03-07-2008, 06:54 AM
Offices Module 2
Version: 2.0b
Version: 2.0b
This script allow the custom creation of a scene with differents windows, that
shows differents atributes for the Profession/offices, thought this script
not only have that limit, Its make to customize the fully possible of all the
script, and you can make a lot of things with this.
- I Think is Beautifull
- If you have a good use, 0 Lag.
- Very customizable.
- Easy to Customize.
- Can keep Infinite professions (I think 10 is a big number, but not the limit)
- Use variables and Swithches, Ideal for engineers.(Yeah)
- Nice Interface
- And more.
![[Image: dibujofgah2.png]](http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/2531/dibujofgah2.png)
For me, this is the best server, if you have another say me! >:(
Download the demo ;), because this script have a image and some resources.
Put the Scripts (in the Demo Order) Below the SDK, and Above the Main, see the Script::Module head for more Info.
SDK Compliant, but only uses the Scene_Base, that can be changed by the Macl or with the Scene_Base alone script.
Future Features
I don't know yet.:P
Credits and Thanks
OMG. here we go:
- Soramaro and Slipknot: For helpme with some Ideas and codes.
- Khmp and Sephirothspawn: For the Code Reduccion and hashes Explains.
- MACL team: For the several methods That I used in this script.
But, Like in my script says, Specials, Specials Thanks to Dargor, he helpme a lot with the RGSS sintax, and include with the MACL (he learn to help me ;)). Thanks, without him, this script would a dream.
Author's Notes
This is my Second attemp of Script, My first that use the MACL and SDK methods. But remember this script is W.I.P (Work in progress) so, you can make patchs and share with the community, but I will relase a fully version with a lot of nice features.
Terms and Conditions
Use in Free Games please.
This Script have CC (Creative Commons License).
![[Image: 88x31.png]](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/2.0/cl/88x31.png)
Enjoi It!