The Legion's Grasp
Originally Posted by Luke Strife

Chapter 1

"There's another one."

The human pointed into the distance, an earth elemental was in the midst of being corrupted into an Infernal by the Legion. It writhed and made a noise that could only be described as a low pitched wail, it was a horrific noise nonetheless, painful to just even watch it happen.

A young draenei woman spoke up. "It's just further proof that the elements are all out of balance."

There was also a night elf with the group, who smiled and half-jokingly said, "I think you're on drugs, with all this elemental crap."

"Says the person who claims he can turn into animals."

"Hey! It's an art!"

The human in the group sighed but calmly turned to face them. "Look, it's no stranger than being able to bend the arcane to perform magic, I don't see what's so strange about shaman and druids, personally."

The druid and shaman stopped talking, and continued to watch the elemental in the distance. The trio weren't the only people in the group, there was also a dwarf who was fast asleep on a crate, which contained all of the traps that he used during their endeavours, despite the constant talks that perhaps sleeping on top of a set of movement impairing traps wasn't such a good idea. He never listened, and it was a wonder he had survived this far.

Though the group seemed quite odd, they were all actually friends, rather than having to tolerate eachother because they were in the same guild. In fact it was quite the opposite, each had skills that had helped the group out of many scrapes. Hogarth the dwarf hunter, used his bow and traps to outsmart enemies and hold them fast whilst his allies attacked the target. The draenei shaman, Myana, tapped into the power of the elements to create totems that bring useful benefits, and even vital healing powers. Semellet is the name of the night elf druid, who's abilities lay in the way of shapeshifting into numerous animal forms and then use their skills in battle, but right now his balance of power is incorrect, which has meant that sometimes he is stuck in certain shapes for up to hours at a time. Finally, but not least, the human mage known as Materalus, wielded the arcane in the way of frost to freeze his enemies to the floor, then shatter their very being with powerful ice magics.

These were just four of the Order of Outcasts, and this particular group were sent to investigate the goings on of the Burning Legion in Outland, specifically Shadowmoon Valley. As a secondary objective they were also to aid the Wildhammer dwarves in their valiant defence of their stronghold. The Aldor, the Scryers, and even the Horde were battling against the demonic Legion, though not all entirely unified, they all shared a common goal; the destruction of the Legion and the protection of their homelands. They were doing well, for the most part. Though the evidence of their hinderance was right in front of them. The more of the Legion that was destroyed, the more innocents that were converted into demons by the corruption of Kil'Jaeden and Sargeras. The demons were not all theirs though, even Illidan the Betrayer's army encroached upon the broken world of Outland. Not to mention the mana-hungry Sunfury Blood Elves who had claimed most of Netherstorm to the far north, under the command of their leader Kael'thas Sunstrider, who in his desperate bid to save his brethren, had turned to betraying the races of Azeroth by siding with The Betrayer, and then Kil'Jaeden, with their mad promises of power.

"You know, we should stop this. We CAN stop this." Said Materalus.

The Druid shook his head. "No, it's too far gone, we have to wait for it to finish converting before we attack. Besides it's not like it's alone, that's a whole **** command post for the Legion. Who knows how many Overseers are roaming about."

Myana lightly nudged the snoring dwarf with a hoof. "Wake up, lazy."

The dwarf did not stir, save for an abrupt intake of breath, and then he rolled over.

"If only we had a better hunter," said Semellet.

The frost mage's hands began to glow a soft blue, as he directed the palm of his right hand in the direction of the sleeping dwarf. A sharp gust of chill blew over Hogarth, and he sat bolt upright, shivering and swearing. "If you wanted me to wake, you could've done it a lot more bloody lightly!" He grumbled a bit then rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Myana rolled her eyes.

Suddenly the elemental in the distance had reached the peak of its corruption. It erupted into greenish flames that cast out an eerie light, and the large rock that was recognised as it's head now sported a new, more evil face. The transformation was complete, another abomination to the Legion's ranks, unless the group struck now.

"Sod this, I'm going in!" Shouted Mat.

"Matty you idiot!" Semellet threw back.

The mage darted over the rock they were crudely camped on, charged up an attack, and let it loose on the nearest Doomguard. It smacked into the demon's chest, and it shook with surprise at the intensity of the attack that happened so suddenly, it was struck down and it never moved again. Materalus jumped over the corpse and aimed a fireblast to another demon's face, it went down hard. Mat quickly found himself surrounded, so he cast frost nova, then began to rain death upon his foes with sharp ice crystals. After it was finished, he glanced around to survey the death he just wrought. He'd be happy, but it was too disturbing a scene to enjoy such a victory. Looking up, he spotted a gigantic Eredar about to crush him underhoof, and blinked away just in time.

At that moment a lightning bolt ripped through the air and shocked the accursed demon. This was followed by a volley of arrows, and then the clouds parted to give way to a massive blast of arcane energy that rolled over the demon. The Eredar fell dead, as the rest of the party caught up to Mat.

"You forgot about us."

"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer. Besides it's going well so far, isn't it?" He felt wet on his cheek, and wiped it with his sleeve to see it stained with blood. A moment later there was a flash of cool light, and he felt a good deal better. "Thanks," he quickly added with a nod and a smile towards Sem, who was now in tree form after displaying such dazzling fireworks, it looked quite funny, and it cheered him up a bit.

The break was short-lived, however, as now the newly-corrupted Infernal had seen the ruckus and began to advance. It didn't get very far before it touched something metal, there was a distinct click, and it was suddenly encased in a block of ice. Hogie gave a bow at his expertly placed trap. As he rose, his features became more serious.

"We need to move, it ain't going to stay like that for too long." After looking at Mat's face, he added; "So what do you want to do with it then? It's just a mindless demon now."

"I was figuring the Aldor might want to take a look at it, they can cure demonicly tainted armaments, maybe they can clean the corruption off of living beings now."

"I doubt it," replied Myana. "There is a big difference between cleansing inanimate objects and sentient beings."

"So you'd rather it be destroyed?"

"No! Of course not, I just don't think it's possible to help this right now."

"Yeah... alright. I see your point."

Hogarth began to look a little nervous. "I don't mean to rush you guys, but I think the freeze effect is going to break very soon."

Sure enough, there were cracks beginning to show around the ice block, the Infernal was about to free itself.

"Alright, let's clear some distance so we can get proper shots off at it."

The group jogged back close to where they were previously camped out, and the ice broke with a loud bang. The Infernal let out a deafening roar, and started to charge towards the party. At that moment it was hailed by a mixture of deadly arrows, magic missiles, balls of lightning, arcane energy, and soon enough it was nothing more than dust. Luckily the rest of the outpost hadn't even noticed the recent battle and continued their mindless work.

The group quickly packed up their crude camp, located their mounts to the rear of the rock they were on, and rode off towards Wildhammer Stronghold, their thoughts troubled.

Chapter 2

A couple of hours later, the group arrived inside the steadily crumbling fortifications of the dwarven outpost; Wildhammer Stronghold. The complex itself wasn’t big compared to some of the Alliance’s other works on their outposts, but the continued waves of demons on the dwarven forces has hampered construction and repair somewhat. Tattered flags hang haphazardly off broken battlements, doors black and some smoking, walls half caved in, others with wooden struts to hold parts of the walls upright.

This failing structure belies the dwarven forces. Day and night, they valiantly battle the incoming waves of Infernals that are fired in the form of boulders from unknown launchers at Legion Hold. The demons have yet to breach the walls, but are being continually pushed back by the dwarves and any who aid them, but they are tiring. The commanders are often sending out wandering adventurers to do extra attacks, and even infiltrating demonic bases to help in the war effort.

Materalus, Myana, Semellet and Hogarth, weary from their journey, stumbled past the ensuing fights, sprinting the last leg. Inside the stronghold, there aren’t many merchants, or at least, not many willing to trade, due to the fact they themselves are cut from trade routes to restock. There is, however, an inn that has managed to keep business, although where it gets its ale is anybody’s guess. Some suggest that when the Alliance first entered the Outlands only the dwarves had any sense to bring vast amounts of booze with them, and some dwarves have even admitted to it.

Whatever the reason, they were glad to be able to just stagger inside and rest themselves.

“Well I’m buggered.” Mumbled Hogarth.

“You’ve been asleep for most of it, and you’re tired again?!” Complained Semellet

“It’s hard to keep your eyes closed and catch some decent sleep with so much banging going on.”

“In that case you could have been helping us, lazy dwarf.” Sem then proceeded to mumble something inaudible about needing a better hunter.

Tired of the arguing, Myana got up to the barman and ordered a drink. “Coke please.”

The barman looked nonplussed. “Coke? Ye cannae get none o’ ye fanceh drinks that ye used te on Azeroth now lass! Ye be having ale, and that be that!”

“Uh, I think I’ll pass actually.”

The barman grumbled and went into the back room.

“No Coke?! “ Myana said as she sat back down, ignoring Sem and Hogie who were still squabbling about the energy efficient use of their bodies. “NO COKE?! ME WANT COKE!”

Mat laughed a little. “He’s a dwarf.” As if it was obvious as to why there wasn’t any non-alcholic beverages.

Of course, at that moment Hogie’s ears perked and he spun around to glare at the mage. “It’s a good job I’m not in the mood for killing allies.” Hogie folded his arms on the table, laid his head on them and started snoring.

It invited three incredulous and nervous stares anyway.


A while later after a short rest, the group headed into the main building of Wildhammer Stronghold, with permission to speak with Kurdran Wildhammer, one of the Legendary Heroes of the Alliance, presumed dead back on Azeroth, but was in fact the leader of the dwarf movement in Outland, specifically Shadowmoon Valley.

"What is there ta report?" Said Kurdran bluntly. It was clear he wasn't a dwarf who liked to waste time.

After a second of no one responding, Myana spoke. "We looked at the demonic outpost, like you requested. They are just busying about, we couldn't determine what they were doing other than their usual stuff. Although, we did witness them corrupting an earth elemental."

"Dammit," Kurdran stroked his beard, apparently lost in thought. Half a minuted passed. "Well, ye got back here safe an' sound, so here's me reward, like I promised." He tossed a coin bag at the human, who was surprised and amazed at the weight of it. He had to force back a grin.

Suddenly there was a massive explosion. A redfaced dwarven warrior ran into the room, "We're under attack!"

Kurdran responded with lightning speed. "Te the battlements! Adventurers, I need ye help again, I know ye were plannin' on heading back to Shattrath, but do this last one fer me." It was more of a command than a request, but the group obliged anyway.

And so again began yet another assault.
Chapter 3

The group double-timed it out of the building, to see the sky on fire. Green tinged meteors rained from the sky and pounded to the floor, creating small craters that sent dust flying in all directions. A few seconds after impact, each rock unraveled to reveal an Infernal, each gleaming hot with rage, ready to bring the destruction their masters so dearly crave.

Those dwarves who were fighting earlier managed to run past the doors, just as they were banged shut and refortified with strong metal bars. Hogarth, who was actually fully awake at the moment, ran up the slope towards the battlements, joining the rest of the dwarven archers to repel the first of the waves. There were a few moments of silence... then it all kicked off; a frantic releasing of all bows, catapults, and any other ranged weapons that were available. Demons bellowing with pain and anger. It wouldn't take much for the Legion to get a lucky shot of an Infernal meteor inside the stronghold, then the real slog would begin.

Materalus sprinted up the slope and begin pelting the demons with magic. Ice shards rained upon those Infernals that were advancing, some even freezing to the
floor, it helped the battle, but it was evident that they would eventually reach the walls. Myana and Semellet were rushing around, taking up the jobs of field medics along with the seasoned dwarven first aiders, who were mostly paladins, but the occasional priest could be seen through the chaos. The others had to make do with self-prepared bandages until proper help arrived.

About four minutes into the fight, the Legion began sending in Doomguards. A wave of dread washed over a few of the Alliance army, but they did not break. Some soldiers took it in their stride, revelling in the challenge despite the very real threat. Outside the stronghold, the ground was littered with broken up rock, still slightly glowing green-yellow with the corrupted power reluctant to leave the tool it was controlling. Fewer still were the corpses of Doomguards, who were typically more hardy than the Infernals. The Infernals were almost regarded as cannon fodder, their only point is to send enough in to weaken and tire the enemy, and then send in the elites to finish them off with a quick blow. At the moment this was not the case, the dwarves fought as strong and as determined as ever, nothing would come between them and the protection of their homes.

Infernals were constantly hammering on the doors, but they were being picked off before they could do any major damage. The addition of forces has made this significantly more difficult, however. When the first Doomguard reached the strong wooden doors, it lurched from the weight of the first blow. The demon was took down quickly, but another was suddenly in its place, it wasted no time in wreaking damage upon the door. The dwarves that were a part of the 'welcoming party' stood their ground until the first collision. Half the squad slammed their body masses into the gate in a vain attempt to keep it closed. A purple fist slammed through the door, knocking several warriors to the floor, it spun around and opened, and then began to recede. The hand grabbed an edge of the hole and pulled, ripping a a massive chunk of wood out. It didn't get much further before the team on the battlements rained their shots down on it.

Fortunately, most of the fight was now on the other side of the complex, allowing a couple of crudely battle-equipped blacksmiths a small time to rush to their forges for any scrap they might seal the leak with, there was no time to waste. A minute later they returned, holding several metal sheeting, the strongest they could find. One dwarf assessed the situation and shook his head.

"It be be pointless to repair it as is, because it'd only take another attack similar to last time for it ta reopen!! One of us needs ta go ootside and cover it there!"

After zero volunteers, the speaker bravely accepted. The warrior's muscles strained as the doors opened slightly, and the smith nipped out and began hammering a makeshift repair. It was at this moment an Infernal caught sight of this meddler, it roared and marched towards the dwarf. Panicking, the smith managed to hammer in one last bolt, and sprint inside just before the demon arrived. The corrupted elemental spotted the metal that was roughly hanging to the wood, underestimating the dwarves' ability to work metal, let alone in short spaces of time, and began punching and clawing at the repairs, to no avail. The bowmen cheered at the fast craftsmanship and defeated the Infernal where it stood.

Minutes that seemed like hours passed, and the demons retreated after a seemingly relentless assault. The besieged stronghold gladly snapped up this opportunity for a quick rest, for the next wave would surely be upon them soon, and most likely in greater force.
Chapter 4

The so-called break was actually a mass rush to heal the injured, restock on ammunition in quivers and pouches, bark new orders, and move those who could no longer fight (but were still alive) to the keep. It wasn't an enjoyed moment, but it was appreciated. If the Legion were to bring a bigger force than this, Wildhammer Stronghold surely would not last. They needed reinforcements. There was one problem though. The demon army was between the dwarves, and any other road, and taking a gryphon was out of the question. The Wildhammers savoured their gryphons, and each and every one had their value in battle, and they could not afford to lose one now (for no one knew how long they would be gone, or that they might ever return, cowardice or otherwise).

Kurdran could be seen sharpening his sword on a grindstone, perhaps he knew that this time they may not be so lucky as to keep them out. He stopped to inspect his handiwork and, satisfied it was sharp enough, walked towards the group of the Outcasts, who were in one corner, discussing a strategy.

"I need one o' ye..." The Outcasts stopped talking and turn to look at the diminuitive but very powerful dwarf. Suddenly he pointed at Materalus. "I need ye ta go ta Shattrath, teleport yaself. Bring back anyone ye can find!"

Mat, disappointed at the loss of battle prospect, saluted, said his goodbyes and good lucks to the group, moved a short distance away, and prepared his spell. It wasn't a difficult spell, he'd done it hundreds of times before. But this time felt different. He knew that there was the possibility he would not see his friends again. But he was too determined for that. He readied himself, and began collecting the arcane energy required to shift locations. As the energy built up, his feet began to tingle, then his legs, and gradually most of his body. Mat felt he was ready, and released the magic. Suddenly he was pulled into darkness, falling, falling, then his feet arrived on solid ground. Usually at this point (and the same to any unwary mage) he would stumble, but he managed to regain his balance before he fell on his arse.

The other three of the guild looked worried as their mage disappeared in a flash of light. It was either make or break this time around, with them stuck in the middle of it. This would not be a pretty fight.

"This waiting's killing me," said Hogarth.

"Well, if you wait a bit longer the demons might be able to help you with that," Semellet replied, with a smirk.

Myana chipped in. "It's not funny."


Hogarth, fed up of waiting, wanting to contribute, sped off to the ramparts, and spied over the battlements. Using his far-seeing hunter-sight, he could spot the demons in the distance, milling about, no doubt formulating the demise of the dwarves and their pesky allies. Hogarth startled... he saw at the head of the army, an Eredar! If the Doomguards were huge, then the Eredar were gargantuan. Even the smallest of Eredar would tower over the massive wall that the hunter now stood on. They were often chosen for big operations, and they usually succeeded. It takes a big group of hardy adventurers to be able to fell one. Of course the Outcasts had faced Eredar before, but now Hogarth feared for his brethren, he doubted that brute force on it's own would be able to help them out of this battle. He ran down to Kurdran to inform him of the bad news.

There was much swearing, but there wasn't time for much else, for right then the war cries of hundreds of demons shook everyone to their core. A mass panic, as everyone rushed to their posts that they had taken up previously, trying as best as they could to cover the gaps in their lines where their brothers-in-arms had fallen and been taken away. This time there were no more meteors, Legion Hold was confident that they had enough force to crush their enemies this time around. Doomguards split their forces into units, and began to advance.

The dwarves braced themselves, gripping bows and arrow shafts. A commander signalled. Bowstrings were flexed as the first volley bore down on the demonic army. Several fell. The inexorable mass pressed on, hardly caring for those who were lost to them. The weak fall, the strong stand tall. The first unit reached the wall, banged into it, shook the wall to its foundations. But it would not budge. Arrows pierced corrupted bulk, and the energy dissipated whilst the corpse plunged to the ground. Four other squads found the walls and began tearing at them. Another commenced the pulverisation of the door.

It was all going to hell. The shit hit the fan. The dwarves simply could not withstand the onslaught. A few warriors took shadow bolts to the chest, and died where they stood. Thrown boulders smashed into the walls. Some split. Battlements caved in. Those dwarves who were behind the walls had to shield themselves from falling rocks, and being flattened, many dived out of the way, others raised their solid shields over their heads as rocks clanged into them. Fewer still weren't so lucky, crushed. Myana, Semellet and the medics were worked into overdrive. They simply hadn't the damage output to drive the demons back, even if Mat was still there. They desperately needed those reinforcements, but nobody knew how many would come, how long it would be before they got to the frontlines, or if they would get there at all.

Still, the dwarves held out as best as they could. The downed two units of demons, then removed the threat at the door. They had to work systematically, with purpose, not shooting out at random targets haphazardly. As the line of fire worked its way over to the northwest, six Doomguards had reached the doors, and were trying to split the reinforced wood. Then it happened. A massive bang and the doors were open. Demons roared triumphantly, thinking victory at hand, they charged through the arches, to be met with dwarven axes. Five went down, but the other continued to bash at the sides of the entry, widening the hole, diminishing any chance to rebuild mid-fight. Several more demons flocked behind it and growled viciously at the dwarves, some batting them away, but most were still ripping at the walls. The archway suddenly collapsed, crushing a couple of demons and dwarves, and then the true invasion began.

*CRASH* A human cannonball threw a demon to the ground, from outside the wall and killed it swiftly. Another rushed in, and hew another down. Looking over the battlements there was a clear line where the demons used to be. The dwarves finished off the rest at the entrance. Grinning widely, one of the humans meandered inside, to be greeted by the three Outcasts.

"Miss me?"

"Hideo! It's about time you got off your lazy butt and came to help!" Exclaimed Semellet. "We're getting pounded."

"Luckily for you I brought some friends..."

Sprinting around the corner, Materalus looked out of breath, all he could managed was "....huff....wheeze.......people............huff.. .." before having to lean on an arm against a wall. He collected himself and tried again. "I brought help... Heh, just in time I think. I leave you for one minute and everything goes apocalyptic!" Mat wagged a finger at Sem.

Myana folded her arms, looking cross. "It wasn't very fun!"

"Well then I guess we can have some now, heheheh." This voice came from someone else. He was a human warrior. He had blonde hair, it was cut into a flat top. He hefted a huge sword in one hand, and a sturdy shield in the other.

"Who invited him here?" Said Myana, shooting a dirty look at Neokyze.

Mat shrugged. "He kind of... invited himself." He shrugged again. "We need all the help we can get."

"Damn right you do. Come on, let's go clobber stuff."

"Wait a sec. This isn't everyone. Catteeka has already started working her way up and down the lines, as well as a couple of others I managed to get ahold of." Explained Mat.

"Oh good," sighed Myana. "I was thinking we'd have to try and take down that huge army all by ourselves." She gripped her staff menacingly, and grinned slightly.

"Let's get going then!" Yelled Semellet, and everyone charged off to battle, the walls still crumbling.
Chapter 5

Mat, Myana, Sem, Hogarth, Hideo and Ky charged the length from the fortress doors into the fray, brandishing weapons and charging up spells. Hideo launched his shield into the mess, hitting several demons with big clanging sounds as it ricocheted off each one. After that got their attention, and probably sporting a nasty headache, each demon charged towards the paladin. They pounded on his shield, then were met with a hail of arrows and magic. Swords streaked across demonic flesh. The hellspawn fell. The group bounced into the next squad and systematically cut them down. It went on like this for several minutes, anything that barred their path was killed almost instantly. The air was full of vapourised demon essence, visible as a hazy green mist.

Elsewhere in the battlefield, Catteeka the gnome warrior was carving up Infernal. Her small size and lack of muscle belied her strength. She could easily hold off entire units of these things on her own, her working was slow, but with deadly accuracy. She was more at home with a blade and shield more than a scribe was with a pen. She wasn't really doing anything major, not heading toward any particular goal in the fight, not going for the leaders, not trying to find the rest of her team. They would surely find her through the massive gap in the ranks, littered with the ruined bodies of the Legion. At the moment she was just cleaning up.

Eventually, the group of the Outcasts and their plus-one reached the minitank, increasing the carnage. If one were to look from above the battlefield, they might have seen the vast lines cut into the army. The Legion was missing about a third of its soldiers. Now it turned its attention inwards, half ignoring their assault on Wildhammer Stronghold, to kill these imbeciles who would try to halt their advance. Victory was inevitable, it would happen either now or in 10 minutes, just after these bugs were crushed.

After there was a big enough area cleared, the group decided to break slightly. The caster's mana was getting low, and the tanks were tiring. Semellet looked around to see the Legion surrounding them, but none of them were daring to move for fear of being instantly cut down should they be more easy to spot than anyone else.

"It's about time we stopped killing them and go for their leader."

"Excuse me, but have you actually SEEN the size of that Eredar?" Said Myana.

"No we'll be fine, it just needs a good owning!" Exclaimed Neokyze.

"You know I'll tank for you wherever you want to go, love." Assured Catteeka.

"Come on guys, we can do this." Said a confident Hogarth.

Feeling around the air for traces of magic energy, Mat seemed satisfied that he had recharged. He nodded to show his readiness.

The group stood up, and glared around at the demons that were in the way of the Eredar. A lot of them cowered, but those lined behind them pushed them forward, because then the Outcasts would have to get past those first. A few demons began to chant and jeer at the group, and those were the first to taste death from one of Hogarth's keen arrows, just because they were annoying him. The Outcasts and the plus one began to advance once more. Three frostbolts whizzed over Neo's shoulder in quick succession and whammed into a Doomguard, killing it. The tanks reached the front line, Hideo began by sending a circular blast of holy light in a few metres radius around him, scorching the unholy Legion, too distracted by the pain to concentrate their attacks on a single target, and were quickly felled. Neokyze jumped over a corpse and planted his blade through the chest of a Doomguard, whilst Catteeka zoomed across to another, swiftly removing its lower legs from beneath it. With the demon at a more manageable height, the gnome dealt the killing blow and moved onto the next in line.

Carving their way through the ranks, the group inched forward, demon commanders urging their forces to throw themselves into the path of the Alliance members to slow their inexorable advance. A couple of minutes later, they had their first sight of the Eredar leading the attack on the dwarven stronghold. Its stance was stoic, and though it was rare for demons to show such emotion, there were worry lines crinkling it's forehead. This Eredar must've been the one that has suffered the most defeats in past operations in Shadowmoon Valley. That is the reason why he lashed out at the dwarves... vengeance.

Some demons tried to surround the group, but they were quickly put to rest by a few radial blasts of arcane energy from the mage. In the end, it was just the group and the Eredar. The demons who remained kept a far distance, from cowardice or common sense it was hard to tell. The Eredar's face remained passive and lazily gestured towards the Outcasts.

"You will not stop us."

Hearing no response it continued. "The Legion will conquer all. The mighty Sargeras will destroy this pitiful place, and then will crush Azeroth. Because of your insolence, your suffering will be tenfold!"

Neokyze laughed. "Shut up fool! Meet my friend; PAIN!" He jumped forward and tried to slash with his sword, but the Eredar merely batted him away with a heavy hand. Kyze hit the floor hard, but his stubbornness (or thick headedness?) meant he was unaffected for the most part. He stood up again, though a little woozy. Myana chucked a heal his way and he felt slightly better.

"I will show you who the fool is..." Boomed the Eredar, still slightly passive, but a small smile crept onto his features. "I will make you all wish you had never been born!"

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