Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Daniel stared at him, surprised by Marcus's vehement words. "Robin's still in there somewhere." He muttered. "I heard her. Just for a moment, but it was enough. We can still have her."

"It's time you gave up on your friend." Marcus snapped. "You're not going to be able to beat Balthus. No one can now. He has what he came for. And now, it's not just us any more. The whole city is in danger. Maybe the entire continent. If you hadn't interrupted me, I might have been able to finish this.

"But no, you had to open your mouth, and the opportunity was ruined. Whatever happens now is your fault. Do you understand that, boy?"

Daniel looked down at the ground, his hands trembling. "I won't give up." He whispered, then glanced back up at Marcus, his chin set stubbornly. "I won't give up! Robin and I grew up together, but it's more than that now. More than--more than the feelings I have for her.

"Balthus has seized her soul, but she still fights. She hasn't given up, and neither will I! The fight might be stupid and pointless, but I'm not going to just stand by, and leave her to fight him by herself.

"You say I can't defeat Balthus now, but I don't believe that. Anything can defeated if you have the strength to do so. Sometimes, you just have to be more stubborn than your opponent. And I am. I also have much more to lose."

Marcus stared at the half elf, more than a little amazed. The boy's determination still hadn't waned. If anything, Balthus' escape seemed to have fueled it. Marcus found himself admiring his candor. "Okay, Daniel." He sighed. "I understand. But, now we must figure out our next move. And I haven't a clue as to what happens now. I can't even say for sure where Balthus might have gone."

"I can tell you." A low voice said hesitantly. They'd forgotten about Tiberius! Marcus couldn't believe that he'd been so stupid. As far as he was concerned, Tiberius was still the enemy. But...

Daniel kneeled on the ground, seizing the cloth around Tiberius' throat. "Where?" He growled into Tiberius' face.

Tiberius choked out a strangled cough. "Halfbreed's got quite a grip."


"His name is Daniel, Tiberius," Marcus said calmly, leaning over and plucking the dagger from the old man's belt. The Necrordinator's crossbow was already slung over his back. "Best answer him, or I'll help him bodily drag you through this place until we find Balthus and we both throw you at him." Something in his tone left no doubt he wasn't entirely kidding.

"...He's in a chamber at the heart of the caverns," the old man replied. "He used it as a sanctum when he was alive. The stone was there as well. I can tell you how to find it."

He then began to rattle off a short series of twist and turns that lead through the maze of crystal. When he had finished, Daniel's grip on his robes loosened.

"Right," said the boy, "let's go."

"A moment. Tiberius is coming with us."

"What?" both Daniel and Tiberius said in unison.

"Tiberius, you may have the aim of a drunken sow," Marcus said as he handed the old man's dagger to Daniel, "but you're also a soulless two-faced bastard, and I'm not letting you out of my sight if I can help it. While I don't mind you siccing us on Balthus, I want to make sure we meet him in one piece, so you'll be around to deal with any traps you may have forgotten to mention. Now get up."

"I don't like this," Daniel whispered as their enemy struggled to his feet.

"Neither do I, lad," Marcus whispered back. "I don't trust Tiberius an inch. Still, I'd rather have him in front of us where we can see him than behind us where we can't, and right now, killing him will only give Balthus a potential servant he CAN control. Remember Kriger?"

The boy nodded. Kriger may not have been bright, but he was single minded and relentless. The thought of another gruesome dead thing following them was not very appealing.

"All right then... Tiberius, hand over your bolts while you're at it. You won't be using them."

The old man glared at Marcus, then reluctantly handed over his pouch of crossbow bolts. "So how am I supposed to defend myself?"

"You'll think of something," Marcus shrugged, tying the pouch to his waist, leaving his hands free for the spear. "Now, lead the way."

Tiberius muttered a curse under his breath and started off into the crystalline corridors with Daniel and Marcus following behind.

"Daniel," Marcus said in a low voice.


"One chance. You only get one chance to bring your friend back. If it doesn't work, then I have to take whatever steps it takes to make sure that thing doesn't leave these caverns. Do you understand? Whatever it takes."

"...I won't let you kill Robin."

"Then make sure I don't have to. If we don't end it here and Balthus leaves this place... well, may the gods have mercy."

Leading his captors to where he last left Balthus was insulting. However, that elf-boy was starting to rattle him. Elves were not known to be as tough as this one, and yet this 'Daniel' can hold his own against the choir of the dead. The old stories about the hall of souls and the tormented cries of the dead... no elf should be able to have progressed as far as he.

I'll have a hard time killing Marcus with that brat around.

Tiberius continued through the crystalline maze wishing that there were more surprises waiting for them. Whether he was eliminated by Marcus or slain by Balthus, his expectations were rather dismal. He sought to find something to give him some edge.

How much more can I really take of this? Daniel wondered. Between the screaming crystals, and Robin's mind being taken over by Balthus, he was emotionally and physically exhausted. He was young and strong, but he didn't think he'd last much longer. His endurance was almost at an end.

Marcus wasn't looking too well, either. Being much older than Daniel, Marcus was clearly showing signs of fatigue. Marcus had done something to Daniel to help block the screaming, and it clearly had taken some toll on the older man.

As for Tiberius, Daniel knew that they couldn't trust him. Having that man along, they had to be wary. Tiberius would stab them in the back the moment he thought he could. There would be no easy rest, until Tiberius was gone.

But how to get rid of the man, when they needed him for the moment? "We need to rest." Daniel told Marcus. "I'm tired, and so are you."

Marcus stared hard at him for a moment. "That may be, but we have to keep moving. Balthus isn't done yet, and who knows how long we have before he makes his move."


"Daniel, enough! You want to save Robin, I understand that. However, we do have other priorites. Stopping Balthus must be first. If she must be sacrificed in order to stop Balthus, I'm prepared to do that. You must be too. If you think you can't handle it, you should go home."

"That's not what I'm saying!" Daniel protested. "I think we should just rest, and get our heads together!"

"There's no time for that. Especially with him with us now." Marcus spoke this last part in a whisper. "You know we can't trust him."

"I know. Maybe we should tie his hands."

"We have no rope." Marcus pointed out.

"Then let's find one. Then we can rest."

"We'll see." Marcus said doubtfully.

"We can't defeat Balthus if we're both exhausted. You know that. We need our minds to defeat him, and my mind is rather fuzzy right now."

My muse isn't being very helpful this time. Oh well...

"Look around Daniel. Think you're going to find any rope in this place?"

The half-elf looked at the barren crystal walls that surrounded them. Signs of human habitation were completely in absence.

"However..." the guardian sighed reluctantly, "maybe we can spare a few moments. Tiberius, hold up."

"What now?" the old man growled.

"Sit. We're taking a break."

"Are you MAD?"

"At the moment, just annoyed. The lad here and I have had a long day, as I'm sure you recall. Now SIT."

Tiberius reluctantly settled down on the ground a few feet from the others, grumbling under his breath. Marcus sat across the passage from him, his back leaning against the wall and the spear leisurely placed across his lap where he could get to it easily.

Daniel sank down heavily and rubbed his sore feet and immediately felt a little better. He never thought he'd miss wearing shoes. This place under the fortress... how big was it? It just seemed to keep going forever. He guessed that by now they were outside the citadel walls somewhere.

"Are we almost there?" he asked.

"We'll get there soon enough halfbre- Daniel," Tiberius corrected himself and glared at Marcus.

"Good," the guardian chuckled. "Can't see how anyone would want to stay in the place."

"Balthus finds it most fascinating," replied Tiberius.

"No wonder Balthus is both crazy and dead. Well, mostly dead," Marcus added.

“No wonder Balthus is both crazy and dead. Well, mostly dead.” the words echoed in the chamber. Robin, nay, Balthus grinned at the comments his pursuers thought were to themselves.

The chamber was dark and sinister. Just as the crystalline passages were lit from within, the glazed walls of Balthus’s laboratory fed off of light, draining all save for that of the large crystal’s now set in the brass column in the center. Every article within had a ruddy glow.

Moving from table to table, Balthus grabbed various instruments and slipped them into his robes. A silver dish with arcane symbols, a small brass brazier with reliefs depicting a large, bloated demon... All were sequestered within various folds and pockets in the robe.

One table remained untouched. Balthus smiled every time it was passed and the chessboard that lay on top. “Pawns,” Balthus muttered as he slipped past to a nearby bookshelf. He quickly scanned it until he found the tome he was looking for.

Reaching up to grab the book, he grimaced viewing the lithe hands under his control. Soon I will be rid of these weak, female prisons and back in my own form. Snatching the book, he tosses it onto the chessboard and scatters the pieces onto the floor. Then, I will truly be immortal.

When he was alive, he spent years toiling at his experiments and for all those years he failed. Delving into practices immoral and profane, his quest for true immortality grew closer. But with each failed attempt, a cruel monstrosity was borne. No one in his country knew of his experiments, not even his wife.

Nor did anyone realize his plea to Baron Twadre to form a guardian order was a subtle ploy to eliminate his undead creations. Within the Necrordinators, he was able to hide any traces of his involvement with the occult and set into motion his greatest work.

Tossing open the cover, Balthus flipped through the pages. The sheepskin parchment, toughened over the years, began to crack as he searched for what he desired.

“Alright, let’s go.” Marcus’s voice echoed again in the chamber. Balthus smiled as he tore the pages from the binding.

Slipping the crystal from the column, Balthus had everything he needed and proceeded to leave the chamber. Looking back, he glanced at the scattered chess pieces on the floor and thought of Tiberius.

“Pawns are always sacrificed.”

Daniel won't give up on me. Robin thought as Balthus took her body down the corridors that led to the exit.

Balthus smiled to himself at the warning. "I'm counting on that." He replied. "Don't worry, my dear. I have plans for your little half breed."

I won't let you hurt him!

"As if you really have a choice. This body belongs to me now."

For now. Robin conceded. You think you've won, Balthus. But, it's not over yet.

Balthus laughed at her. "You still think that there's a way to be rid of me? I planted that idea in your head to get you here. This was the plan from the start. I knew that you would be gullible enough to want to break the 'curse'. You and that little whelp you grew up with."

Robin refused to believe that this was the end for her. Maybe she was tricked into coming here by Balthus, but she wouldn't let herself despair. If she couldn't think of a way to escape Balthus, Daniel would. Her friend was the most resourceful person she knew, and since coming here, he'd become even more so.

* * *

Daniel hadn't a clue as to how he was going to save Robin, and throw Balthus out of her body. Ideas had been roiling around in his brain, but none of them seemed right. Unfortunately, he didn't know enough about what Balthus had done to enable him to live inside the bodies of his descendants. Whatever he had done, there had to be a way to reverse it. But, he was no mage or sorcerer. He didn't have one ounce of magic in his body, which must dismay his own ancestors.

If there was a spell or something that could banish Balthus from Robin's body, Marcus, or gods forbid, Tiberius would have to perform it. But, he didn't intend to stay around Tiberius for very much longer. Balthus' ally stank of evil as much as Balthus probably would have if he'd been in his own body.

"Marcus, do you know where Balthus' lab was?" He asked.

"No, but I bet Tiberius does."

Tiberius scowled at them. "If you think I'm taking you there, you're more stupid than I thought."

Daniel seized him by the collar, growling into his face. "You'll do whatever we tell you, you little worm! We're going to Balthus' lab, and you're going to lead us there. I'm just waiting for you to do something so I can kill you. I hate your stench!"

Tiberius' eyes grew wide. The half breed was going crazy! "No one is allowed in Balthus' lab. It was sealed a long time ago."

"Then we'll break the seal." Daniel said determinedly.

"Are you MAD? You can't do that!"

"Why not!?"

"Because Balthus made it! When he was in his prime! You can't just break that on a whim! It's too strong!"

"Have you tried?" Marcus asked calmly.

"Wha... of COURSE I haven't tried. I am not so eager to throw my life away!"

"Then tell us-" Daniel began.

He stopped as he felt it, a wave of force that rippled through the cavern like a booming sound that could not be heard.


"Aye lad, even I felt that. Can't be good."

Daniel turned his attentions back to Tiberius. The old man looked even more shaken than he did moments earlier.

"What was that?" Daniel demanded.

"I... I don't know. But I think..."

"Tell me!"

"Balthus is coming."

"Figured as much," Marcus grumbled. "Let him up Daniel. We need to go."

"Go where?"

"That way," he answered and pointed towards the source of the ripple.

"You're insane!" snapped Tiberius.


More than probably, Marcus thought to himself. No armor, barely a handful of weapons, and the company of a backstabbing coward, and yet the mission goes on.

It's the stuff legendary massacres are made of.

Of course, there's Daniel. He's the only advantage we might have. His ties to the girl... well he thinks they're strong enough to break Balthus hold and he may be right, but...

Eric would have been about his age... no, a little older maybe. So different and yet...

He shook his head. This was not the time to be living in the past. There was only the fight and the now. The past was gone and the future would entirely be dependent on what happened here today.

A second wave rippled through the cavern and with it, the sound of steady footsteps approaching slowly.

"Gods protect us," Marcus murmured under his breath as he unslung the crossbow and loaded it. This one was a well made one, better than he expected from Tiberius, but it had the same limitations as all crossbows: most of the time, you only got one shot, so make it count.

The footsteps drew closer.

His grip on the long spear tightened as Daniel grew agitated. As the strange footsteps grew closer, he noticed the craven expression on Tiberius’s face. The man was practically on his knees, begging for forgiveness.

Another wave washed through him from the passage ahead, and something else. A glimmer. A shimmering. As the crisp crunch of his feet hit the floor, the shape began to take form in the lit passageway. Though it was still obscured by the otherworldly light of the crystalline walls, Daniel could make out a shape with his elven sight. The slender figure approached.

Marcus slid beside Daniel and readied the crossbow, taking aim at the figure dead ahead. He glanced at Daniel for just a moment and then thought twice. Okay, boy. We’ll do it your way, he thought. He swung the weapon to his right.

“Well, well, well,” an unfamiliar voice sounded from the passage. It wasn’t Robin’s at all, but a man’s voice. “And the three mewling pups come to the bear’s den at last.”

“Lord Balthus. I did as you asked” Tiberius cringed even more than before. “I serve only- ”

“You serve only yourself, worm,” interrupted the figure ahead declared. “And what better use for worms than as bait?”

“Let her go, Balthus.” Daniel demanded.

“Ha ha ha ha ha,” he laughed as he approached. “Or else what? You weak, pathetic, elfling. Your precious Robin has been crushed.”

No longer concealed by the light of the walls, the crystalline figure stepped even closer.

“As... will... you... all...”

“A Xanthum!” He may not have been the best archer in the realm, but the Guardian’s sped the crossbow back up and let loose the oaken shaft with astonishing speed and accuracy. Before Daniel even noticed Marcus’s action, the bolt sped through the neck of the crystal puppet. The head rolled off the body and shattered on the floor.

“Ha ha ha ha ha,” Balthus’s voice echoed. “Such spirit... old man. Let’s see how you fare against death itself.”

Daniel poised himself as the glassy statue raised its diamond sharp arms.

"Daniel, watch out!" Marcus warned as the statue's arms came sweeping down on the elf. Marcus didn't think the boy would make it in time, but once again Daniel surprised him by quickly rolling out of the way. He was back on his feet in an instant. The boy had moved so quickly that Marcus almost didn't see him.

The headless statue spun around, swinging its arms wildly. The boy ducked and rolled, staying just out of reach. If Marcus didn't know better, he'd say that Daniel was playing with it, rather than the other way around.

Marcus wasn't sure if Balthus was watching through the statue or not, but the thing was currently distracted by the half elf. Marcus decided to take advantage of that, and hoped that he didn't accidentally hit Daniel. He raised the crossbow, taking careful aim. He intended to take one of the statue's arms, but at the last moment, Tiberius bumped into him. The arrow went flying way off mark, nearly striking the half elf in the forehead.

Again, with a surprising show of agility, the boy twisted his body to avoid the arrow. However, this also got him within the grasp of the Xanthum. It grabbed Daniel by the forearms, hauling him up off his feet. More than a foot off the ground, Daniel's face clearly showed the pain he was feeling. But there was something else as well. His eyes were blazing with fury. And that fury was directed not at the statue, but at Tiberius.

Tiberius' supposed stumble had nearly killed him, and Daniel knew it. He also knew that Tiberius had intended to kill him by using Marcus. The boy was clever and smart, Marcus had to give him that. He also couldn't continue worrying about Tiberius causing another mishap. He had to help Daniel, before the statue tore off his arms.

Without a word, Marcus turned around, and slammed his fist into Tiberius' nose. The traitorous fool fell to the ground hard, holding his bleeding nose. Marcus strung another arrow, taking aim. Without a glance at Tiberius, Marcus loosed the arrow. This time, it flew true, striking the Xanthum at the base of the shoulder. The crystal arm shattered, leaving Daniel hanging haphazardly by one of its hands. However, this also gave the boy the opportunity that he needed.

He drew his legs up, twisting his body, until he was hanging upside down. Somehow, he got his other arm free, landing on his feet. Marcus didn't want to know how badly that move had wrenched Daniel's shoulder. The process had looked painful, but at least he was free now.

Without once looking at the Xanthum, Daniel strode over Tiberius and hauled him to his feet. Tiberius was still holding his bleeding nose, looking at the half elf in terror. Tiberius knew he was in trouble. "It's time for you to prove yourself, you piece of dung!" Daniel hissed into his face. Then he pushed Tiberius towards the statue.

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