CTB - A Final Fantasy X-like Battle System, Version 3.2
Hey, Charlie I love this battle system.. But, I have a question, because I dont understand about RGSS languange... and I'm only understand little of your PDF format tutorial..

How to classify the skills?? (for example : Ultima => White Arts, Doom => Black Arts, Cross Cut => Techs), I got "Script 'CTB by Charlie - Scene Battle' line 1928: ArgumentError occured. wrong number of arguments(2 for 1)" when I tried to select "White Arts","Techs", or "Black Arts" in Battle Test..
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This is an extract from the guide, that explains how to assign skills to categories (or viceversa). Please read this and tell me what exactly isn't clear enough.

Quote:Let us assume that you want to create "Black Magic" and "White Magic".
Create two elements named "CMD White Magic" and "CMD Black Magic". For each skill belonging to the “White Magic” category, check the "CMD
White Magic" element. Do the same with "Black Magic" skills and the "CMD Black Magic" element.
Finished. Yes. Simple, isn't it?
Remember: if "Name" is you category, use an element called "CMD Name". "Name" will show up in the command window of the actors, and it will be
displayed only if that actor has at least one skill of that category.

The error is caused by some custom menu system you must be using.
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Thanks Charlie.. Yes...I think the error caused by the other script... Okay... I'll search someone who can fix it~
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I'm absolutely astonished by your script and I will definitely use it in my project. Great Work!

But I have a queston.

Is there a way to create a skill class (CMD) called 'passive skills' which are only visible in the menu?

Oh and an idea for a next release: Team skills!
Reply }
Holaaa Charlie!! Soy yo he vuelto a la carga!! hata hace poc seguia usando una de tus antiguas versiones, y al usar la nueva me ha dado un extraño error, he buscado un poco por el thread pero no he sabido encontrarlo. Quizas puedas ayudarme a entender que es lo que ocurre, quizas me he saltado algun paso o algo al trasladarlo el proyecto aunque no estoy segura :S!!! Te adjunto una imagen para que veas lo que quiero decir.

AAhh por cierto!! FElicidades por el script te esta quedando fantastico^^ Besitos!!^^
Traduciria esto ahora al ingles pero tengo pereza -.- en cuanto tenga algo de tiempo lo pondre en ingles para el que tenga una duda semejante

P.d.2: Probe a usar el juego directamente solo pasando los archivos a uno nuevo y me da el mismo error, no es solo siguiendo las pautas de instalacion que hay en el pdf sino en el propio juego -.- que lio!!

Hello Charlie! I'm back to load! until recently was still using one of your older versions, and using the new has given me a strange error, I searched a bit for the thread but I have not managed to find it. Maybe you can help me to understand what happens, maybe I skipped some steps or something to move the project but I'm not sure! 'm Enclosing a picture so you see what I mean.

Aahh indeed! Congratulations for the fantastic script is running you ^ ^ Besitos! ^ ^
Translate it into English but I have now -.- lazy when I have time I'll put something in English to have such a doubt

P.d: I used google to translate u.u
Pd2: try using only directly from the game files to a new and gives me the same error, not just following the guidelines of installation that is in the pdf but the game itself -.- that mess!

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ark Wrote:Hi,

I'm absolutely astonished by your script and I will definitely use it in my project. Great Work!

But I have a queston.

Is there a way to create a skill class (CMD) called 'passive skills' which are only visible in the menu?

Oh and an idea for a next release: Team skills!

You can check out this thread.

Drowna Wrote:Holaaa Charlie!! Soy yo he vuelto a la carga!! hata hace poc seguia usando una de tus antiguas versiones, y al usar la nueva me ha dado un extraño error, he buscado un poco por el thread pero no he sabido encontrarlo. Quizas puedas ayudarme a entender que es lo que ocurre, quizas me he saltado algun paso o algo al trasladarlo el proyecto aunque no estoy segura :S!!! Te adjunto una imagen para que veas lo que quiero decir.

AAhh por cierto!! FElicidades por el script te esta quedando fantastico^^ Besitos!!^^
Traduciria esto ahora al ingles pero tengo pereza -.- en cuanto tenga algo de tiempo lo pondre en ingles para el que tenga una duda semejante

P.d.2: Probe a usar el juego directamente solo pasando los archivos a uno nuevo y me da el mismo error, no es solo siguiendo las pautas de instalacion que hay en el pdf sino en el propio juego -.- que lio!!

Hello Charlie! I'm back to load! until recently was still using one of your older versions, and using the new has given me a strange error, I searched a bit for the thread but I have not managed to find it. Maybe you can help me to understand what happens, maybe I skipped some steps or something to move the project but I'm not sure! 'm Enclosing a picture so you see what I mean.

Aahh indeed! Congratulations for the fantastic script is running you ^ ^ Besitos! ^ ^
Translate it into English but I have now -.- lazy when I have time I'll put something in English to have such a doubt

P.d: I used google to translate u.u
Pd2: try using only directly from the game files to a new and gives me the same error, not just following the guidelines of installation that is in the pdf but the game itself -.- that mess!

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Do you have any other script where a new definition of the Sprite_Battler class is present? Look for "class Sprite_Battler" with CTRL+SHIFT+F and tell me what you find.
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Esto es lo que me salio....
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p.d: no te preocupes cielo, ya corregí el error, decidi instalar la version inglesa del RPg maker y asi funciona perfectamente, de todas formas gracias ^^

p.d: dont worry honey, and I corrected the error, I decided to install the English version of RPG Maker and it works perfectly well, thanks anyway ^ ^
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Hey Charlie. A couple of questions...

What does the Rigene effect do in your system? I'm a bit stumped. Is it a regeneration - +15% health?

I'm really trying to incorporate damage and healing over time for hp and sp.

I don't like the default rmxp system at all of taking away a percentage. If you happen to be fighting enemies that are your level, that is probably fine. If you're in a boss fight with something that has many more hp, the effect would be much more powerful and that just is not very intuitive.

I'd love to be able to actually create calculations based on your new ones to have things like int be incorporated into how much damage is delt per turn but I lack the coding knowledge. I'd be fine settling for just an exact amount that a spell/state will take off per turn. I've looked through and have only found one script that could possibly do this.....

# HoT DoT
# Author: Shdwlink1993
# Version: 1.01b
# Type: Poison Control
# HT Date 1.0b: 1/11/2009
# HT Date 1.01b: 1/12/2009
# #  This work is protected by the following license:
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #  
# #  Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
# #  ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ )
# #  
# #  You are free:
# #  
# #  to Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work
# #  to Remix - to adapt the work
# #  
# #  Under the following conditions:
# #  
# #  Attribution. You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the
# #  author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you
# #  or your use of the work).
# #  
# #  Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
# #  
# #  Share alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may
# #  distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to
# #  this one.
# #  
# #  - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
# #    terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web
# #    page.
# #  
# #  - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the
# #    copyright holder.
# #  
# #  - Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
# #  
# #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #
# # Note that if you share this file, even after editing it, you must still
# # give proper credit to shdwlink1993.
#                                ~= Function =~
# This script is designed to allow you to expand what poison does to your
# character. Poison now is able to affect HP or SP, and take off a fraction or
# a set amount of HP/SP.
#                               ~= Version History =~
# Version 1.0b ---------------------------------------------------- [1/11/2009]
# Version 1.01b --------------------------------------------------- [1/12/2009]
#  - A simple math error was fixed (+ instead of -)
#                              ~= Customization =~
# Customization can be found right under where the Poison Database begins.
#                               ~= Compatability =~
# - Low probability of working with the SDK.
# - Will not work with other Poison-editing scripts.
# - Must be placed above Tons of Addons.

module SL93
  def self.hotdot(id)
    case id
    # Poison Database Begins
    #  * STATE_NUMBER is the state you want to be affected by this.
    #  * TYPE refers to the thing sustaining damage.
    #      1 = HP, 2 = SP. If the type is positive, the amount is a literal
    #      number (eg. You lose about 50 HP). If the type is negative, then
    #      the amount is a fraction of the maximum (eg. You lose about 50% of
    #      your HP).
    #  * DAMAGE refers to how much damage is healed/taken.
    #      A Positive amount hurts you and a negative amount heals you.
    #  * VARIANCE refers to how much the damage varies. Positive only.
    #      This depends in part on if the type was positive (~5 HP difference)
    #      or negative (~5% HP difference).
    #  * LIMIT_DRAIN refers to if the poison can leave you with 0 HP/SP.
    #      If true, then it is limited, and stops at 1. If false, then it
    #      isn't.
      when 3 then return [-1, 10, 15, false]  # Standard Poison
    # Poison Database Ends
    return false

class Game_Battler
  def slip_damage?
    return @states.any? {|i| SL93.hotdot(i) != false }
  def slip_damage_effect
    ids = []
    for i in @states
      ids.push(i) if SL93.hotdot(i) != false
    for i in ids
      self.damage = SL93.hotdot(i)[1] if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] > 0
      self.damage = self.maxhp / SL93.hotdot(i)[1] if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == -1
      self.damage = self.maxsp / SL93.hotdot(i)[1] if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == -2
      if self.damage.abs > 0 && SL93.hotdot(i)[2] > 0
        amp = [self.damage.abs - SL93.hotdot(i)[2], 1].max if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] > 0
        amp = [self.damage.abs * SL93.hotdot(i)[2] / 100, 1].max if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] < 0
        self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
      self.damage = self.damage * -1 if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] < 0
      if SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == 1 || SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == -1
        self.damage = self.hp - 1 if !SL93.hotdot(i)[3] && (0 > self.hp += self.damage)
        self.hp += self.damage
      elsif SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == 2 || SL93.hotdot(i)[0] == -2
        self.damage = self.sp - 1 if !SL93.hotdot(i)[3] && (0 > self.sp += self.damage)
        self.sp += self.damage
    return true

class Game_Party
  def check_map_slip_damage
    @actors.each {|actor|
      if actor.hp > 0 && actor.slip_damage?
        $game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(255, 0, 0, 128), 4)
        $game_temp.gameover = $game_party.all_dead?

Unfortunately it does not seem to work with the battle system... or at least I have not been able to get it to(It just acts as if it is not there and slip damage works as usual). I was curious to know if you could give it a quick look and see if it specifically conflicts with anything in your system?

Also, do you just happen to have any thoughts or ideas on a better system for regeneration/damage over time or know of a script that you enjoy using or have experience with?

Any kind of information you could give about these types of effects with your battle system would be much appreciated!!
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andicesharks Wrote:I don't like the default rmxp system at all of taking away a percentage. If you happen to be fighting enemies that are your level, that is probably fine. If you're in a boss fight with something that has many more hp, the effect would be much more powerful and that just is not very intuitive.
Why not just make the bosses immune to poison then, or give them a way to recover from poison? =O

The only real issue I can see with this would be with Demi, really.
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andicesharks Wrote:I don't like the default rmxp system at all of taking away a percentage. If you happen to be fighting enemies that are your level, that is probably fine. If you're in a boss fight with something that has many more hp, the effect would be much more powerful and that just is not very intuitive.
Why not just make the bosses immune to poison then, or give them a way to recover from poison? =O

The only real issue I can see with this would be with Demi, really.

Well, in the default game, damage over time is set up as a "poison" effect but that is a very narrow use for it. The best way to use damage over time is as a full or an addition to a spell. Not just a state that depicts being poisoned. The state as it is in default lets you use it maybe one or 2 times since it does a fixed amount. Anything other than that would just be sticking a new name on the same spell.

Having a way to let the game maker determine how much damage a dot does opens up many new possible additions to a game and ways to play. The addition of a full set of damage over time and healing over time as well as spells that do both dot/hot and regular damage/heals, in effect, triples the amount of spells in the game (1 turn 'full' spells, full spells + an over time state and spells that are only over time [instead of 99% of the spells being full and then a couple using the default 'poison']). This leads to a lot more variety and a lot more strategic play.

Just think about any modern day rpg or game (ff, d&d, magic, dragon age). They are going to have these elements. The more decisions or the more thought that goes into a battle for the player of the game will make it much more enjoyable. RPGs pretty much revolve around battles so having a lot of options will make it fun. Otherwise you're just spamming the same couple of spells and it becomes a grind.

What dot/hot effects do are make a spell not give away its true nature in one look. You need to evaluate it and think about it to determine if its good. You also need to think more about what spell is best when. You may have a spell that does one shot healing for 100 that costs 50sp. You may have a regen spell healing for 100 over 4 turns that costs 35m. The regen spell is clearly "better" in the strictest sense because it is less sp for the same healing. You may be in a situation though when one of your characters is really being beat down and may not make it. Do you try to save mana for a long fight and hope he doesnt die before hes healed with the hot or do you just go for the safe heal with risk of needing that mana later?

Thats just one example but there are many that just adding this one simple feature to a game can open up. I say "spell" in this but it can also be used for skills. Skills with bleed effects, skills that physically heal instead of magically etc...

The reason you could not just turn off "poison" in a boss fight is because it is not considered poison(the way I am speaking about it), it is just considered a spell that happens over time instead of instantly. Just like you can hit him with "Fire" which is a one shot spell, another character may be able to hit him with "Burn" which is a spell just like Fire but is a dot. Just because it happens over time doesn't mean the boss should be immune. It is a spell just like Fire, it isn't really a "state". It is just using a state to illustrate and carry through the process of the spell.

Now, no doubt what you said can be done but that would be going in the opposite direction by dumbing the game down instead of making it more interesting or strategic. A dragon being immune to poison - or maybe even all nature spells makes sense but making it immune to every possible damage over time effect just because the default is using damage based on a % while most of the instant hit spells work fine is silly in my opinion.
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