-M.S Tyke cheracter template
[Image: simpletitle.png][Image: Walkingforyourpleasure.gif]

**Not planning to make an RTP of any sort at this time**
***Look at last post for comments on newest additions***
****Please make a separate thread for your own character works guys****
I will add these here.
Example characters-
Present W.i.p-

[Image: GoldenSoldier-Side-wip.png]


[Image: M_S-Tyke-M.png][Image: M_S-Tyke-M-C2.png]

Male temp -W- shadow.
[Image: MS-Tyke-F.png][Image: MS-Tyke-F-C2.png]

Female temp -W- shadow.
[Image: M_S-Tyke-C.png][Image: M_S-Tyke-C-C2.png]

Obese Male-

Obese Female-



Character grid-
[Image: MS-Tyke-CharacterGrid.png]

Bigger character grid-
male and female are same height and child is smaller.. ^^ copy paste them unto this if you want more space.
[Image: BGrid-.png]

Mouth and nose-
[Image: Mouth-nose-.png]

[Image: MS-GS-color.png]
Hey, i'm back and starting up again ^^
This time i will be working with a new huge (compared to others) Tyke styled template, not making any big plans right of the bat this time though.
I will let you folks know what i plan to do when the time comes ^^, anyway glad to be back.
I have lowered scalp line on forehead by a pixel, and i have lightened the skin color 2 by a bit as well.
Added another pic to top folks.
As you can tell the template is bigger than original tyke but you still sprite in the same manner, keep it simple and low color for the most part.
A bit more detail can be added to hair and face since head is bigger now, for this pic i uploaded i didn't bother to add any shine to hair, i've grown to dislike adding that for some reason.
Female frame has been edited, arms are changed.
A cleaner/improved version of example charac added to top.
Female added.
And a bump because i fixed some shade issues the dark skin male template had.
In the past i've created the darker skin colors using either Gimp or Photoshop (a faster way) which never got me the best results so i'm doing this manually now.
Shadow for fem added now.
A little extra addition to the example character, more added to shoulder pad and a little extra for fun.
[Image: MS-sig01.png]
Not looking to join any projects at this time.
They are so cute!

Do...they match with RTP? :p
Yep, i'm on linux now so i cant really test it out, but i saved some screen shots from some projects and placed the template in there.
Test it out anyway and let me know if it fits well.
[Image: MS-Tyke-XPRTP.png]
[Image: MS-sig01.png]
Not looking to join any projects at this time.
Ahehee :)

They look great! Makes me think of Snes and Nes, which are my favorite systems ^.^

Extra props for the Linux. I love that OS. :)
Nothing like snes rpg games bud^^

Started on a female example folks, i've added what i have so far to the top ^^, keep watching.
What about doors?

Do they look good beside doors or going through them?
Don't know, with the size of the head (and with hair added) you may need to edit doorways for rtp.
Here's a possible door size that will work, i did this in somewhat of a hurry, using the template and character colors.
[Image: possibleDoorSize.png]
More work done on M.s tyke Terra, look to the heavens!
T-Terra! OH MY GOD! TERRA! *Foams at mouth*

Snap, I wish I could sprite, I would totally use these templates >.>

What resize did you do to the door? It looks good, you should probably add it to the first post so People using the templates could use the doors as well.

Wait...is this for VX or XP? Its XP, right?

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