04-21-2011, 06:37 PM
Quote:0[17:23] <MetalRenard> I can't access SP
[17:23] <MetalRenard> T_T
[17:24] <Valdred> :p
[17:24] <Valdred> how?
[17:24] <MetalRenard> what ?
[17:24] <Valdred> what happens? 404?
[17:24] <Valdred> when you try to access savepoint
[17:24] <MetalRenard> "Network Access Message: The page cannotbe displayed Explanation: There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed."
[17:28] <MetalRenard> basically, it's shite.
[17:28] <Valdred> I guess :P
[19:31] <MetalRenard> I need someone who knows about netwoks
[19:31] <MetalRenard> networks.
[19:32] <Valdred> What kind of networks?
[19:32] <MetalRenard> Student one
[19:32] <MetalRenard> that limits pages you can view etc
[19:32] <Valdred> Is it a website?
[19:32] <MetalRenard> no
[19:33] <MetalRenard> it's a server
[19:33] <MetalRenard> everything goes through the filter
[19:33] <Valdred> oh
[19:33] <Valdred> and what kind of pages can't you see?
[19:33] <Valdred> admin pages?
[19:33] <MetalRenard> cause that's what's blocking SP I think
[19:33] <MetalRenard> it's blocking NewGrounds too
[19:33] <MetalRenard> admin pages?
[19:34] <Valdred> hmm
[19:34] <Valdred> use a proxy
[19:34] <Valdred> use bypassschoolfilter.com
[19:34] <MetalRenard> ?
[19:34] <Valdred> :)
[19:34] <Valdred> bypassschoolfilter.com
[19:34] <MetalRenard> lol
[19:34] <Valdred> or proxy.org
[19:34] <Valdred> it works if your schools network sucsk
[19:35] <MetalRenard> IT WORKS
[19:35] <MetalRenard> <3
[19:35] <Valdred> :D
[19:35] <MetalRenard> Savepoint too!!!!!!
[19:35] <MetalRenard> <3
[19:35] <MetalRenard> everything works now
[19:35] <MetalRenard> I LOVE YOU
[19:36] <Valdred> thanks ;D
[19:36] <MetalRenard> I FUCKING LOVE YOU
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
Tech Administrator of Save-Point