Walking an Talking
I've got a problem and need some help.
I made an event that a person moves around.
After the "Set Move Route" I added "Wait for Move's Completion" because wothout it he just moves in one direction.
And I made it all on Parallel Process so that he moves all the time.
But now I've got a problem.
I want to make him talk when i click the action button.
But I don't know how to do that.
If I add the text the person just doesn't move.
And without any text he won't talk to me....
You can't have wait for move's completion on. This means that NOTHING else will happen until the movement is complete. If you give me one second, I will open XP and see if I can figure it out exactly.

EDIT: Alright. If you remove the "wait for move's completion" and the event doesn't move, chances are you have your movements BELOW your text. It needs to be above it, like this:

@>Set Move Route: This Event
$>Move left
$>Move left
@>Text: I'm walking and talking!

If you have it reversed, the event will move AFTER the text is passed.
It works but now the text always appears.
I want him to walk and if I click enter at him he should talk.
Most any 'message' system will force the game to temporarily pause actions while text is shown. This is to give the player the ability to read the displayed text. What you need is a system that allows message systems to display text while allowing other fieldmap actions to be performed.

I copied this from 'The Forum Script Listings' ... message system category:
Quote:XP - Text Scroll Script - Enhanced
by DerVVulfman (April 27, 2007)

Based on the Text Scroll Script by dubealex, this can display and scroll text taken from an outside .txt file, even with events running in the background.

The system I present to you requires a bit more 'work' and study to implement, and text is kept in an outside .txt file. However... with some work, you should be able to let it display text while allowing your character to continue walking in some manner. It may not be perfect (what in this world is?), but it may help.

Oh, and the original scripter (dubealex) gave permission for this edit but is not a member of the forum. Lack of script support.
I don't want him to keep walking when I talk to him
I just want him to walk and If i click enter he should stop, talk to me and then after the text he should continue.
But i don't know how to do it because I made it on "Parallel Process" but the text should appear when clicking enter....
You might want to do this then :
Create your event. On the left of the event window, you have "Autonomous Movement". Change the Type to "Custom", and click on "Move Route...". Then just make him walk the way you want. Just put the event on "Action Button" and put a message in there.

I think that's what you want. :O

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