What's on your mind?
Hoping that this community will become more productive on the development front. ;(
Tech Administrator of Save-Point
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Playing WWE Allstars :D
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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I can't sleep. Now what am I going to do now?
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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Eat cake, eat lots of cake.
(That, or you could come and join me on the IRC).
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Vowel harmony, rules of Sound change, syntax and whether or not I should have my language as an inflection language.... Happy with a sweat
[Image: 10shroo.jpg]
Set by me, MagitekElite!
Planet Development

Artist, Author, Gamer, Music Maker (learning!) and Christian :)
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I'm looking forward for tomorrow. BBQ ftw! :D
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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I know this situation... :D
[Image: 76561198077561206.png]
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On this creative Mind: It seems I'm only attracted to beautiful nerdy women. Mmmmm, yeah... I'm very sure I would've went out with any cute girl that knew about nukes and plays starcraft. Searching.

Wha-What? Right! I completed that mission in 2002*... What's really on my mind? One day women will rule the universe. They already outnumber men 3 to 1 globally. There's a 52% chance a girl will be born. No one knows why. (this is true.)
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I just had a nightmare about save-point being hacked, lol.
And the hackers were... :)
[Image: facebook_icon.png] [Image: youtube_128x128-120x120.png] [Image: deviant.png] [Image: save-point.png]
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[Image: 300px-Switch.jpg]
"The things I always protect never change!" - Sakata Gintoki, Gintama.
"Two people dying separately? No. If we die, we'll die together." - Suigintou, Rozen Maiden.
And sorry for my mistakes in English words, if I do it.
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