Xas mouise help!
Hi im trying to edit the mouise system by dvv to make compatible with xas

The farther i get is removing the default left click button action (input::C) so the character move with default left click, and attack with the double click, but the problem with it is that doing it the menus doesnt work =( it is a total failure...

and the thing is: if the character moves, the dvv mouise script push C for default, so the character move and slash all in 1... thats crazy

So i see the big problem is the following:
Xas system by default use the default input config, (input::C) or (input::B) but also Xas makes a new input module (XAS_COMMAND::DASH_BUTTON) as example, this Xas command is maked to perform the actions when the player attack, dash or more... As far as i see is that xas works with 2 diferents inputs... Now the dvv mouise system makes another input if u see: (mouse::left_click) or (mouse::right_click) for example, now the big problem is the following: xas is maked for the keyboard, i tried 2 change the default input but i see that rmxp default inputs are bad...
in rmxp if u set a button C, it is enter and also space... Thats is the big problem... Xas is made for the default input and its possible to change the input (i made it) but if u change to other input (with the correct keys) xas will not recongize it xD becuase it will work in the default input...

So lets go with mouise script:
1- dvv mouise makes a new input
2- Xas dont recongize the dvv input (tested 1000 times xD)
3- So if xas dont recongize this input the solution that i think is to make something similar as I did, edit the dvv mouise script and change the input, to a new config (in mi case im using virtualkeys input)
4- the new mouse config that is possible to make is the following:

a) Quit the mouse input C by default when move, and make left_click only walk, and right click, attack or perform a action, (talk with npcs for example)

b) Make a new module for Xas that makes the mouse only click C when the mouse icon change

c) Or rewrite xas to make compatible with all input types

I need help of a scripter to make it possible, i know that is not easy, and i know a litle rgss :( but i understant what do a script and i edit it a litle no many xD, so there are 3 base changes that can be do, so i dont know what is the eassier and better way to make it =)

Srry for my english, if you do not understand my explantion send me a pm and i will send a demo with the litle things that i did.
Dear elisamuelps,

I did not have time to look into the request until now. And I was not familiar with the ABS in question. I see it was developed by Xiderong and later work was added by Moghunter. A rather quickly paced system, though Mousie may make it be TOO easy for you now. ^_^

I made a script right (>HERE<) that you will like to use.

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