F12 Fix
This small snippet opens a new game and closes the old game when you reset the game by pressing F12.
This should prevent any errors caused from the normal F12 reset.

Insert as the very first script. (Over Game_Temp)

unless $f12_cleaner_F3XXEFA1.nil?
  # Opens the game executable in a new thread
  game_name = 'Game'  # "Game" = Name of the game executable
  if $DEBUG
    Thread.new{system (game_name + ' debug')}
    Thread.new{system (game_name )}
  # Exits this thread

# Modifying this global variable might cause this snippet to stop working properly.
# Some garbage have been added to lessen the chance of it already being used
$f12_cleaner_F3XXEFA1 = true
- Zeriab

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