08-30-2009, 10:02 PM
Zone Damage
This is a simple and quite small event system that will add quite some dynamics to your maps.
Hot and Cold areas to be more precise.
How I got the idea was simple.
It all happened while I was playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP.
What happened is a funny story.
While I was on a quest in the volcanic zone, I totally forgot to bring me a nice cold Cool Drink.
An item that makes you immune for extreme heat for a set amount of time.
RPG Maker XP came to mind, since I just stopped working on my project to relax a bit with my PSP.
That was when it hit me, and hit me hard too!
I figured this would be easy to make with RMXP.
And so I did, and here is the result!
The two options are Hot and Cold, no more no less.
With a simple switch you can trigger either one of those two.
If it's hot you gulp down a cool drink.
If it's cold you gulp down a hot drink.
Both of them are items, so use one of them to make yourself immune for either the heat or cold.
If you don't, the heat will drain you health (HP) to an inch of your life!
Don't think the cold will be easy on you either, because your stamina (SP) will drain like nobodies business.
It's pretty straightforward, just make an map or use an existing one that you want to be either hot or cold.
Then slap a simple auto run event on the map that will trigger the switch of either one of the zones.
Don't forget to use 'erase event' and not use a 'self switch * = on' or it won't trigger every time you enter the map!
The system will take care of the rest! It's so simple, even the simplest mind will understand.
Author's Notes
It's best if you just peek into the demo, it will all be very clear to you because every little detail in the events has been commented!
ENJOY~ :cheery:
Use this mini event however you please and tweak it until your hart's content!
But do give credit to either one of my alias'.
Zone Damage
This is a simple and quite small event system that will add quite some dynamics to your maps.
Hot and Cold areas to be more precise.
How I got the idea was simple.
It all happened while I was playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP.
What happened is a funny story.
While I was on a quest in the volcanic zone, I totally forgot to bring me a nice cold Cool Drink.
An item that makes you immune for extreme heat for a set amount of time.
RPG Maker XP came to mind, since I just stopped working on my project to relax a bit with my PSP.
That was when it hit me, and hit me hard too!
I figured this would be easy to make with RMXP.
And so I did, and here is the result!
The two options are Hot and Cold, no more no less.
With a simple switch you can trigger either one of those two.
If it's hot you gulp down a cool drink.
If it's cold you gulp down a hot drink.
Both of them are items, so use one of them to make yourself immune for either the heat or cold.
If you don't, the heat will drain you health (HP) to an inch of your life!
Don't think the cold will be easy on you either, because your stamina (SP) will drain like nobodies business.
It's pretty straightforward, just make an map or use an existing one that you want to be either hot or cold.
Then slap a simple auto run event on the map that will trigger the switch of either one of the zones.
Don't forget to use 'erase event' and not use a 'self switch * = on' or it won't trigger every time you enter the map!
The system will take care of the rest! It's so simple, even the simplest mind will understand.
Author's Notes
It's best if you just peek into the demo, it will all be very clear to you because every little detail in the events has been commented!

ENJOY~ :cheery:
Use this mini event however you please and tweak it until your hart's content!
But do give credit to either one of my alias'.
Zone Damage