01-01-2025, 11:05 PM
Over the holidays Save-Point crashed, and I just restarted it to keep it going. I was on vacation. Anyway, I got home, analyzed the problem. Our database had outgrown it's current RAM allocations - so maintenance tasks were causing it to run out of RAM. I looked up the cost of increasing the RAM on the server, and it would run us around double. I then noticed what the default allocation of buffer the server assigns to it's processes. I was able to double that, and it gets us past the issue so the server *should* stop crashing. That said, I can't increase it again with our current available RAM, so next time we outgrow and I need to bump that figure up, we'll have to upgrade the server with more RAM. It's not even like we need that RAM for normal operation, just when we do the normal maintenance tasks to ensure that the database is still healthy and to prevent data corruption because there is just so much data in there now.