01-01-2010, 09:54 AM
Quote:01 January 2010
released version 0.8.0 of TilemapEditor
Change log:
-New: Undo & Redo!
-New: Select Tool has been implemented
-New: Things in the Edit Menu (Copy, Paste, Cut, etc.) has been implemented
-Fixed: Tools drawing at the corners of the map when clicked outside the map area
-Fixed: Clear wasn't working properly
-Fixed: Bug with saving specifically if your filename was named x.EXT where EXT had a capital letter
-Fixed: Preview of tools drawing at the edges of the map when cursor was outside the map area
-Fixed: Scrolling the map didn't show the area of the map that was revealed.
-Updated: Default maps are now filled with -1 (null tile) instead of 0 (the first valid tile). This should lead to less confusion when adding layers.