Free sound effects!
I just stumbled onto this website:
They make all their own recordings and post them all completely free with a Creative Commons (Attribution) license. AMAZING.
What does this mean, Monsieur LeFoxy?
It means you can use the recordings for free in any project so long as you give them credit for the resources. This is super generous of them since the recordings are of such a high standard (that coming from me!).
Some examples I love:
How to use:
Load the video, listen to the sound. Is there a sound in there that you want? If so, download the "wave" file (button below the video) and open it in an audio editor (Audacity is free). Cut it down to the part you want and import it into your project. Done! Easy!
I just stumbled onto this website:
They make all their own recordings and post them all completely free with a Creative Commons (Attribution) license. AMAZING.
What does this mean, Monsieur LeFoxy?
It means you can use the recordings for free in any project so long as you give them credit for the resources. This is super generous of them since the recordings are of such a high standard (that coming from me!).
Some examples I love:
How to use:
Load the video, listen to the sound. Is there a sound in there that you want? If so, download the "wave" file (button below the video) and open it in an audio editor (Audacity is free). Cut it down to the part you want and import it into your project. Done! Easy!