Side-View Battles
by RPG Advocate
saved from Phylomortis.Com
This script is a simple script to implement side-view battles. Modification is required if you want the characters to walk up to the monsters and attack, for instance.
Originally, the first block of code in his script should replace Game_Actor#Screen_X. The second block should replace Game_Actor#Screen_Y. The last block should replace Window_BattleStatus#Update. Now, it has been retooled to be a simple plug-n-play script.
If you want to change the arrangement of the party members on the battle screen, play around with the return values of Game_Actor#Screen_X and Game_Actor#Screen_Y until you find something you like. Please note that the coordinates provided in this script are intended to be used with battler images the size of map sprites. If you keep the full-size battler sprites, this script will make your battles look really stupid.
# ** Game_Actor
# This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
# * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
def screen_x
if self.index != nil
return self.index * 40 + 360
return 0
# * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
def screen_y
return self.index * 20 + 220
# ** Window_BattleStatus
# This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
# * Frame Update
def update
if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
self.contents_opacity = 255