Multi-View CBS
Multi-View CBS

This CBS supports front and side view positions (possibly more if you work with the script), included with the CBS is my Animated Battlers script, and my Battle Formation System. This is still in a beta state, but almost all of the features I planned for the first version are done and the script is in a "presentable" state. This script is also SDK compliant. (was originally a Front View Battle System)

Demo Link

Where shall I begin?

Copy all of the scripts from the demo above main but below the SDK, The Options can be configured in the script Master Options List The options are pretty self-explanatory since these lines are commented.


Notes: Frames, Zoom level, and Opacity
the format for their hashes are
{file => value, file => value, ...} (the ... means going on and on)
where file is the name of the battler to set a default for the whole sprite
or file_(pose) to the the value for that pose, yes this allows for multiple frames per battler, I'll talk about the different poses later (see template).

Battle Formations
This is the probably the core of this script along with the animated battlers, since this sets the battlers position in battle I have came up with a few formations that I included in the demo, lets take a look at the data structure.

Names << String
  Number_Members << String(!)
  Front_Row << Array
  Middle_Row << Array
  Back_Row << Array
  Screen_X << String/Hash
  Screen_Y << String/Hash
  Effects << {String => String(!), String => String(!), ...}
  Description << String

Example from demo

is a String and is the name of the formation

Number of Members
is a Special String (A Range String) which may be setup like so "n, a-b, ^n"' Entries are separated by commas (n, a, and b are Integers)
the first adds n to the range, the second adds a-b to the range, and the last deletes n from the range


Number Members is the number of members allowable in the formation if the number of numbers is not included in the numbers formed a formation break occurs (The Formation is Broken and will go to the default formation)
Note: The Default (First) Formation must support the 1 to the maximum number of people in the party or else you will receive an error

Front Row, Middle Row, and Back Row
These sets the row the actor is on, The classes Position variable was
replaced with this. Also influences who the enemy attacks. (use 0 for
the first member in the party 1 for the second and so on)

Screen_X and Screen_Y
This can either be a String (holds the formula) or a Hash (appoints the
positions by member index here are two pictures to help you with that.

Here is a good example it places the four battlers in positions forming a square (Go on ahead scribble on the pictures to get a good look at this example)
Screen_X << {0 => 240, 1 => 320, 2 => 240, 3 => 320}
Screen_Y << {0 => 388, 1 => 388, 2 => 452, 3 => 452}

Here comes the fun part, you get to decide on stat bonuses and other effects of using this formation. It is a Special String (Increaser String) setup like so {, }
where index is an index of a party member, all is for every party member
and row type is either front, middle, or back for their respective rows
effects is a string setup like so ":<*/-+><*/-+>..., ..."

is one of the stats (maxhp, maxsp, str, dex, agi, int, pdef, mdef, eva, atk) or damage for now, obviously <*/-+> is an operator and and an integer

so {0 => "atk:*3+40,maxhp:+50,maxsp:+40", 'front' => 'damage:*2', 'back' => 'damage:/2'} will..
Raise Party members 1's 3 times and adds 40, Raises Maximum Hp by 50, and Maximum Sp by 40
Anyone in Front Row Damage is increased by twice as much
Anyone in Back Row Damage is reduced by Half

self-explanatory, press shift in Scene_Formation to display it, which utilizes my draw text scripting tool see this topic for information on how to use it

But really if you don't get any of these then check the demo for examples

Using Formations
By Default Every Formation is Disabled and will not appear in Scene_Formation (I did this to prevent formations that give uber bonuses to be gained later in the game), To enable a formation do this.

$game_formations[[I]FORMATION_ID].[/I]enabled = true

and it will appear in the Formation list in Scene_Formation, provided if the correct number of party members are in the party.


There are two templates for this CBS but only one of them is required (movement template for enemies) (you'll get better results if you use both), The First Template is the movement template, just look at any characterset for the template (Down Facing, Left Facing, Right Facing, Up Facing).
You may remove down and up facing (leaving a blank space for the poses) if you plan to use this as a side-view battle system, if you edit the options correctly you can allow for eight movement poses (or you can wait for an update), If the movement template is not found (for actors loads their characterset, for enemies you will recieve an error) the movement template file must be named (battler_name) + _movement (ex. name_movement)
where battler_name is in lowercase and all spaces replaced with underscores "_"

If you name a file (battler_name) + one of the pose names (see template) then that file will be loaded and the one from the template (if found) will be removed, this is similiar to how ccoa's CBS loads battlers

You can use the other templates in this battle system (Minkoff's and Cybersams (You just have rename the battlers used from ccoa's), and you may configure a custom template (not completed)), but they must be named specially. For Minkoff its (battler_name) + _default + _m, for Cybersam its (battler_name) + _default + _c, and for custom templates (Supports 3 Custom Templates) its (battler_name) + _default + _c(1 2 or 3). This Also loads the movement poses from the templates (loading from cybersam's requires flipping the move to enemy pose).

Last Feature
If the Upper Left Pixel on a Pose is Black (0,0,0) then it will load the default for that pose (see Second Template Not Found), you shouldn't use black as a transparent color. since the script will get confused and load the default when you didn't want it to. (If anything I've added a debug method called test, call it in a call script to see each pose for the battler), here it is just add it in a new script above main and do test() where is a Game_Battler object ($game_party.actors[0], $game_actors[4])

def test(battler)
  array = ['down','left','right','up','command','ready','attack','skill','defend','item',
  sprite =
  poses =
  for i in 0...14
    sprite.bitmap = poses[array[i]].bitmap
    p array[i]

Change to Side View

Incompatible with RTAB, but you already knew that (would defeat the purpose if it was, since I'm creating my own)

I wouldn't try this with any of my other scripts just yet as this system is still in beta form

Here are the addons for this script
- Required Addons (Included)
- Battle Options (Master Options List) V1.0
- Trickster's Animated Battlers V1.0
- Pose System V1.0 BETA
- Battle Formation System V1.0

Optional Addons
Trickster Plug And Play Gradient Bars V1.5

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

Credits and Thanks
Raziel, Zuzzu, Chaosg1, and others for betatesting
RPG for his animated sprites class (which I modified alot)
People @ for being my "guinea pigs"
J-Street for saying that I can't explain anything to "normal" people :P
kayin33 for requesting the base script for the Animated Battlers (changing the Battler Graphic to the Character set graphic)
Rmdude333 for requesting a front view battle system
MaxXx for requesting no Battlebacks (included as an option)
Romancing Saga 3 for the formation scene style (almost a complete copy), and parts of the battle scene_style (the default options)

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.
The Trickster License V1.0
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