08-04-2009, 06:53 AM
Alright so first I want to say thanks for everything you all have done, I really appreciate your time. Now, I have tested your Demo, DerVVulfman, and yes, it does work with the default "armors" file. However, if I try and use my "armors" file, then I get the error. I guess there is just something different about my set of armors, and I don't know what it could be. Now actually I didn't get any errors with Charlie's demo, but the multislot script he is using is different. I kind of like DerVVulfman's better, mainly because of the scene_equip. So I would try and stick to that one, but it gives me the error. However, like I mentioned above I can get around this error by simply starting each character with no shield, then having an initial event equipping them with the proper shield necessary. So, don't sweat it anymore. I can live with it if you can. If you really want to get to the bottom of this, I can try and send you my "armors" file and see if you can find anything wrong with it. Sorry to take up a bunch of your time, but this script was just too good not to use. Thanks again.