NetPlay 2.0
Netplay 2.0
Formerly the...
Netplay Plus Master Thread
Sun Jul 15, 2007
Thread layout by Holloway

Newer version possibly in the works.

Quick Lowdown:

What is Netplay Plus?
Using the provided scripts you can play RMXP over the internet. Version 2.0 made this extremely stable. For small ORPGS and usage for it's network abilities it is perfect, however, although it is technically capable of them, MMORPGs still need a good server admin and script debugging to maintain a working game.

Is it easy to use?
Well, as far as is possible. If you don't know a good amount of RGSS you are utterly screwed. Simple as.

Who made it?
Core Socket Class: Goldenaura
Netplay Plus: Mr Mo, "Me"
Server: Trebor
Support, advice and designs: Myonosken, Aaron, Sucidemanic

What happened to the site?
Era few issues with it, including the actual data centre getting lightning surged with shitty protection. Thusly we have no data beyond May saved to the best of my knowledge (may be a backup I forgot). At the moment I don't have time to faff around, but I'm sure I'll get back to it at some point. :( Update: I have a much newer backup. Just over a week old. Huzzah! - Holloway

Can you add xx feature?
No. Well not at the minute. Most features are just asking for work to be done for them anyway, so no.

Recommended Requirements:
Operating system - Microsoft? Windows? XP +
Processor - PC with 1.5GHz Intel? Pentium? 4 equivalent or higher processor
RAM - At least 1 GB or higher
Video adapter - 1024?768 or better video resolution in True Colour mode
Sound card - DirectSound compatible sound card
Free hard disk space - At least 500MB

Netplay Plus 2.0 Client and Ruby Server (Full Package):

Netplay Plus 1.6.3 General Client (Outdated, no support):
Netplay Plus 1.0.2 Chat Addon (Outdated, no support):
Netplay Plus 1.0.0 Traders Addon (Outdated, no support):
Netplay Plus 0.84 C++ Server (Outdated no support):

Q: The server is shit.
A: No it isn't. It may be unstable on your PC, but that is because the current server is optimised for dedicated machines. Don't go expecting it to run well on the same PC as one you are playing on and talking on MSN with- some people have been able to do this, but very few.

Q: Can you add xx?
A: Again, no.

Q: Can I continue development?
A: There is actually a team set up for Netplay Plus 2.5/3 but you are free to apply in this thread. Make sure to state your experience and proficiency. If you wish to develop addons/ server rewrites please refrain from distributing them outside of this thread, unless you gain permission.

Q: I donated on the site, and now you've closed?!
A: Awfully sorry. However, your bonuses will still come. Just via PMs until we are back on our feet.

Statement for mods:
If you get anyone asking for NP elsewhere on the site, the best bet is to point them in here. I may get the domain to point here at some point, but not anytime soon.
Basic Guide: How to set up the Ruby Server (for dummiezzz~)
  1. Download Ruby. <-- Go for the one click installer

  2. In the config file set it up (do you really need help here?) - make sure to include your remote SQL server (Don't have a host with SQL? will host them for you)

  3. Run the server and you should be set- MAKE SURE THE GAMECODE IN THE CONFIG IS THE SAME AS IN THE CLIENT
That's a pretty quick rundown.
From Xilef:
How do I find out the ip address of the MySQL host?
I see absolutely no useful instructions on how to set this up with freemysql or what to put in the config or anything of use. We're not all as amazing as you silent alarm, you cant say: Well, it's obvious what goes in the config, because it really isn't obvious at all.

Content Hidden

I have MySQL Turbo Manager, anyone know how do I use this?

If I ever get this working (Which I doubt because I see no help being given from anyone) I bet there'll be loads of things to clear up first like in NP+1, what are they? Again, I see absolutely no instructions.
This was carried out very poorly. You can't expect all RMXP users to understand MySQL. >:|

by Icedmetal57

If you're using freemysql, which I'm sure most of you aren't using your own mysql server being hosted right from your computer, so I'll just assume you guys use freemysql. The IP address, MySQL, or Database Host (they're all the same thing) would be whatever it said in the activation email. If you lost that email, just login to your account on freemysql and it'll say Your Host: ... The Database User is your user name on that site, and password is the same situation as the user name. Database name, now that involves creating one.

1. To create a database, login to your account, then in the control panel add a database by entering a name in the Add Database form such as netplay_plus_db or whatever you can remember it by, and for then in the second form put in your username.

2. Time to add some data. Go to PHPMyAdmin on, and login with your freemysql account info, same user and password. If you can't find the link to PHPMyAdmin on the side navigation bar, then just enter your mysql host into the address bar and it'll take you there. After you've logged into PHPMyAdmin, on the side there will be a navigation bar, just click the name of your newly created database. After that, there's a form that's something about Create a new Table in your database. Ignore that. On the navigation bar above that Create a new Table in your database, click SQL. On that page, there should be 2 forms, one being Run SQL query/queries..., then next being Location of the Text File. Click Browse..., and find your Netplay Plus server directory, where ever you extracted the server, and in that folder go to Library, then in that folder there should be a text file called sqlfile. Open that. This should be all done within the web browser in PHPMyAdmin, by the way. After that, click Go on the SQL page. It'll then bring you to a new page that shows the entire contents of that sqlfile, and on the navigation bar to the left you should see a bunch of new items in the list, which are all the tables, which contain all the data for the server, tables are like sub-categories within the database to contain certain data.

Now to answer Xilef's question about these things.
An Answer

And for Icechamp's question, here's the solution. You may have to scroll a bit, depending on how you're web browser is. Anyway, there's the problem you're having. That 0 as shown in red here, should be a 1 for it to automatically validate the registrants. You'll have to manually validate those users already registered by changing that 0 to a 1 in the database in the users table.

An Answer

Well, I hope that I helped most of you guys and cleared up a few questions as well.
How do you install the script in?...
As detailed and integrated as the NetPlay system is within the demo, it is easier to just use the demo package itself as the base of your program and copy your 'new' scripts into it.

As a system designed for on-line multiplayer action, you won't 'typically' find any battlesystem suited for online play with the exception of ABSs (action battle systems) like Zelda or Diablo. And the only one I know that was designed to work with NetPlay is Mr.Mo's ABS. He made a mod for his ABS that even allowed for player-vs-player, but for an earlier version.

But... the team discontinued work on NetPlay (after repeated 'problems' with their website Cry ) and never finished the TRADE system which allowed one player to trade items with another online player.
I know that Blizzard made a new online system, which was compatible with his ABS and several addons. Not sure if it works with different Battle Systems, but you could check it out if this doesn't fit your needs.

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