Battle Animation 'Flip' Control
Battle Animation 'Flip' Control
Version: 1.2
& 1.3 (RTAB)

This script is used to reverse battle animations, whether on the field or in a custom battlesystem. On the field, you can control the flipping ability by setting the Game_temp.animation_flip to the proper value (see below). However, the system is also designed to 'automatically' flip 'battle animations' based on the 'Enemy' or 'Actor' performing the animation.

  • Allows you to flip the animation horizontally, vertically or 180 degrees
  • Works in both FIELD and BATTLE.
  • Able to use Flipping & Non-Flipping Animations

Didn't need any.

Default version
RTAB version
Including Animated Battlers (default BS)

Any animations that are allowed to flip need to have [F] or [f] at the end of the Animation name, like Fire 2[F] or Earth 3[F]. Without it, the system assumes that the animation will not flip in any way. But if the [F]/[f] flag is at the end, the system will permit the animation to flip.

In the field menu, just set $game_temp.animation_flip to the proper value:
0 = The default
   1 = Horizontal Flip
   2 = Vertical Flip
   3 = 180-degree rotation (similar to Vertical Flip)

During battle, the system (if coded properly) will automatically flip the desired animations.

Additional instructions are in the script itself. Word of warning... this is mainly intended by scripters who know how to edit or code RMXP Battlesystems. The 'edits' that are required may be too much for beginner scripters.

The Script

The next three sets of code are sample edits you will need to perform to work with your battlesystem. These edits are already made if you plan to work with the default battlesystem.

Sample Scene_Battle Edit
Sample Sprite_Character Edit
Sample Sprite_Battler Edit

The RTAB version

The next three sets of code are sample edits you will need to perform to work with your battlesystem. These edits are already made if you plan to work with the default battlesystem.

Sample Scene_Battle Edit
Sample Sprite_Character Edit
Sample Sprite_Battler Edit

Editing to the default scripts may be required, as pointed out in the script itself. The actual design wasn't meant for the default battlesystem, but the scripts and demos do show how to edit your scripts(s) to use the flipped animation system.

This is not designed for beginner scripters. Please do not request 'adaptions' for other systems. It's being presented in the 'basic' format for the battlesystem designers for implementation. The only reason why there is a separate RTAB variant is due to the complexity of Cogwheel's own SPRITE module.

The demo and script for the default version describes how to adapt the animation system to the default battlesystem. Additional work may (or will) be required to adapt to other battlesystems or scripts... especially those that alter the Scene_Battle and RPG:SPRITE classes. While the default version does seem to work with ParaDog's v2.58 and XRXS's #65 system, I cannot guarantee it's compliance with any other system.

And again, due to RTAB's unusual RPG::SPRITE module, the system did have to have a unique main script of it's own.

Credits and Thanks
Thanks go to Dust Wind at the Wind Messer Website for the basis of the script, to hugopkmn, Dargor and PirateFaafy for their input in the Script Request section, hugopkmn for the 180 degree/vertical flip solution, and JirbyTaylor who initially suggested this script.

Terms and Conditions
This system add-on is available royalty-free, and is permitted for commercial use. However, no warranty on this system is expressed or implied.

What is required as conditions for use is due credit. Not only for myself as the lead scripter for this add-on, but Dust Wind, the original scripter. Also credit for hugopkmn, Dargor and Piratefaafy for their input in the design phase of this system. Credit must be visible in the game at some point. If not at the start (in some sort of title credits), then at the very least, full credit to all parties must be visible in the end credit roll of the game.

[Image: xp_warning.png]
Image has link to Enterbrain's Download Page

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