Monster Arena
Monster Arena
Version: 1.0

This is just the topic Coliseum Monster Battles from I just changed the name. This script allows the player to bet on a monster (out of a maximum of 8) and then watch the monsters battle in a fight

*  Bet on one monster to get a place (first, second, third, last)
*  Bet on if the monster escapes or dies
*  Bet on the number of turns the battle lasts
*  Bet on how much damage the monster inflict
*  The monsters fight each other


Note the changes and comments in the demo (there are also changes in Scene_Title & Game_Battler 3) The Instructions are given in the demo

First you must call

where levelmin and levelmax define the level of the battlers which can be defined within the script min and max is the minimum and maximum number of battlers (do no let the minimum be 1) and mixing is an optional parameter and you let this be true if you want interlevel mixing or false to have all battlers be the same level

in the event where you call Scene_Arena you can declare these two variables
$game_system.ticket_rate is how much the ticket costs
$game_system.max_bet is the maximum amount that the player is allowed to bet

in the final version I will let the currency used be something else and another event where you could exchange the points for prizes (ie skills, items, weapons, and other stuff like full healing)

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

Should be compatible with all scripts not making any promises though

Author's Notes
This script is only 95% complete now You can still download the demo and tell me what you think of this system or changes that I should make for the final update (would be greatly appreciated) I still have to
1) Redesign some windows
2) Clean up code
3) Game_Rate update
4) An Optional Points system

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.
The Trickster License V1.0

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