Continue From Gameover
Continue From Gameover
Version: 0.1


Well I'm not sure if anyone wants to use this, but it's really easy to change. I have simply changed Scene_Gameover so you can go to the Title, Shutdown the Game and Continue if you're party has enough gold. The amount of gold is customisable at the top of the script. I guess this is kinda useful, but most people probably won't use it, I just wanted to make something ^_^


[Image: ContinuefromGameover.jpg]




Put it under the Materials Section


Should work with most things, but I'm not 100% sure

Credits and Thanks

Umm... I didn't really do much, it's mostly just normal scripting, juggled round a bit.

Author's Notes

This is obviously not that amazingly special, it's just for anyone who wants it :P Enjoy ^_^
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