Version: 1.0
An old script I shared with a select few from .net

Working with 'text' files in your RMXP project that you cannot encrypt in a final compressed project? Get tired of people hacking into your config file? Sick of your little brother or sister from reading your eMails?

Well, this is the script for you.

This provides a simple encryption system known as the 'Random Number Seed' style of encryption. To encrypt a value, you need two things... the file or line of text, and a codekey which you use to encode the data. The system will generate your encryption cypher based on that codekey and do the work for you.

The same codekey you use will also decode the same file.

  • Uses a codekey to generate the code, no 'hardwired' cyphering.
  • Same routine both Encodes 'and' Decodes.
  • Encodes 'most' ASCII characters (from CHR32 (space) to CHR133 (~tilde).


Encypher System
Not an editable demo.
An encoder/decoder made with the system.
Have fun posting messages with encrypted
text with friends that know the codekey
It allows you to encode/decode files or allows for you to input
text and display the encoded string on the screen. You can
change the codekey value in the system.
* Uses Cybersam's Keyboard Input script

The Script

First off, paste this script into your module.

Then, call the script to encode your text file before writing to the hard drive.
SYNTAX: output = Encypher.encoder(input, code_key)

The same system can decode text read from files by calling this same line right after reading from the text file.

Based on old BASIC coding that encoded ASCII's 128 character system, I had to retool it to work with RMXP's Unicode system.

No Issues that I know of, or could ever be...

Credits and Thanks
Well, for the working demo, I have to credit Cybersam for the 'keyboard input' script.

Author's Notes
Not intended for light scripters. This is intended for scripters who know how to read and write text files using RPGMaker XP

[Image: xp_warning.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page

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