Support Abilities
Support Abilities
Version: 1.3

This script allows you to create abilities (ex counter-attacking, acting first, acting last, learning skills, etc.). The abilities can be learned by level, by class, by weapon or armor. The Players have a certain amount of slots (just like equipment) can you can set a cost limit for the players so that they can't equip lets say they have 10 points and counter is 8 points they won't be able to equip drain which is 5 points.

[Image: abilitiesvp7.png]

Download Here

Sorry not in a saving families mood right now...

Add the scripts into your project below SDK and Add Method and Class Library if you haven't already.

Copy the file Abilities.rxdata from the data folder of the demo into your project, here you can edit the Ability Data Structure, everything is explained in the text file

Also see the Setup script for Options, they are explained as well

This version comes with nine effects, add these as key/value pairs of the parameter "parameters"

'first' => true
Acts First

'last' => true
Acts Last

'drain' => percentage (0 random)
When Attacking Drains percentage% Hp (from damage)

'damage_sp' => percentage (0 random)
When Attacking Deals perecntage% of sp damage (from damage) as well

'learning' => chance
When Attacked by a skill has a chance chance of learning it (if a learnable skill)

'counter' => chance (0 desparation)
When Attacked, has a chance chance of counterattacking (if chance is 0 then more of a chance when hp is lower)

'regenerate' => [chance, amount] (0-desparation, 0-random)
When Attacked, has a chance chance of regenerating amount% of hp (if chance is 0 then more of a chance when hp is lower)

'auto_skill' => [chance, skill ids]
when Attacked has a chance chance of using a skill (if can't use the first skill in list then moves to second)

NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE TEXT FILE IT SAYS 'auto_skill' => [skill ids] IT IS ACTUALLY THE ABOVE (too sleepy/lazy to reupload demo, atm)

'skills' => [skill ids]
Skill ids learned when ability is equipped

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

SDK compliant
requires MACL V1.5 or greater
Incompatible with RTAB

Credits and Thanks
Thank Night (Nocturne|Captain_Jack) for his terrible requesting skills, actually the script I gave him has a lot more effects, and more code. This is just a spinoff of the result of his bad requesing XD

Author's Notes
Not integrated into the DMS, as it isn't the focus of this script, though If you asked nicely and If I'm not in a destroying families mood. I may put your name on the very bottom of the merge with CMS list and then forget about you XD (I may be kidding or not...)

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.

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