Manual Experience Table Enumeration
Manual Experience Table Enumeration
by RPG Advocate
saved from Phylomortis.Com

This script allows you to define a character's experience requirements for each level manually. To use the manul experience table setup, create a filec called actor[number]exp.rxdata, where [number] is the actor ID of the character whose experience table is being created. For example, for actor #1, the file would be called actor1exp.rxdata.

You can put any comments you like on seperate lines. The only lines that will be read are those lines that contain only numbers and spaces. On lines with multiple numbers, the last number is the one that will be used.

NOTE: The experience tables, though they have .rxdata extensions, are still .txt files. They will not be encrypted with the rest of your game if you choose to encrypt your demo. You'll have to supply the files seperately.


Manual Experience Table

Sample data table

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