Attack kills Defends, Defend kills Wild Attacks, Wild Attack kills Attacks, etc.
Surume's Tactical System: Black Noir
by Surume (December 2004)
Posted by DerVVulfman (October 20, 2010)
This is likely to be one of the oldest tactical battlesystems designed for RPGMaker XP. Move your players around the map to surround and take advantage of the surrounding area. And when you perform an attack, you get a split-screen of the two engaging battlers (using the standard RTP battlers) as one attacks and one takes the hit.
Tactical Battle System
by Mac (Jan 25, 2008)
* New Message Window (Non Scriptual Yet..its just an example of what to come)
* Better HUD
* Custom HUD Design
* Faces In HUD
Theolized Sideview Battle System
TheoAllen (August 21, 2014)
This is my first battle system script and my masterpiece script so far. At first, I made this script for my own personal use. Back then when Ace was released, I always wanted an English version of Tankentai. But I heard nothing about the translation. I thought it was impossible tankentai to be translated to English. Moreover, it has bad compatibility to other scripts. Then I looked at avalaible battle scripts, and not even a single script I like. I just don't get the idea of those scripts. Then, hence my ambition started.
3D Line Battle System (Base Script)
SoulPour777 (August 24, 2014)
This is the base script for the 3D Line Battle System and includes a Zoom, Pan and Move Camera functions so the camera follows the actions of the player as it attacks the enemies. Put this script before any other 3D Line Battle System Script. This is a STANDALONE version of the upcoming Battle System by Soulpour777 called Soul Horizon Battle System. This is the Base Script, so it does need nothing. You can always use this to enhance your Frontal Battle System.
Trickster's RTAB System
by Trickster ()
This is a specialized ATB battle system, specialized in that actions can occur simultaneously, this is an alternative to Cogwheel's RTAB.
Valkyrie Profile: Charge Turn Battle (CTB)
by Soulpour777 (March 14, 2015)
This script allows the players to have a turn sequence. By turn sequence, it means that the player can only attack when the sequence turns have subsided. For example, Lenneth has 0 sequence turns, means she can attack or move everytime, while Mystina, Llewelyn and other ranged characters who has 4 - 5 sequence turns can only attack after 5 turns. If an attack is made, the party gains a gem, which decreases the sequence turns randomly in battle.
Victor Engine - Active Time Battle
Victor Sant (December 16, 2012)
This scripts changes the turn management of battles. The default turn based system is replaced by an active time system, where the order of actions are decided by individual time bars.
XAS Action Battle System
posted by unrivaledneo
by Xiderowg / Moghunter (June 23, 2010)
XAS aka Xiderowg Action System is a Action Battle System which resembles the old Zelda, Secret of Mana type battle systems.
Originally created by a Japanese programmer named Xiderowg then adopted and improved by a Brazilian programmer named MogHunter.
XAS Hero VS Engine urbios
urbios (May 8, 2013)
Hello World maker not usually put posts but today I bring you the xas her 2-player vs. mode I composite 3D scripts i modified the mode7 the Xas vs Hud i the mog i select character I created a Tekken style hope you like this system is ideal for creating fighting games in rpg maker since there are not many like this so a greeting
Zenith Tactical Battle System Plus (ZTBS+)
by DerVVulfman (May 10, 2022)
One of the most prolific tactical battle systems for RPGMaker XP has just been revised. A complete map-based combat system, you can maneuver party members to flank individual enemies while being aware they may approach from behind. Now returning, the battle system is more thorough than ever.