Audio Settings
Audio Settings
Version: 1.1.0


Always wanted a volume option? With this script you can let the player change the volume. You only have to script / event a GUI for it.

  • Change the Music volume
  • Change the SE volume

Just turn your speakers on.


None, it's just copy-paste. And if you don't know how to copy-paste, learn it! You are the copy-paste generation after all.


# ** Game_System
#  This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
#  is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
#  this class.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :music_volume
  attr_reader   :sound_volume
  # * Alias Listings
  unless self.method_defined?(:ejlol_as_gsystem_initialize)
    alias_method :ejlol_as_gsystem_initialize, :initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @music_volume = 100
    @sound_volume = 100
  # * Change backgroundmusic volume
  #     volume : the volume
  def music_volume=(volume)
    @music_volume = [[volume, 100].min, 0].max
  # * Change soundeffect volume
  #     volume : the volume
  def sound_volume=(volume)
    @sound_volume = [[volume, 100].min, 0].max

# ** Audio

module Audio
  class << self
    # * Alias Listings
    unless self.method_defined?(:ejlol_as_audio_bgmplay)
      alias_method :ejlol_as_audio_bgmplay, :bgm_play
      alias_method :ejlol_as_audio_bgsplay, :bgs_play
      alias_method :ejlol_as_audio_meplay,  :me_play
      alias_method :ejlol_as_audio_seplay,  :se_play
    # * BGM Play
    def bgm_play(filename, volume = 100, pitch = 100)
      volume = Integer(volume * $game_system.music_volume / 100.0)
      # Original BGM Play Method
      ejlol_as_audio_bgmplay(filename, volume, pitch)
    # * BGS Play
    def bgs_play(filename, volume = 80, pitch = 100)
      volume = Integer(volume * $game_system.sound_volume / 100.0)
      # Original BGS Play Method
      ejlol_as_audio_bgsplay(filename, volume, pitch)
    # * ME Play
    def me_play(filename, volume = 100, pitch = 100)
      volume = Integer(volume * $game_system.music_volume / 100.0)
      # Original ME Play Method
      ejlol_as_audio_meplay(filename, volume, pitch)
    # * SE Play
    def se_play(filename, volume = 80, pitch = 100)
      volume = Integer(volume * $game_system.sound_volume / 100.0)
      # Original SE Play Method
      ejlol_as_audio_seplay(filename, volume, pitch)


Copy-paste the script. You can change the volume settings with:
$game_system.music_volume = 100
$game_system.sound_volume = 100
Volume should be a range between 0 and 100. (The script corrects the input though.)




Should be compatible.

Credits and Thanks

Credit: EJlol

Many thanks to SephirothSpawn, for helping me.

Author's Notes

I was bored.

Terms and Conditions

Give credit, no commercial use without permission from EJlol.
EXCELENT! It was a pain in the ass the music volume

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