01-02-2010, 10:12 PM
hmm i think i keep the 999 states limit, because even if i correct the damage with this the pdef is way to low. also it messes up with my bars and so on, so maybe 999 isn't that bad^^ but ty anyway!
so i am sitting here for now about... 4? Yes, about 4 hours and try to make my custom battlestatus window... could you edit it for me (just the window with name, HP, MP and Limit, the windowsize should not be influenced by the number of battlers, it should be as high as the actor command window ) so it looks something like that:
EDIT: Could you also put the atb bars behind the limit bars and make them as long as the limit bars and the same width? And over it there should be written "Wait"
right now it looks like that for me, if you want to change it not from scratch i give you my edited version (Edit: forget that, I made totally crap xD) , but there is something weird in it -> at the right end of the box every bar is cutted of, in this screen the blue one:
EDIT2: Also i found 2 little bugs: when i use the atb bars and the agility is very high, the bar fills not from scratch. it's almost full from the beginning.
The second bug is, when you set up a fight with "continue even when loser" in an event and you lose, the game over screen appears although.^^
so i am sitting here for now about... 4? Yes, about 4 hours and try to make my custom battlestatus window... could you edit it for me (just the window with name, HP, MP and Limit, the windowsize should not be influenced by the number of battlers, it should be as high as the actor command window ) so it looks something like that:
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EDIT: Could you also put the atb bars behind the limit bars and make them as long as the limit bars and the same width? And over it there should be written "Wait"
right now it looks like that for me, if you want to change it not from scratch i give you my edited version (Edit: forget that, I made totally crap xD) , but there is something weird in it -> at the right end of the box every bar is cutted of, in this screen the blue one:
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EDIT2: Also i found 2 little bugs: when i use the atb bars and the agility is very high, the bar fills not from scratch. it's almost full from the beginning.
The second bug is, when you set up a fight with "continue even when loser" in an event and you lose, the game over screen appears although.^^