by 60.25
that clown is ridiculously creepy...
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Thanks guys.
Got three more for ya:

Poor Old Sod
[Image: pooroldsod.png]

The Elephant Forgets
[Image: theelephantforgets.png]

[Image: contrary.png]
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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More arts! All of these occurred during a skype conversation.

Link with goomba
[Image: linkwithgoomba.png]
Forget that I accidentally made him with normal ears lol

The Reality of a Moldy World:
[Image: therealityofbeinginamoldyworld.png]

Muffins the Saddest Happiest Ghost (you'll never know)
[Image: muffinsthesaddesthappiestghost.png]

Giving Neko Crabs with Rabies
[Image: givingnekocrabswithrabies.png]
NekoThePyro said to draw a crab with rabies.

Oh, also - I posted this elsewhere, but forgot to do so here (the text is copied over, and it applies here too, but may seem a bit out of ordinary):
[Image: treeattempt.png]
I CAN NOT get these trees to look right for this li'l project. I'm gonna try again from a new perspective.
They're meant to match these sprites in perspective:
[Image: playable_cast.png]
(yeah, I already posted these, but you know what? It makes me feel less like a crump if I post two images - so BLAH
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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I love your colour work and also the way you made the foam on the crab.
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heh, cute and funny stuff jacket. xD

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Thanks Renard & xnadvance. I was really happy with the job I did on the foam XD

Here's more stuff I did in the last hour
After Nap
[Image: nap.png]

And a set of 3 in a row: He is... Praying, Dying, Gone
[Image: shh_he_is_praying.png]
[Image: shh_he_is_dying.png]
[Image: shh_he_is_gone.png]

Forgot about these:
Ego & Humility
[Image: egoandhumility.png]

[Image: questionthanexclamation.png]

Such Terribleness
[Image: suchterribleness.png]
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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Four more for my ever adoring fans (lol what?)
[Image: pity.png]
Sad & Short:
[Image: sadandshort.png]
[Image: skeletor.png]
[Image: schitz.png]
Next few days I should have a complete tileset to show :D
I hope... I'm posting that bit mostly for motivation. I hate tilesets, and it's really frustrating me that I'm having such a huge problem with things like trees. And grass. And bushes.
NEXT PROJECT WILL HAVE ONLY ROCKS AND BUILDINGS! Aha! Mountain desert town city game!

I was playing around and got me remembering an old goof project that I used for testing purposes. And I think after my li'l project I'm nearing completion with now is up, I'll work on this. Concept title/variances:
[Image: frombelowI.png]
[Image: frombelowII.png]
[Image: frombelowIII.png]

This is why I hate waking up early on my days off, when there's nothing to do and the weather doesn't allow cycling :\
Judas, so long:
[Image: judas-so-long.png]
Rainbow Speak:
[Image: rainbowspeak.png]
Cowboy Killers:
[Image: cowboykillers.png]
[Image: hallway.png]

I love abstractism, if that's the right one. Where you don't try to imitate the subject, but subject it instead.
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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I actually don't know if I can hotlink from the new site or not. It seems to be 50/50, so we'll call this a test, whatchya say?

[Image: 110518083958_doppleganger.png]

[Image: 110523073652_deleteme2.jpg]

What in the hell are you
[Image: 110523044352_whatinthehellareyou.jpg]

Sad Sun in a Lonely Fall
[Image: 110523051240_sadsun.jpg]

Ah, I just went back to spriting for one of my projects, which doesn't have a name (calling it "project: Bourbon" for now, named after one of the three lead characters). And since you guys never saw this, unless you look at a particular other site where I post sprite work, I figured I'd post my li'l "cheat sheet". I call it such because I often forget NPC names, or accidentally create two sprites that look too close alike (I've accidentally created the same sprite twice, just with alternate shading), things like that. Anyway, here it is, the entire cast I've made for this project (front view idles only for the cheat sheet though)
[Image: 110523113033_bourboncast.png]
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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I redid trees D:
This was the original attempt, see if you remember this:
[Image: treeattempt.png]
And the new version, now with rocks D:
[Image: 110528082009_treerocks.png]

EDIT: Moldy Skull
[Image: 110528084016_moldyskull.png]
Snazzy Sig in a Spoiler
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