Interaction Indicator
Interaction Indicator

This small eventing system allows you to have an indicator that a player can interact with something in the game world best used for treasure chests and item pick ups. This system is very similar to the explanation mark indicator in Final Fantasy IX.

[Image: Interaction1.png]
[Image: Interaction2.png]

Required Image
You will need this image to make the explanation animation.
Content Hidden

Animation Set Up
First lets set up the animations you will need.
  • First make an animation using the graphic above so that the explanation mark appears and stays in place. This should not prove to difficult just make it similar to the "Emotion - !" animation in the RTP. The key difference here however is that you want this animation to last for 200 frames. That's 200 frames of the explanation mark showing. Note that in order for this to sit over the characters head the coordinates for the animation should be about -104, -112. Name this animation 'Show !'
  • Next make another animation called '! Dispose.' This animation should be about 3 frames long and shows the explanation disappearing. Using the above animation the first two frames would be a whole explanation mark and the third would be the small blank circle on the top left of the animation sheet.
  • Now create an animation called '! Cancel' It should be one frame long and should just be completely blank.
  • Create a switch called '! Showing'
Common Event Set Up
Next we will set up the common events needed for the system.
  • Create a common event called 'Show !' Script it as follows.
@>Show Animation: Player, [Show !]
@>Control Switches : [0001: ! Showing] = ONCallCall
  • Call the next common event '! Interacted'
Branch: Switch [0001: ! Showing] == ON
@>Show Animation: Player, [! Dispose]
@>Control Switches: [0001: ! Showing] = OFF
  • The last common event event should be called ! Cancel
@>Conditional Branch: Switch [0001: ! Showing] == ON
@>Show Animation: Player, [! Dispose]
@>Control Switches: [0001: ! Showing] = OFF
@>Show Animation: Player, [! Cancel]
Branch End
Now with that set in place let me tell you how to use this next to the interactable object you need to create a few events. Here is a screen to help me illustrate what I mean.

[Image: Interaction3.png]
  • First off all these events other than the interaction object in this case a chest must be set to the 'Player Touch' trigger.
  • Next to your chest, cupboard, important person, ect place event 1 on the map. This is a player touch event and it calls the common event ' Show !' This will show your animation when the player is near the interactable object.
  • In the bordering squares create event 2. This again is a player touch event and it calls the common event '! Cancel' This way when the player leaves the area the animation is disposed.
  • Last create event 3 which should be your normal interactable event. The only difference is that right at the top you will place the common event '! Dispose'
FAQ and Credits
Please credit me should you use this system in your game. I await any questions.

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