New RMXP idea/concept. Sorry if in wrong section.
Ok, i had an idea for something fresh and new with RMXP. So, I figured I would post my thoughts on a different RPG Maker community. Well, it didn't go to well. I only got one post/reply. JUST ONE. The idea was to figure if people liked or disliked the idea, I cant get that feedback if no one will reply. Anyway, I hope you guys are more responsive. Here is the original thread post. I am feeling a tad lazy now, so copy paste is my friend.
Hello everyone, I have a game idea that I would like to discuss. But first, a few things. In today's RPG maker community people often struggle with ideas. Coming up with something that's is actually realistic and new, seems to trouble a lot of us. I think I found that different idea. I use RMXP, I am planning on using all the old school resources from rm2k/3. Music, characters, chip-sets and all that stuff (a lot of RTP.) Sure it won't be all fancy graphics an what not, but to the best of my know how. No one has attempted to use old resources on RMXP. So, y'all give me a rundown on what you think.

I guess this and really a game idea, but what ever lol.
No one has attempted to use old resources on RMXP? oô That's not true, I'vee seen at least five people working on XP games while they were using the old graphics.
Oh, no wait, two of them were using VX, I think. Anyway: It's not new. Then again: it doesn't all have to be new, the trick is to hide all the known things so well, that people won't see them. At least not right away.
lol very philosophical reply there. I think it is a fun idea and something i want to move forward with, but i need to know if people would actually try it.
Maybe yes, maybe no.
It depends on what you're going to do. If the Story sounds interesting, People will give it a try. Using old graphics sure is a nice thought and not something everyone does, but if the game you're creating with it sounds boring...
Then again, you could come up with something totally awsome. Who knows? We don't play Games for the graphics after all.
I knew I should have asked you guys instead of the other site. Ty for the feedback. However, feel free to keep giving advice lol.
However, i am not a big fan of the RTP world map chip-set for RM2K3. Any suggestions on chip-sets i should consider?
You shouldn't build your games around the amount of feedback you may or may not receive. If you haven't noticed the traffic flow of this forum is rather modest and only three or four threads get hit on a daily basis. You might only get ONE RESPONSE...but that's okay. Generally the person puts more effort into their post.

The bottom-line is ...if it is a good idea and you are happy with it -- go for it. Whether or not some random user tells you to 'POST MOR, TIS AWESOME'...if it is important to you, you make it happen.

I don't like when I feel guilted or obligated into posting a reply if I just don't feel like it. Maybe I don't have interest in your particular game or idea. Maybe I'm having a bad day and don't want to have that reflect in my post. Maybe I liked your idea but have nothing to offer as far as criticism/expansion/feedback/etc. goes.

Wouldn't you rather have someone post one helpful response than a bunch of unhelpful insincere fluff that isn't even game-specific?

Mack's chipsets for RPGMaker 2000 and 2003 were often considered the 'alternate RTP' because they were of a finer quality and were well received. This is a link to his RMVX resources, but I'm sure you'll be able to find his RM2K resources around there.
Shiroiyuki, you made some valid points that honestly. I didn't think of, thanks. Oh, and thanks as well for the resource suggestion DerVVulfman.
Personally, I feel that a retro game in XP would be awesome, if done properly. Other than saying the you want to use old stuff, you haven't really said much more. Of course, I've had a few drinks so I might just be missing it, but could you elaborate on what you are doing?
[Image: style7,Kristovski.png]
well. honestly im just in the process of gathering all the old school resources. I dont really wanna go into detail about the game untill i make a game thread. I just wanted some feed back on the idea of a retro game on RMXP using RM2K/3 resources. I just thought of the idea a week ago. I have seen so many retro games on older makers. I figured what the hell, try one on RMXP.

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