Scripter's tool - String representation of Table
Here is an extension to the table class which implements in to_s method so a more easily readable string is returned.
This should work both on RMXP and on RMVX since the structure of the hidden class is similar enough.
class Table
  # Gives a special string representation. (For debugging purposes mostly)
  def to_s
    if ysize == 1
        return to_s_1d
      rescue # In the rare case where you have a 2- or 3-dimensional
      end    # table with ysize = 1
    if zsize == 1
        return to_s_2d
      rescue # In the rare case where you have a 3-dimensional table
      end    # with zsize = 1
    return to_s_3d
  # Returns a representation of the 1-dimensional table as a string
  # Assumes that the table is 1-dimensional. Will throw an error otherwise
  def to_s_1d
    str = '['
    for i in 0...(xsize-1)
      str += self[i].to_s + ', '
    str += self[xsize-1].to_s + ']'
    return str
  # Returns a representation of the 2-dimensional table as a string
  # Assumes that the table is 2-dimensional. Will throw an error otherwise
  def to_s_2d
    str = '['
    for j in 0...ysize
      str += "\n["
      for i in 0...(xsize-1)
        str += self[i,j].to_s + ', '
      str += self[xsize-1,j].to_s + ']'
    str += "\n]"
    return str
  # Returns a representation of the 3-dimensional table as a string
  # Assumes that the table is 3-dimensional. Will throw an error otherwise
  def to_s_3d
    str = '{'
    for k in 0...zsize
      str += '['
      for j in 0...ysize
        str += "\n["
        for i in 0...(xsize-1)
          str += self[i,j,k].to_s + ', '
        str += self[xsize-1,j,k].to_s + ']'
      str += "\n]"
    str += '}'
    return str
- Zeriab

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