Version: 2.0.1

This script allows you to quickly tile maps together to create continuous regions without using any transfer events. Allow your party to roam free throughout the land. This script can handle just about any combination of maps you throw at it!

  • Seamlessly tiles multiple maps together to create a world map, dungeon, cave, etc.
  • You will no longer need any transfer events between linked maps
  • Maps in a region can be any shape and size so long as they fit together
  • Automatically loads each maps dimensions from file for easier setup
  • Only transfers the player between maps when they try to walk off the edge of the map
  • Will not transfer the player to a new map if the path or destination is impassable
  • You can have player walk off the edge of the current map before transferring to the new map
  • You have the option of looping the region on all sides
  • Dynamically, enable and disable maps as your adventure progresses
  • Disable access to maps from certain directions
Picture a screen fading from one map to another...

Maplinks V2.0.1

Paste the Object Table, Maplinks Region and Maplinks scripts into your project above main.
If you are not using the SDK I recommend that you install the SDK Interpreter Script Fix so that event command script codes will work properly.

To setup my maplinks script you need to edit its setup method to reflect your project.
For reference here is the demo's setup as well as a breakdown of how to configure yours.

Sample Initialize


SDK compliant
Does not require the SDK


Credits and Thanks
Wachunga - Creator of the Original Maplinks Script
G-man - Requested Leave Map Option
Regimos - Major Bug Report
Cheatking - Bug Report
Busbuzz - Bug Report

Author's Notes
I've spent quite some time on this script and I'm still working on improving it. Feel free to post any questions, suggestions or feedback you have. If you find any errors please post your edited setup method and a screenshot of the error dialogue box.
Features Wish List

Version Info

Version Log

Terms and Conditions
This script is free for personal, public and commercial use.
If you want to use it in your game all I ask is that you credit me as its creator.

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