1-Person DBS
1 Person DBS
Version: 1.1


A quick request I made.

  • Shows the enemy's name and a small health bar.
  • Supports 640 * 480 big Battlebackgrounds.

[Image: fixnw5.th.png]

# ** Scene_Battle (part 1)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  alias raz_old_main main
  alias raz_old_phase3_setup_command_window phase3_setup_command_window
  alias raz_old_start_phase1 start_phase1
  alias raz_old_start_phase2 start_phase2
  alias raz_old_start_enemy_select start_enemy_select
  alias raz_old_start_actor_select start_actor_select
  alias raz_old_start_skill_select start_skill_select
  alias raz_old_start_item_select start_item_select
  alias raz_old_start_phase4 start_phase4
  alias raz_old_update update
  alias raz_old_update_phase4_step5 update_phase4_step5
  alias raz_old_update_phase5 update_phase5
  alias raz_old_update_phase4_step1 update_phase4_step1
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
    # Make actor command window
    @enemy_name = Window_EnemyName.new
  def start_phase1
    @actor_command_window = Actor_Command.new

  def update
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.x = 160

  def start_phase2
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  def start_enemy_select
    @actor_command_window.visible = true

  def start_actor_select
    @actor_command_window.visible = true

  def start_skill_select
    @actor_command_window.visible = true

  def start_item_select
    @actor_command_window.visible = true

  def start_phase4
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  def update_phase4_step5

    def update_phase5
    # If wait count is larger than 0
    if @phase5_wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @phase5_wait_count -= 1
      # If wait count reaches 0
      if @phase5_wait_count == 0
        # Show result window
        @result_window.visible = true
        # Clear main phase flag
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
        # Refresh status window

  def update_phase4_step1

# ** Window_PartyCommand
#  This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle
#  screen.

class Window_PartyCommand < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(160, 320, 320, 64)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 160
    @commands = ["Fight", "Escape"]
    @item_max = 2
    @column_max = 2
    draw_item(0, normal_color)
    draw_item(1, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? normal_color : disabled_color)
    self.active = false
    self.visible = false
    self.index = 0
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect = Rect.new(index * 160 + 4, 0, 128 - 10, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1)

  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    self.cursor_rect.set(index * 160, 0, 128, 32)

# ** Window_BattleStatus
#  This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    @level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false]
    self.back_opacity = 160
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @item_max = 1
    actor = $game_party.actors[0]
    actor_x = 4
    draw_actor_name(actor, actor_x, 0)
    draw_actor_hp(actor, actor_x, 32, 120)
    draw_actor_sp(actor, actor_x, 64, 120)
    if @level_up_flags[1]
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, "LEVEL UP!")
      draw_actor_state(actor, actor_x, 96)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Slightly lower opacity level during main phase
    if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
      self.contents_opacity -= 4 if self.contents_opacity > 191
      self.contents_opacity += 4 if self.contents_opacity < 255

class Spriteset_Battle
  def initialize
    # Make viewports
    @viewport1 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480)
    @viewport2 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480)
    @viewport3 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480)
    @viewport4 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480)
    @viewport2.z = 101
    @viewport3.z = 200
    @viewport4.z = 5000
    # Make battleback sprite
    @battleback_sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport1)
    # Make enemy sprites
    @enemy_sprites = []
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies.reverse
      @enemy_sprites.push(Sprite_Battler.new(@viewport1, enemy))
    # Make actor sprites
    @actor_sprites = []
    # Make weather
    @weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport1)
    # Make picture sprites
    @picture_sprites = []
    for i in 51..100
    # Make timer sprite
    @timer_sprite = Sprite_Timer.new
    # Frame update
  def update
    # Update actor sprite contents (corresponds with actor switching)
    @actor_sprites[0].battler = $game_party.actors[0]
    @actor_sprites[1].battler = $game_party.actors[1]
    @actor_sprites[2].battler = $game_party.actors[2]
    @actor_sprites[3].battler = $game_party.actors[3]
    # If battleback file name is different from current one
    if @battleback_name != $game_temp.battleback_name
      @battleback_name = $game_temp.battleback_name
      if @battleback_sprite.bitmap != nil
      @battleback_sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.battleback(@battleback_name)
      @battleback_sprite.src_rect.set(0, 0, 640, 480)
    # Update battler sprites
    for sprite in @enemy_sprites + @actor_sprites
    # Update weather graphic
    @weather.type = $game_screen.weather_type
    @weather.max = $game_screen.weather_max
    # Update picture sprites
    for sprite in @picture_sprites
    # Update timer sprite
    # Set screen color tone and shake position
    @viewport1.tone = $game_screen.tone
    @viewport1.ox = $game_screen.shake
    # Set screen flash color
    @viewport4.color = $game_screen.flash_color
    # Update viewports

class Actor_Command < Window_Selectable
    def initialize
    super(160, 384, 320, 96)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 160
    @item_max = 4
    @column_max = 2
    self.active = false
    self.visible = false
    self.index = 0
  def refresh
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 118, 32, $data_system.words.attack,1)
    self.contents.draw_text(164, 0, 118, 32, $data_system.words.skill,1)
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 32, 118, 32, $data_system.words.guard,1)
    self.contents.draw_text(164, 32, 118, 32, $data_system.words.item,1)

  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect  
    self.cursor_rect.set(4 + index % 2 * 160, index / 2 * 32, 128, 32)

class Window_EnemyName < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 160
  def refresh
   self.contents.font.size = 21
   self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 110, 32, "Enemies:")
    for i in 0...$game_troop.enemies.size
       x = 4 + i % 2 * 60
       enemy = $game_troop.enemies[i]
       y = i / 2 * 25 + 20
       self.contents.font.size = 16
       unless enemy.hp == 0
       draw_slant_bar(x ,y + 25, enemy.hp, enemy.maxhp, 50, 6)
       self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 130, 32, "#{enemy.name}")


class Window_Base < Window  
  # * Draw Slant Bar(by SephirothSpawn)
  def draw_slant_bar(x, y, min, max, width = 152, height = 6,
      bar_color = Color.new(150, 0, 0, 255), end_color = Color.new(255, 255, 60, 255))
    # Draw Border
    for i in 0..height
      self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width + 1, 1, Color.new(50, 50, 50, 255))
    # Draw Background
    for i in 1..(height - 1)
      r = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      g = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      b = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      a = 255 * (height - i) / height + 255 * i / height
      self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width, 1, Color.new(r, b, g, a))
    # Draws Bar
    for i in 1..( (min / max.to_f) * width - 1)
      for j in 1..(height - 1)
        r = bar_color.red * (width - i) / width + end_color.red * i / width
        g = bar_color.green * (width - i) / width + end_color.green * i / width
        b = bar_color.blue * (width - i) / width + end_color.blue * i / width
        a = bar_color.alpha * (width - i) / width + end_color.alpha * i / width
        self.contents.fill_rect(x + i + j, y + height - j, 1, 1, Color.new(r, g, b, a))

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
    def screen_x
    if self.index != nil
      return self.index * 160 + 550
      return 0

class Spriteset_Battle
  alias seph_razdbsfix_ssbtl_update update
  def update
    if @battleback_sprite.bitmap.height < 480
      src_bitmap = @battleback_sprite.bitmap
      src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, @battleback_sprite.bitmap.width,
      @battleback_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(640, 480)
      @battleback_sprite.bitmap.stretch_blt(Rect.new(0, 0, 640, 480),
                                            src_bitmap, src_rect)
      @battleback_sprite.src_rect.set(0, 0, 640, 480)


Place it above main. If you're using a CBS, put this script below it. I aliased most parts, so it should be compatible.


None yet.


May be incompatible with your CBS.

Credits and Thanks

Thanks to Kaze950 for requesting it.
Thanks to SephirothSpawn for the bars script.

Author's Notes


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