My Composition
I'm not great a composition, I prefer performing.
Still, you have to compose for GCSE, it's 40% of the exam!!

I composed them only my piano, i have handwritten sheets. :D but they've been sequenced on FL studio, for practicality.

So this is my first composition, it doesn't really have a name though.
I can play it on piano, but i can't record it so i just put it up on FL studio:

Then my arrangement of that tune, for picollo, flute, french horn, violin, cello, drum kit, timpani and piano. It's still a work and progress, but we're going to record it live when it's done!! :D
It's empty in places and the ending makes no sense, but SSSH!
But for now, FL STUDIO: :o

Tell me what you think.

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