Active Timer CBS
Active Timer CBS
Version: 3.0.1

This script transforms the Group Turns Based Battle System (aka DBS) into a ATB Active Timer System.

Download Here

Sorry but the families shouldn't battle in this style.

Okay I am going to make this as clear as possible

Initial Directions
  • First Download the Demo via the Download Manager
  • Get Winzip, Ultimatezip, or some other crazy program to open zip files, and install it.
  • Find the downloaded file
  • Right Click on the file and select Extract or Open your Unzipping program and Extract the files from the archive
  • Open RPG Maker XP if you haven't already
  • Open the Project File
  • Copy Each Script from the demo or paste them all into one script and add that, I only have it in multiple script form for organization.
  • Setup the Gradient Bars if you want
  • Find the Setup Portion of the CTB Battle System Script
  • Get yourself a snack

Setup and Customization
Now I am going to explain this a second time, the code in the setup is already commented once with the instructions, but I'm going to explain it again code by code
--System Options
        # * The Speed of the System in Frames
        Speed = 100

The Speed of the system this affects how long it takes for the first person's bar to fill.
        # * How the Speed is Based
        #     0: Current_Action.Speed 1: Agility
        Base_Speed = 0

How the speed is based use 0 for speed (agi + rand(10 + agi / 4)) or 1 for agility
        # * At Gain
        #     0: Random 1: Steady
        At_Gain = 1[/code[

      How the bars fill use 0 for a random rate or 1 for a steady rate
[*][code]        #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # * At Max
        At_Max = 65536

Don't worry about this, it has little effect on the execution of this script. but its the maximum at.
        # * Full At Se
        #     syntax -, volume, pitch)
        Full_At_Se ="033-Switch02")

When the bar is filled this sound effect is played. if volume is not specified it is assumed at 100, and if pitch is not specified it is assumed at 100 as well.[/list]

--Action Cost Setup
This section of the setup defines the cost, which is how much the bars go down after acting the values here are to be given as percentages (0-100)
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Attack for Actors
            #     syntax - actor_id => cost
            Action_Attack_Actor = {}

    This is the cost to attack per actor if their weapon is not found in the Weapon Cost hash then it will get the value from here.
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Attack for Weapons
            #     syntax - weapon_id => cost (Do not setup 0)
            Action_Attack_Weapon = {}

    This is the cost to attack per weapon. if the weapon id is not found here then it will look at the value defined per actor.
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Attack for Enemies
            #     syntax - enemy_id => cost
            Action_Attack_Enemy = {}

    This is the cost for enemies to attack.
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Defend (Percentage)
            Action_Defend = 50

    This is the cost to defend
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Escape (Percentage)
            Action_Escape = 75

    This is the cost to escape
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Wait (Percentage)
            Action_Wait = 25

    This is the cost to wait
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Per Skill
            #     syntax - skill_id => cost
            Action_Skill = {}

    This is the cost to use a skill, if the value for a skill isn't defined the default is used (see below)
  • Code:
            # * Action Cost Per Item
            #     syntax - item_id => cost
            Action_Item = {}

    This is the cost to use an item, if the value for an item isn't defined then the default is used (see below)
  • Code:
            # * Default Action Cost
            Action_Default = 100

    This is the big default if a action is not attacking, defending, using a skill or item, waiting, or escaping then this value is used
  • [code #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # * Default Cost To Attack
    Action_Attack = 100[/code]

    This is another big default, If the value for Weapon and Actor is not defined for an actor or the Value for Enemy is not defined for an enemy then this value is used
  • Code:
            # * Default Cost For Using A Skill
            Action_Skill.default = 100

    This is another default if the value for a skill is not defined then this value is used
  • Code:
            # * Default Cost For Using An Item
            Action_Item.default = 100

    Yet another default if the value for an item is not defined then this value is used.
  • Code:
            # * Do Not Touch Unless you know what you are doing
            Action_Attack_Actor.default = Action_Attack
            Action_Attack_Enemy.default = Action_Attack

    This is another one of those do not touch sections, This sets the defaults for the attack hashes.

--Action Timer Setup
This section of the setup defines time to wait before the action is made. The values here are to be given in frames.

Its setup the same way as the Action_Costs the hashes work the same way except for different names refer to the corresponding entry in he Acton cost setup for more information

Note: Permission granted by Trickster to post:
Quote:And if you post what you have now of my stuff then you don't have the latest versions. I'm too lazy/busy to post stuff.
As this is his material, it is deletable upon his request. Due to his current absense, no support is available. Please do not PM or eMail him for support.

SDK 2.x compliant
Requires Method and Class Library V1.5 or greater
I am not promising compatibility with all other battle addons, but if there is then it is something minor, inform me and I'll create a patch (depends)

Credits and Thanks
All of the people who helped with the CTB Battle System

Author's Notes
Based on The CTB Battle System and the CTB+ATB Battle System

Terms and Conditions
Hey, I posted this publicly. You can use it. What do you expect? But if you do use it, I do expect you to spell my name correctly in your game. And yes you can use it in commercial games too.

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