Universal Data Back-Up
Universal Data Back-Up
Version: 3.0


Ever go to open your RPG Maker XP/VX project, just to find *gasp* an Unexpected File Format error!? This system does regular back-ups of all the files in the specified Data folder, and re-writes them to a backup directory. Not only that, but this script is universal meaning it'll, in theory, work in any standard Ruby library just as well as it does with RGSS/RGSS2.

Saves all data in specified data directory.
Writes all data to specified backup directory.
Doesn't just read default RM Maker files.
Writes file as it origionally was, with same data extension.


# ** DataBackUp

module DataBackUp
  # * Directory where all origional data to be backed up is.
  RB_Dir  = "Data"
  # * Directory where all backup folders/files will be created.
  WB_Dir  = "Data/Versions"
  # * Maximum number of backup data directories allowed.
  Maximum = 1
  # * Time Format for sub-directories which versioned backups are stored.
  TimeF   = "%m-%d-%Y @ %I-%M%p"
  # * DataBackUp.create
  def self.create
  # * DataBackUp.data_purge
  def self.data_purge
    unless FileTest.directory?(WB_Dir)
    dir = Dir.entries(WB_Dir)
    return if dir.size < Maximum || Maximum < 1
    for i in 0...(dir.size - (Maximum - 1))
      entries = Dir.entries("#{WB_Dir}/#{dir[i]}")
      entries.each {|f| File.delete("#{WB_Dir}/#{dir[i]}/#{f}")}
  # * DataBackUp.data_load
  def self.data_load
    @data = Hash.new
    dir   = Dir.new(RB_Dir).entries
    dir.each {|f|
    if FileTest.file?("#{RB_Dir}/#{f}")
      file = File.open("#{RB_Dir}/#{f}", "rb")
      @data[f] = Marshal.load(file)
  # * DataBackUp.data_save
  def self.data_save
    if Maximum < 1
      @data = nil
    time = Time.new
    dir  = time.strftime("#{WB_Dir}/#{TimeF}")
    return if FileTest.directory?(dir)
    @data.each_key {|f|
    file = File.open("#{dir}/#{f}", "wb")
    Marshal.dump(@data[f], file)
    @data = nil



Place anywhere above 'main'


Ruby/RGSS/RGSS2 compatible.

Credits and Thanks

Dargor, this is just a highly revamped/re-written version of his origional script.

Author's Notes

If you used this to help develop your project, please credit me! Also, please PM me @ www.rmxp.org where I'm most active if you encounter any problems.

Terms and Conditions

This is free for everybody to use, please do not redistribute without my permission.
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]

Okay, I was waiting to see if it worked to say "thanks" and all.

Since it does, thanks, this is really awesome. I hope I won't need this, but I still prefer using it. *moooooore credits*
Cool, 1 reply means that I shall post another script, thanks ;)
[Image: Button-BOTB.png]
[Image: Save-Point.gif][Image: Button-You-Tube2.png][Image: Button-Sound-Cloud2.png][Image: Button-Audio-Mack2.png]
[Image: LS-Banner.gif]


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