What's on your mind?
I heard they tried it with flying skateboards. (See Back to the Future II). They actually 'did' have a prototype (no joke), but had problems with gyroscopics and keeping the thing level. WHAAAA!!! *THUD*

Dunno how they managed it though.
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I don't know why but flying skateboard reminds me automatically Back to the Future.
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On the mind: Iran and North Korea is a threat to global security. The fate of this whole planet is in danger because of these 2 nations. Talking to them won't work. Only their absolute destruction will solve the problem. I'm tired of all this darn talking. It gets nothing done. I say destroy them before they cause WWIII. All this waiting around is gonna get all of us killed in a nuclear war.

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I slipped in offul and hurt my knee.
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If it's your right knee... welcome to the club. Sad Yeeeouch!
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I recently noticed that the WiFi electromagnetic waves make me sleep bad. Need to turn off the router before sleep. :(
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I went overdrawn on my Halifax account today.

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Things got a little heated in the arcade today. I lost 2 championships, but I won them back. I better stay on my toes.

"Even at peace you should be on your guard" --Vegeta-- DBZ
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Corruption! Corruption! A staff member actually doing work!
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