best way I have learned is to implement the H-Mode 7 animation bug pathc for the RMXP version of H-Mode 7... Other than that, find MGC and ask him about it....
@mekrod - You have to manually change the panorama.z - However, remember that the panorama.z won't be Mode 7, it will be a flat background, like a sky or horizon. So you will also have to edit the panorama to not scroll - panorama.ox when a person goes left or right, but just when their theta is less or more for the skybox experience.
@mekrod - You have to manually change the panorama.z - However, remember that the panorama.z won't be Mode 7, it will be a flat background, like a sky or horizon. So you will also have to edit the panorama to not scroll - panorama.ox when a person goes left or right, but just when their theta is less or more for the skybox experience.
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Ambitions: RPG Developer Bakin
Heart of Vox: RPG Developer Bakin