[Image: DecadenceTitle.gif]

Webster defines ‘Decadence’ as, “Deterioration”. It is used to describe the state of a situation, normal synonymous with pain and suffering. In addition, this is a play on words when related to my game. The word ‘Decade’ means a span of ten years, and the present events in this game and the memories/flash-backs are ten years apart, depicting the start and end of a war.

This game has several themes to the plot: greed, revenge, the human spirit, and destiny. Sure, it all sounds cliché, but then again, it’s hard not to when listing themes. Each of the main characters represents one or more of these in some form or fashion, along with many of the situations and enemies. These are also just the main themes; there are plenty of underlying representations and symbols, but I’ll get to those when discussing the characters and such.

Well, I’ll put the story down, which will be a major spoiler for my game, but whatever. The background is the biggest spoiler, but I’m not including everything.


Game Storyline (In Development)



Astania was once a prosperous kingdom taking up the middle and largest portion of the continent it sits upon. The country is a monarchy, ruled by a king and whatever family is granted power, with nobles and a council beneath them to report to the ruler and handle minor tasks.

Because the country is so large, it contains all sort of geological features and biomes. In addition, the country produces quite a large amount of its own resources.

At least, this was all true BEFORE the war.

Many of the major cities were ravaged, reduced to small villages that were built up by survivors simply needing a roof to live under. Even then, the raiders burn many of them down, killing the inhabitants and cutting off any resources and goods that city might have offered to the rest of the country. Basically, the nation is falling apart, and without a leader, there is no way of forming an organized defense. It’s on the brink of destruction and total take-over by the rogue tribe.



-More locations and detail to come…


Main Party


Other Important Characters

Prince Jaiden
King Drail
Queen Aletah




I’m using the default battle system in RMXP because I really can’t seem to find one I care for and I don’t really want to risk messing with it and getting something wrong. I’ve really been focusing on balance lately, trying to make sure that no character is significantly better than the others, but they each have their own unique battle style:

Phoenix: She’s sort of like a tank in that she has a lot more HP than the rest of the party. She can use swords and knives and does only damage with spells. Her strength is pretty high and her intelligence is fairly high, though not as high as some others.
Orealis: He’s more of the rogue type in that he uses knives and deals status effects with magic, such as venom and confusion. He is centered mostly on dexterity and agility, but he can use the second most powerful weapon in the generic sets, a spear.
Ares: Doesn’t have much in the way of strength and HP, but he’s pretty quick. Ares uses mostly support magic, such as increasing power and speed of himself or other players, though he does get some pretty cool skills later on. He is alos the only player that can use a katana, the most powerful weapon in a set (though it has to be found and cannot be bought).
Telona: She’s mostly centered on magic, though she can use a bow. Her skills consist of healing and restoration magic, as well as the hinder magic like Orealis uses.

Each character will also have a special on-map summon that allows them to access new areas. The horses is needed to jump over obstacles and to move more quickly, the wolf allows the player to jump up ledges and large ‘steps’, the phoenix allows the player to fly above the map, and Laviathan allows the player to go under water.

Not entirely sure if this is too much gameplay detail for a concept description. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.

To-Do List
  • Further-develop story and minor elements
  • Add more character detail and concept art
  • Design more locations and add more detail
  • Find some help! *cries*

And that’s what I’ve gotten so far. More will most certainly be added when I get to it, and I do appreciate constructive criticism and ideas on what I’ve got here. I know it’s a bit confusing, but this is a deep storyline and difficult to summarize. If there is any info I don’t have up here that should be (unless I’ve indicated that it’ll be added), please let me know.

So, hopefully this is mildly interesting. If there are any artists or scripters that are bored and looking for something to do (for fun! This isn’t commercial), I’d really appreciate the help. As you’ll see by my concept art later on…. I’m not an artist.

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