PhantomVamp's Preternatural Afflictions
Preternatural Afflictions
Version: 1.0

Wanna deal with nasty bloodsuckers in your game? Wanna have your heroes BE the undead or nasties? But then again, maybe they're specially blessed! Increased abilities than the normal hero! This script gives your world an extra push into the world of supernatural entities: The PreterNaturals.

The Script

The RMXP Demo

The instructions are in the script. Heck, it takes up more space than the actual code.

First off... this is an RMXP system. The rest? Dunno. Given I go to town on 'alias' commands, probably pretty compatible.

Credits & Thanks
Thanks to my sister, Kalier, for asking for a simple vampire script. I've been having fun with this one. V--V

Terms and Conditions
Ya wanna use it? Go ahead. Just give both Kalier (I call her Kalie :)) and I some credit.

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